waxing, pocatello waxing Zoey Jolley waxing, pocatello waxing Zoey Jolley

What Clients Want Their Estheticians to Know - Waxing Edition

If you’ve ever been in a wax before (or maybe you’re still too scared,) you might have thought to yourself, I wish I could tell my Esthetician _________ (fill in the blank.)

Estheticians actually really want to know what you are thinking. So even if it’s hard, I encourage you to speak up.

“Practice what you preach” day is my favorite day of the month. I always look forward to treating myself to self care and skin care (aka = facials.) Sometimes it’s even a relaxing massage.

But in 2024, I found myself with perioral dermatitis, which meant no facial massage for a month!

I decided to try out different waxers in my area to still do this day.

If you’ve ever been in a wax before (or maybe you’re still too scared,) you might have thought to yourself, I wish I could tell my Esthetician _________ (fill in the blank.)

Estheticians actually really want to know what you are thinking. So even if it’s hard, I encourage you to speak up.

Here’s a couple of things that I think clients want their Estheticians to know during a Brazilian Wax.

#1 - I know you see it all, but I NEVER get naked and I’m embarrassed.

Estheticians are professionals and if you see a Brazilian Wax specialist, I promise we have seen it all. But yes. It’s a good reminder for us that clients can feel embarrassed and nervous.

I hope to put you at ease the moment you walk through the doors.

#2 - The wax feels hot.

Yes. Please let us know! Some clients are more sensitive to the heat in general. Also, second passes (known as clean up strips) will always feel hotter because there isn’t as much hair as a barrier AND that area has already been waxed. It’s your body’s way of letting you know that something is happening down there.

Sometimes I may be able to turn the heat down a smidge OR twirl the wax a few more seconds. Comfort is my middle name!

#3 - My hip flexors are getting tired. OR… muscle cramp!

Yes! Every client has different flexibility. So if your hip flexors are getting tired, let your waxer know before you immediately have to switch positions (which always happens when we have wet wax.)

There is more than one way to position clients. And I want you to be as comfortable as possible!

#4 - I have to syke myself out everytime I come here and I don’t think it’ll get any better.

Also, please know that this is completely normal! I find that waxing is a mind game. But feel free to let your Esthetician know. We may be able to offer some tips and tricks.

One of those tricks is to tell yourself it’s only 10-15 minutes of discomfort for a month’s worth of comfort!

Thank you for coming to experience your Brazilian Wax with me! I love doing everything in my power to make your experience 5 stars each and every time.

If I can do anything to make you more comfortable, just let me know!

Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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facials Zoey Jolley facials Zoey Jolley

What Clients Want Their Esthetician To Know - Facial Edition

As I’ve been a client, I have thought about the things that I wish I could tell the Estheticians that I see. And I sometimes do!!!

Definitely know that your Esthetician WANTS to hear exactly what you thinking, so if there is ANYTHING that he/she could do to make you more comfortable at your appointment, please speak up! We know it’s not personal.

If you’ve been here for awhile, you know that I absolutely LOVE and look foward to my “Practice What You Preach Day".

This day is about receiving a facial from another Esthetician and becoming the client instead of the person behind the chair. I schedule at least one service a month. I want to make sure that I am offering the very best to you!

There’s so much to learn, and I’m so glad that I’ve made this practice a habit.

As I’ve been a client, I have thought about the things that I wish I could tell the Estheticians that I see. And I sometimes do!!!

Definitely know that your Esthetician WANTS to hear exactly what you thinking, so if there is ANYTHING that he/she could do to make you more comfortable at your appointment, please speak up! We know it’s not personal.

#1 - The facial massage is too much (or too little)!

The massage is one of the most important parts, and often what sets Estheticians apart from each other. Easy to ease up or add a little more pressure.

#2 - Please turn the heat on the table down (or up)!

It’s just a click of a button.

#3 - I need to adjust (knees, neck, etc.)!

The table should be comfortable for you. So if you need the knees up or down, or the neck bolster to be placed differently, go ahead and speak up!

#4 - I love this certain part of the facial!

Whatever it is that makes the facial 5 stars for you, let your Esthetician know. That way, next time, they could spend more time on that step!

Little things make a big difference, and it’s okay to say both your favorite parts and what you’d like different next time. Our job is to make your experience the best ever so that you’ll be dreaming about it until you return!

Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

What’s the Best Frequency For Waxing?

If you’re new to waxing, welcome! I love to share the best information possible with clients!

One of those things is the frequency of when you should be waxing.

So let’s review the basics.

If you’re new to waxing, welcome! I love to share the best information possible with clients!

One of those things is the frequency of when you should be waxing.

So let’s review the basics.

Hair Growth Cycles —-> 3 different cycles that grow, rest and fall out… then repeat!

Each hair is on a different cycle, but the goal is to get them to sync up with consistent waxing.

The Discomfort —-> Minimize this by coming in BEFORE 6 weeks.

At 6 weeks, all of the ‘innerds’ of the hair structure are completely back to ‘normal’ which means the pain will be the same.

Syncing the Hairs —-> It takes (on average) 3-4 waxing cycles (my recommendation is every 4 weeks to start) to get those hairs to sync.

Expert tip - At least 90% of my clients thrive on this schedule!

You’ll think at 4 weeks that you aren’t ready for a wax. But I promise that this is how we get to the longer lasting wax.

I also will let you know if we need to change up the amount of time between waxes.

Here’s a testimonial from one of my clients, April.

“After several long conversations with Zoey, I made the decision to switch from a 6-week to a 4-week waxing schedule, and it’s been a game-changer. I’m experiencing less pain during the wax, fewer ingrown hairs, and staying baby-smooth for much longer.”

If you’re unsure of where to start, start waxing every 4 weeks. Your waxer will definitely let you know if that time frame needs to be adjusted for your individual needs.

Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

If Pain Matters to You… Part II

If you haven’t already read about the things you can DO to help minimize discomfort, head on over to Part I.

Here’s my top list of things that clients try to help eliminate the pain. But instead, they easily do the opposite.

If you haven’t already read about the things you can DO to help minimize discomfort, head on over to Part I.

Here’s my top list of things that clients try to help eliminate the pain. But instead, they easily do the opposite.

#1- Caffeine

This might seem like a no brainer, but caffeine is a stimulant which makes your pores tighten. This causes more pain when the root of the hair is removed through that pore.

Why clients try it —-> Generally it’s part of their morning routine. Or they think it will help syke themselves out or hype them up to get through the service.

What to do instead —-> Hit the coffee/soda shop right after your appointment.

#2- Alcohol

Alcohol increases blood flow which makes your skin more sensitive and reactive, causing things like strawberry skin or pinpoint bleeding.

Why clients try it —-> Clients think that alcohol numbs physical pain too and don’t realize that dehydration in the skin increases pain tremedously.

What to do instead —-> Avoid alcohol 24 hours before an appointment and increase water to hydrate your skin. This increases elasticity, making the body less sensitive to the discomfort.

#3- Numbing Creams

This seems like a good idea, but it can make the skin extremely sensitive to the heat of the wax. It can also make the waxing products hard to adhere to the area that is being waxed.

Why clients try it —-> The thought of feeling nothing down there like an epidural sounds life changing.

What to do instead —-> Try an over the counter pain reliever.

#4- Skipping the grow out period

The truth is, 2 weeks MINIMUM is needed post shaving to get 95% plus of the hairs. Shorter hairs means more pain.

Why clients try it —-> 2 weeks sounds like death to those who are daily shavers. And they think their hair grows fast. (Spoiler alert - 99.9% are normal)

What to do instead —-> Plan ahead, toss the razor out of your shower, and give at least 2 weeks worth of growth. Bonus tip - 3-4 weeks growth will actually be easier for you and your waxer!

#5- Picking the wrong waxer

When selecting your Esthetician, I always recommend asking friends and looking at Google. But here’s an extra tip! Check out their booking site. If the service is scheduled for longer than 30-45 minutes, it’s likely that they don’t do a lot of Brazilian Waxes OR that they are new.

Why clients try it —-> They want to save $10.

What to do instead —-> Choose a beauty professional that does a large quantity of Brazilian waxing. You won’t regret it!

Is there anything else you have tried that you don’t recommend?

Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

If Pain Matters To You…

While waxing is not a completely pain free treatment, there are several ways to minimize the discomfort.

Today, I’m sharing my top 5 tips for a more comfortable wax!

#1 - Consistent, regular wax appointments

The more regular you are with waxing, the less discomfort you will have! I always say, the first wax is the worst. When you come back for wax #2, it will be half the pain or less. And for the first 4(ish) waxes, I think it just keeps getting easier! Plus, this is how we get thinner, finner and even sparser hair. It’s by consistent, regular waxes!

The how —-> The build up of dead skin cells, oil and even product is called sheathing. If you come in before the 6 week mark, the sheathing can’t rebuild in the hair root. And the sheathing is what causes the pain!

#2- Exfoliate & Hydrate

Gently exfoliating the area of removing hair. This is important to do before your waxes and about twice a week between wax appointments.

And what we exfoliate, we must hydrate. This makes sure that the hairs don’t break as they are removed.

The how —-> Before your first appointment, use a warm washcloth in the shower (gently) and a lightweight moisturizer. After your first wax, I’ll show you the tools that will help treat and prevent ingrowns. These are formulated for the Brazilian area and are a must for everyone who wants smooth skin!

#3- Try a pain reliever

If you’re especially nervous for waxing, you can choose to take a pain reliever such as Tylenol 45 minutes before your appointment time.

The how —-> Tylenol can increase the body’s pain threshold while blocking the pain receptors to the brain.

#4- Have reasonable expectations

With a waxing service, we are ripping the hair out by the root. Because of this, there are a couple pulls that are uncomfortable.

Also, waxers aim to remove all of the hair, but sometimes this is not possible due to hair growth cycles.

The how —-> Know that breathing is critical… and plan on a great mind game during your service. You can do anything for 10 minutes!!!

If you are a regular shaver, the longer that you wait to come in for first wax, the better (aim for 3-4 weeks.) But if you need to come in 2 weeks after your last shave, know that not all hairs will be able to be removed because they won’t be quite long enough. We’ll be able to get those at your 2nd wax.

#5- Choosing the right Esthetician

Pick a Brazilian Wax expert. This is someone who does a large quantity of them and has learned many techniques and different tricks to help each individual client. They also will pick a high quality wax that will help you to achieve the best results possible.

The how —-> Ask your friends or search on Google and read reviews. You can also ask in mom FaceBook groups who they recommend for waxing.

If you learned something, stay tuned for Part II where we explore the don’t’s of managing your pain.

Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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If I Can Only Use One Product, What Should I Spend My Money On?

So you are on a budget, but skin care is important! How do you decide which product that you should spend your money on? The choices are limitless, but there is one that will help make more of a difference.


So you are on a budget, but skin care is important! How do you decide which product that you should spend your money on? The choices are limitless, but there is one that will help make more of a difference.

How about I give you clues and you see if you can guess what it is?

Clue #1 - This product is one that stays on the skin. So you don't rinse or wipe it off.

Clue #2 - This product is always the very last one to put on the skin.

Clue #3 - This product is considered either physical or chemical ... though some of them are both.

After reading clue #1, you should have eliminated a cleanser, exfoliant and mask, since these products are taken off of the skin. Maybe with clue #2, you thought moisturizer, so that means that the serum is out (serum is always applied BEFORE a moisturizer.) Did clue #3 trip you up?

Well, if you only have money to spend on ONE PRODUCT, the product that will be most beneficial to the skin is ... (insert drumroll here) SPF! That's right! Sunscreen! Did you know that SPF stands for sun protection factor? We'll get into the numbers in a minute. It stays on the skin, is the very last thing you should put on, and they are classified as either physical or chemical.

How can you tell the difference between physical or chemical? The first thing is to know how they work. A physical SPF acts like a SHIELD and BLOCKS the UV rays. A chemical SPF allows the UV rays to ABSORB into the skin and then SCATTER the harmful rays. Ingredients that constitute a physical sunscreen are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Popular chemical sunscreen ingredients are avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, and oxybenzone.

An SPF 15 to SPF 30 is recommended for daily use. A broad spectrum SPF 15 protects you from 93% of the rays while SPF 30 protects up to 97%. Just 4% difference! An SPF 50 protects up to 98%.

My unpopular opinion is to use the one that you LOVE (regardless of if it is chemical or physical.) If you use a product you love, you will be sure to use it right! I offer two that are both amazing and would love the opportunity to show them to you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Wax

I LOVE waxing! It is the best and I recommend it to everyone. But Not everyone is right for waxing.

Here are the reasons why you should’t wax.

Here we are! I’m writing a blog post that I thought I would never write.

I LOVE waxing! It is the best and I recommend it to everyone. But Not everyone is right for waxing.

Here are the reasons why you should’t wax.

#1 - Certain Medications

Medications such as antibiotics and others can affect the skin and make you more sensitive. Finish the course and ask your doctor or pharmacist when is the right time to go back to waxing.

Also, being on accutance thins the skin. I require no waxing until you’ve been off the meds for a minimum of 6 months.

#2 - Shaving & Tweezing in between Appointments

You’ll never achieve a smooth period between waxes if you are shaving, tweezing or doing other hair removal at home.

Ditch the razor from the shower and hide the tweezers.

Experience the magic of waxing every 4-5 weeks.

#3 - Never exfoliating or moisturizing

After hair removal, the area needs a proper combination or exfoliating and moisturizing.

If you are not intended to do the aftercare, sadly I recommend avoiding waxing.

The hair the comes through is a very thin point of the hair and will need extra attention. Don’t worry though! The steps are easy and quick!

#4 - Not following aftercare instructions

It’s always best to avoid heat, sweating and sex for a minimum of 24 hours post waxing.

If you don’t follow these instructions, you likely will have problems. Cancel the problems and make way for smooth skin instead!

If you’ve never experienced a Brazilian Wax with Zoey, I promise that you are missing out!

Come Experience the Difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

How to be a Skin Minimalist

There’s a new trend that’s all about minimizing what you are buying and using what you have.

Since this trend is here and not going away, I’d love to share with you my top tips if you’d llike to try it!

There’s a new trend that’s all about minimizing what you are buying and using what you have.

Since this trend is here and not going away, I’d love to share with you my top tips if you’d llike to try it!

#1 - Schedule regular facial appointments

If you want to minimize what you are purchasing and using at home, you’ll need a quarterly deep cleanse and exfoliation by a professional! This will help you maintain healthy skin.

#2 - Check expirations

If you are using products that are expired, there is probably little benefit for the skin (and can also cause complications.)

Use the products that you have on a regular basis so that they don’t expire!

If anything is expired, just throw it out. Trust me on this!

#3 - Know where to spend your money

If you want to minimize your spending, there are TWO products that I’d recommend spending more money on.

Exfoliation AND serums.

Don’t forget that you MUST use sunscreen.

#4 - Stick to the core four

The skin needs (at minimum) these four products to maintain it’s current health level.

Cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and SPF.

Be consistent and regular. If you are suffering from acne or other skin concerns, you will need more than the basics.

To recap, when you are working to be a skin minimalist, make sure to schedule regular facial appointments, check expirations, know where to spend your money and stick to the core four.

If you are ready for step 1, I’m here for you to give you a heavenly facial experience.

Come experience the difference!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Your Essential Esthetics Team!

Meet your Essential Esthetics by Zoey Team!

Hello! If you are new here … or even if it’s been awhile, you may not know everyone at Essential Esthetics by Zoey.

Here’s our introductions!

Meet Zoey, Licensed Esthetician

Zoey fell in love with the spa industry in 2008. What began as a receptionist job turned into a career that she deeply loves. She has won many awards (including Idaho State Journal Reader’s Choice Awards twice 2018 and 2024, plus was featured in an international spa magazine) and she continues to prioritize education to bring you the very best experience at every appointment. Her specialty is Brazilian Waxing.

Outside of the treatment room, Zoey is a softball mama, loves to read and wear bright green flipflops. She loves being with friends and family with no specific plans… just enjoying each other’s company.

Meet Laura, Virtual Assistant

Laura started in retail, working her way up to management specializing in logistics.  Looking for a change she has spent the last decade working as a receptionist at a pediatrician’s office.  After struggling with combination skin and acne, she went to an esthetician (aka Zoey) who rescued her skin—and then jumped at the chance to work for her and bring her skills to Zoey’s business.

When Laura is not working, she runs, reads and paints.  She is the mother of a gymnast. Her family also spends time camping, kayaking and hiking.

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

When The Doubt Monster Comes Out Before Waxing

You did the hard step and booked an appointment … but now all of the fears and doubts you had from years ago start knocking on your door. I'm here to reassure you! Over 95% of clients wished that they had booked their appointments sooner.

Picture it. You’ve never waxed before, but you’ve finally decided (after years of thinking about it) to schedule a Brazilian.

You did the hard step … but now all of the fears and doubts you had from years ago start knocking on your door.

I’m here to tell you that it’s totally normal to feel nervous. You don’t truly know how it will feel for you or what to expect.

But I’m also here to tell you that out of the thousands (yes, thousands) of waxes that I’ve performed, only TWO people said that it was worse than they had anticipated. TWO!

And at least 95% of the people tell me that they wished that they had made their appointment sooner!

And so, with that knowledge in mind, here’s what you can do.

#1 - Book that appointment.

Don’t delay. Get it on the books.

#2 - Keep that appointment.

The hardest part of scheduling is done. I promise you. Don’t back out now.

Also, toss the razor OUT of the shower. You don’t want to forget and grab that razor out of habit.

#3 - Come to that appointment.

You want the results right? Smooth, hairless skin? I’ve got you covered.

We’ll go over all the things you need to know and you’ll be one of the thousands of clients that call Essential Esthetics by Zoey their waxing home.

The fear and doubts will be gone and you’ll be so happy that you did what you wanted to.

Your only regret?

Not doing it sooner!

See you soon for an exceptional waxing experience!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Waxing Throughout Every Season

Many times, I have clients ask me questions such as, “Should I wax in the winter?” “What do I do in the summertime if I’m going swimming?” I’d love to help address issues that you may have for each season.

Many times, I have clients ask me questions such as, “Should I wax in the winter?” “What do I do in the summertime if I’m going swimming?” I’d love to help address issues that you may have for each season.


Most of my clients will work their waxes around vacations. But what if you like to go swimming more often? My recommendation is to get a pair of swim shorts! If that seems like too much work you can shave the bikini line, but leave the rest. We may not be able to wax the bikini line area, but we’ll be able to stay on a regular schedule with the rest, and that’s the most important thing!


This is actually my favorite time to start getting so regular with waxing! Want to be smooth in the summer?! Then let’s start (and stay consistent) in fall! Be sure to keep up with your aftercare, especially the oil as we head into the winter months.


If you feel like your hair is growing a little slower in the wintertime, let’s push your wax back to 5 or 6 weeks, but don’t stop completely, because it will be like starting over again. Wintertime vacations are also so fun, and we can be sure to wax right before your trip.


Last, but not least, spring! Hair can pick up in the growth, but if you’ve stayed on track with waxing during all of the seasons, you won’t notice a big change. You’ll just be happy that you are getting the wanted results … NO HAIR!

If you’ve always wanted to try waxing, there is no wrong time to start! Message me and we’ll get you on the books!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Why Education Matters

Estheticians and others in the beauty industry are only as good as their instructors. If you are wondering how to choose an educated waxer or facialist, read on.

Picture it. It’s a Monday and I am waxing a repeat client who happens to be in beauty school. We start talking about education and she says this gem. “We are only as good as our instructors.”

Mic drop moment!

Here’s the thing. I mention often that I’m continuing to take courses and classes in person and online. It’s super important to me. It is NOT required in the State of Idaho to take any additional credits. Once you graduate, you can be done. And that’s how it ends for most Estheticians.

But I’ve made a commitment to continue learning. WHY?

  • To keep caught up on industry trends, new technologies and ingredients.

  • To brush up on my skills in the treatment room.

  • And because we are only as good as our instructors. If they don’t know, we don’t learn it.

I love learning from all of the experts. Their expertise fuels me to be better each day. And by learning from different instructors, I take their knowledge with me and raise the bar for myself.

So when you book your next appointment with your Esthetician, you might just want to find out if they are settling for the bare minimum required by the state or if they are jumping at the change to increase their skill set.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

The Magic of Waxing Every 4 Weeks

Did you know that there’s a perfect amount of time to go between waxes? By sticking to a consistent schedule, you can achieve maximum results from your waxes. Let’s get you to the smoothest point possible now!

You’ve made it to your first Brazilian Waxing appointment. Everything went smoothly and you are checking out. Do you really need to rebook your next appointment 4 weeks out?

The answer is YES!!!

Here’s why:

#1 - Understanding the cycles of hair growth

Each hair on the body grows, rests, and then falls out. After it falls out, another hair is ready to come in it’s place.

But do you lose all of your eyelashes at the same time?

EVERY hair is on a different cycle.

We syke the hairs out to get on the same cycle… thus ensuring that we get you to the smoothest point possible!

It takes CONSISTENT waxing to get to this point (especially early on), but it is worth it!

#2 - Less pain

You know you want a pain free service!

It may not be pain free, but it’ll be 50% less painful than the first appointment.

#3 - Smooth skin

Consistent waxing provides longer lasting results than shaving. Because we are removing hair by the root, you will enjoy longer periods of smoothness and less stubble.

#4 - Less irritation

Shaving can be very irritating to the skin, and most shavers are shaving 2-3 times a week.

Waxing is a once a month and done, so gentlier on the skin overall.

#5 - Skin exfoliation

Waxing gently exfoliates removes dead skin cells while removing the hair. This can improve skin texture and appearance.

#6 - Avoid ingrowns

Shaving causes more ingrown hairs, which are uncomfortable. Regular waxing appointments encourages the hair to return in the correct direction, which means… less ingrowns!

Your waxer really wants you to experience the magic of regular, consistent waxing every 4 weeks.

Getting longer periods of smoothness, less pain, less irritation, exfoliating the skin and avoiding ingrowns.


You’re invited to experience the difference with a Brazilian Wax Expert! Can’t wait to see you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Season for Ingrowns

Summer is the season for ingrowns. Recognize the problem and then don’t wait to contact your waxer. The solution is the right combination of exfoliation and hydration!

Pop Quiz ladies!

What season is the most for experiencing ingrowns?

If you guessed summer, you selected the right months!

Why? Because it’s warm, we are more sweaty, there’s more friction, etc.

Are you picturing it now? Perfect. Because we are going to talk about what we should do about it!

First, recognize that prevention is key. Don’t wait to buy the aftercare until you already have ingrowns. Why wait until there’s a problem?

Second, if you do start to experience issue, reach out to your waxer! Let them know and let’s get you extra goodies or adjust your routine if needed. Don’t wait until your next appointment!


TIP #1 - Step up your Exfoliation Game

This means your CONSISTENCY (twice a week.)

Exfoliate in the direction of hair growth, not in circular or backwards motions.

If you need a little more, we will switch you to one scrubbie exfoliation and one mask exfoliation.

Do not exfoliate everyday, as it could make the situation worse.

TIP #2 - Step up your Hydration Game

Say it with me! DAILY! I will hydrate the area daily.

The right hydration will keep the pores clear and allow the hairs to break through the skin without getting trapped!

This area needs a product that is specific for the Brazilian/Bikini area. Not just anything will do.

What you exfoliate, you must hydrate. It takes these two in tandum to get the smooth, hairless skin back.

Let’s work together. Come experience the difference in 2024 with a Brazilian Wax Expert! See you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

The Tea on First Time Waxing

You are probably so nervous and scared to be scheduled for your first Brazilian Wax. Here are my best tips to help you experience the best wax in 2024!

You are probably so nervous and scared to be scheduled for your first Brazilian Wax. Here are my best tips to help you experience the best wax in 2024!


First things first. You need to find an experienced waxer that is trusted in your community. Read the reviews, ask your friends or mom groups on social media.


The length of hair really matters. The minimum growth is 2 weeks from shaving, but 3 or more is actually preferred. Do not trim before your appointment. If it’s needed, we will do it at your appointment.



It’s best to exfoliate the area the morning of in the shower, avoid caffeine, and wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment.


Remember to try and breathe and relax as much as possible. We balance speed and comfort to help you feel at ease while removing all the hair.


Schedule your next appointment 4 weeks out. That’s where the magic happen!


You’ll receive the aftercare instructions and we’ll hand pick the best products to make your experience exceptional!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

What To Expect For Your First 4 Waxes

Each wax appointment is a little bit of it’s own thing. So, if you’re up for it, I’d love to explain what you can expect between each wax!

Each wax appointment is a little bit of it’s own thing. So, if you’re up for it, I’d love to explain what you can expect between each wax!

What to expect between the first and second wax

Because most of the hairs the first time you wax are in the growing cycle, this will be a pretty good wax. When you are coming in for your second wax, it probably doesn’t even feel like you need to wax.

Whatever you do, don’t cancel this appointment!

The second wax is half the pain or less (partly because you don’t have all the hair back), BUT this wax is key to getting ALL of those hairs on the same growing cycle.

Do you want to keep the smoothness for longer between each wax? Be SUPER (DUPER) consistent your first four waxes!!!

What to expect between the second and third wax

You’ll probably feel like this wax ‘wasn’t as good’, but what is really happening is that the hairs that weren’t out at your second wax appointment are saying hi! Sometimes even a couple days after your appointment.

What you need to know is that this is ALL NORMAL!

Stay the course with your aftercare and your next wax appointment in four weeks.

What to expect between the third and fourth wax

So more hair will be cycled through, but you’ll notice that your third wax was still much easier than the first and similar to the second. Your hairs are getting the hang of it, so they don’t fight as hard to be removed. They will continue their random growing cycle, but you’ll soon reap the rewards by your consistency.

Everything gets easier and easier and you’ll finally know what everyone has been raving about for years!

Congratulations for being brave and smooth! Cheers to your next wax!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

The 80/20 Rule For Skin

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule for skin care? It really applies to so many areas of life, but I can’t wait to share with you this.

What makes the biggest change in your skin? The facial treatments or the home care?

If you said home care, you are correct!!!

80% of the changes in your skin can come from what you do at home. Why? Because you see your skin everyday and have at least 2 (or more) opportunities to make it better. One time in the morning and one at night with your whole skin care routine.

Why did I add more? Because you can reapply your sunscreen throughout the day. Sunscreen is truly your #1 anti-aging product. It is the insurance that you have as you drive the new car off of the lot.

80% is just huge!

Now for the 20%. I’m sure that you are thinking, that’s not very much. 20% is not, BUT that 20% can help you leap closer to your goals instead of crawl. The 20% are what we do in the treatment room. Each facial, chemical peel, microneedling, and other facial treatments. We do things you can’t do at home to get you bigger gains.

If your budget is limited, then I suggest that you focus only on the home care. Let’s get you that 80%! I recommend that you start with The Core Four which is cleanser, toner product, moisturizer, and SPF.

If you learned something new, consider sending this (or another) article to a friend. The more you know!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Benefits of Hard Wax

There are two main types of wax and today I'm going to talk about the benefits of hard wax for you, the client.

Hard wax is a wax that sets up without the use of a strip to remove. It works by shrink wrapping around the hair becoming encased in wax and thereby removed when the piece of wax is removed from the area. Hard wax does not attach itself to the skin, so it is considered gentle and great for all skin types, especially for those that are sensitive. Depending on the brand and nature of the hard wax applied to the skin, it can be placed and removed up to six times in the same area.

When I set out to become THE Brazilian Wax Expert in Southeast Idaho, I went through a selection process where I tried 18 hard waxes in a little over a month’s time period. (God bless those clients that stuck with me.) I really wanted to make sure that I was using the wax that would remove hair most efficiently while being gentle on the skin. I found it in June 2018 … and while I’ve been using it ever since, I do have a couple of original clients that will allow me to test a new wax. (Maybe once a year.)

I absolutely LOVE using hard wax on the face and the Brazilian area. While you can use hard wax on the whole body, that is not my preference. Each type of wax has a purpose and as long as your waxer knows their products (this goes for sugaring too), then you are in good hands. I hope that you love the benefits of hard wax. I invite you to come and try a wax at Essential Esthetics by Zoey. Can’t wait to meet you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Benefits of Soft Wax

There are two types of wax. Today I wanted to explain to you, the client, the benefits of using soft wax.

Soft wax adheres directly to the skin and uses a paper or muslin to remove the wax and anything in it’s path. It is very effective at doing it’s job and you don’t have any waiting time. The wax can be applied and immediately removed. I love, love, love using this wax on the main parts of the body including chest, back, arms and legs.

One of my secrets to the best Brazilian Wax in Pocatello is that I will use the soft wax as the last step to remove the baby hairs and even hairs that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is amazing what a smooth wax that creates.

I do choose to use both types of wax in my Brazilian wax service. I know that many clients are hesitant because they believe one type of wax is better than another. But, I will stick to my guns and say that it does not matter what product the Esthetician/Waxer uses. If he/she knows their product, you will leave with a great wax.

If you have any additional questions, post them below! I’m happy to answer! I would also love to invite you to experience the difference in 2023. Can’t wait to meet you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Four Reasons Why You Need a Toner

Have you ever wondered if you need to use a toner product? Or perhaps you have wondered what exactly it does. Or why I’ve included the toner in The Core Four. Let’s discuss why!

#1 - If you are using it with an esthetic wipe or cotton round, when you wipe over your skin, this will help pick up anything leftover you didn’t get with your cleansing step. Think of it as mopping … round #2! IYKYK

#2 - Using a toner will help prepare your skin for the other products that you are going to put on after. How? Well, it will balance your skin’s pH from the cleanser and water.

#3 - Do you want more anti-aging or anti-acne or more hydration? Your toner can be the right thing for you without adding a lot of cost to your skin care routine.

#4 - The toner step is refreshing! It feels nice, light and like a breath of fresh air. It is MY favorite step in the cleansing process. Probably because it adds very little time and feels so amazing!

If you aren’t already using a toner product, I hope that you will consider trying it. I love it and think that you will too! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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