Why Education Matters

Picture it. It’s a Monday and I am waxing a repeat client who happens to be in beauty school. We start talking about education and she says this gem. “We are only as good as our instructors.”

Mic drop moment!

Here’s the thing. I mention often that I’m continuing to take courses and classes in person and online. It’s super important to me. It is NOT required in the State of Idaho to take any additional credits. Once you graduate, you can be done. And that’s how it ends for most Estheticians.

But I’ve made a commitment to continue learning. WHY?

  • To keep caught up on industry trends, new technologies and ingredients.

  • To brush up on my skills in the treatment room.

  • And because we are only as good as our instructors. If they don’t know, we don’t learn it.

I love learning from all of the experts. Their expertise fuels me to be better each day. And by learning from different instructors, I take their knowledge with me and raise the bar for myself.

So when you book your next appointment with your Esthetician, you might just want to find out if they are settling for the bare minimum required by the state or if they are jumping at the change to increase their skill set.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


Waxing Throughout Every Season


The Magic of Waxing Every 4 Weeks