What To Expect For Your First 4 Waxes

Each wax appointment is a little bit of it’s own thing. So, if you’re up for it, I’d love to explain what you can expect between each wax!

What to expect between the first and second wax

Because most of the hairs the first time you wax are in the growing cycle, this will be a pretty good wax. When you are coming in for your second wax, it probably doesn’t even feel like you need to wax.

Whatever you do, don’t cancel this appointment!

The second wax is half the pain or less (partly because you don’t have all the hair back), BUT this wax is key to getting ALL of those hairs on the same growing cycle.

Do you want to keep the smoothness for longer between each wax? Be SUPER (DUPER) consistent your first four waxes!!!

What to expect between the second and third wax

You’ll probably feel like this wax ‘wasn’t as good’, but what is really happening is that the hairs that weren’t out at your second wax appointment are saying hi! Sometimes even a couple days after your appointment.

What you need to know is that this is ALL NORMAL!

Stay the course with your aftercare and your next wax appointment in four weeks.

What to expect between the third and fourth wax

So more hair will be cycled through, but you’ll notice that your third wax was still much easier than the first and similar to the second. Your hairs are getting the hang of it, so they don’t fight as hard to be removed. They will continue their random growing cycle, but you’ll soon reap the rewards by your consistency.

Everything gets easier and easier and you’ll finally know what everyone has been raving about for years!

Congratulations for being brave and smooth! Cheers to your next wax!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.


The 80/20 Rule For Skin