Are You Listening To What Your Skin Is Telling You?

Did you know that your skin leaves you little cues and reminders of exactly what it needs? You’d be surprised and shocked to know how many clients don’t know that your skin tells you it’s concerns and what needs changed. If you are aware that little tips are left, then you will be waiting to hear what you should be doing next.

Here are a couple of things I hear from clients. Maybe you’ll recognize your voice in there too.

“My skin feels fine after I wash, but by noon, it’s so greasy!”

First thing I would be checking is your moisturizer. Many of these clients feel like their skin is oily, so they skip that step. But if your skin feels dry, what will your cells signal to happen? Dry —-> must mean I need to produce more oil! All skin types should moisturize. It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you! It can be done!

“My skin is dry but oily and combo. I don’t know what’s happening.”

My recommendation here is to evaluate your exfoliants. A - Are you exfoliating? B - How often are you exfoliating? C - Are you using the right type of exfoliation?

Examining this just a little further.

A - Are you exfoliating?

Every skin needs to be exfoliated. As we age, we might need to step up our intensity. Also, if you are an acne prone person, you definitely need to make sure you are on this step.

B - How often are you exfoliating?

In general, most types of exfoliation should be used 1-3 times a week. Check with your esthetician to know how often you should be using yours.

C - Are you using the right type of exfoliation?

Acne and aging clients should (in general) be avoided harsh scrubs. Sometimes enzymes and chemical exfoliants are just as effective or more so than the mechanical (scrubbies).

“My skin just feels red and sensitive all the time.”

If this is you, are you over doing it with home skin care? Seriously, take a look at the products you are using and how frequently you are using them. If you are feeling red and sensitive, I would back off retinols and very active products. Let’s go back and make sure that the barrier of your skin (which is the most important job for your skin) is working properly and then add in the active ingredients that you so desperately want to be using for anti-aging.

So … what is your skin telling you? Are you listening or ignoring these simple cues that could get you the best skin of your life? Go see your Esthetician for a facial and the home care to set yourself up for success!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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