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When The Doubt Monster Comes Out Before Waxing

You did the hard step and booked an appointment … but now all of the fears and doubts you had from years ago start knocking on your door. I'm here to reassure you! Over 95% of clients wished that they had booked their appointments sooner.

Picture it. You’ve never waxed before, but you’ve finally decided (after years of thinking about it) to schedule a Brazilian.

You did the hard step … but now all of the fears and doubts you had from years ago start knocking on your door.

I’m here to tell you that it’s totally normal to feel nervous. You don’t truly know how it will feel for you or what to expect.

But I’m also here to tell you that out of the thousands (yes, thousands) of waxes that I’ve performed, only TWO people said that it was worse than they had anticipated. TWO!

And at least 95% of the people tell me that they wished that they had made their appointment sooner!

And so, with that knowledge in mind, here’s what you can do.

#1 - Book that appointment.

Don’t delay. Get it on the books.

#2 - Keep that appointment.

The hardest part of scheduling is done. I promise you. Don’t back out now.

Also, toss the razor OUT of the shower. You don’t want to forget and grab that razor out of habit.

#3 - Come to that appointment.

You want the results right? Smooth, hairless skin? I’ve got you covered.

We’ll go over all the things you need to know and you’ll be one of the thousands of clients that call Essential Esthetics by Zoey their waxing home.

The fear and doubts will be gone and you’ll be so happy that you did what you wanted to.

Your only regret?

Not doing it sooner!

See you soon for an exceptional waxing experience!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Waxing Throughout Every Season

Many times, I have clients ask me questions such as, “Should I wax in the winter?” “What do I do in the summertime if I’m going swimming?” I’d love to help address issues that you may have for each season.

Many times, I have clients ask me questions such as, “Should I wax in the winter?” “What do I do in the summertime if I’m going swimming?” I’d love to help address issues that you may have for each season.


Most of my clients will work their waxes around vacations. But what if you like to go swimming more often? My recommendation is to get a pair of swim shorts! If that seems like too much work you can shave the bikini line, but leave the rest. We may not be able to wax the bikini line area, but we’ll be able to stay on a regular schedule with the rest, and that’s the most important thing!


This is actually my favorite time to start getting so regular with waxing! Want to be smooth in the summer?! Then let’s start (and stay consistent) in fall! Be sure to keep up with your aftercare, especially the oil as we head into the winter months.


If you feel like your hair is growing a little slower in the wintertime, let’s push your wax back to 5 or 6 weeks, but don’t stop completely, because it will be like starting over again. Wintertime vacations are also so fun, and we can be sure to wax right before your trip.


Last, but not least, spring! Hair can pick up in the growth, but if you’ve stayed on track with waxing during all of the seasons, you won’t notice a big change. You’ll just be happy that you are getting the wanted results … NO HAIR!

If you’ve always wanted to try waxing, there is no wrong time to start! Message me and we’ll get you on the books!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Magic of Waxing Every 4 Weeks

Did you know that there’s a perfect amount of time to go between waxes? By sticking to a consistent schedule, you can achieve maximum results from your waxes. Let’s get you to the smoothest point possible now!

You’ve made it to your first Brazilian Waxing appointment. Everything went smoothly and you are checking out. Do you really need to rebook your next appointment 4 weeks out?

The answer is YES!!!

Here’s why:

#1 - Understanding the cycles of hair growth

Each hair on the body grows, rests, and then falls out. After it falls out, another hair is ready to come in it’s place.

But do you lose all of your eyelashes at the same time?

EVERY hair is on a different cycle.

We syke the hairs out to get on the same cycle… thus ensuring that we get you to the smoothest point possible!

It takes CONSISTENT waxing to get to this point (especially early on), but it is worth it!

#2 - Less pain

You know you want a pain free service!

It may not be pain free, but it’ll be 50% less painful than the first appointment.

#3 - Smooth skin

Consistent waxing provides longer lasting results than shaving. Because we are removing hair by the root, you will enjoy longer periods of smoothness and less stubble.

#4 - Less irritation

Shaving can be very irritating to the skin, and most shavers are shaving 2-3 times a week.

Waxing is a once a month and done, so gentlier on the skin overall.

#5 - Skin exfoliation

Waxing gently exfoliates removes dead skin cells while removing the hair. This can improve skin texture and appearance.

#6 - Avoid ingrowns

Shaving causes more ingrown hairs, which are uncomfortable. Regular waxing appointments encourages the hair to return in the correct direction, which means… less ingrowns!

Your waxer really wants you to experience the magic of regular, consistent waxing every 4 weeks.

Getting longer periods of smoothness, less pain, less irritation, exfoliating the skin and avoiding ingrowns.


You’re invited to experience the difference with a Brazilian Wax Expert! Can’t wait to see you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What To Expect For Your First 4 Waxes

Each wax appointment is a little bit of it’s own thing. So, if you’re up for it, I’d love to explain what you can expect between each wax!

Each wax appointment is a little bit of it’s own thing. So, if you’re up for it, I’d love to explain what you can expect between each wax!

What to expect between the first and second wax

Because most of the hairs the first time you wax are in the growing cycle, this will be a pretty good wax. When you are coming in for your second wax, it probably doesn’t even feel like you need to wax.

Whatever you do, don’t cancel this appointment!

The second wax is half the pain or less (partly because you don’t have all the hair back), BUT this wax is key to getting ALL of those hairs on the same growing cycle.

Do you want to keep the smoothness for longer between each wax? Be SUPER (DUPER) consistent your first four waxes!!!

What to expect between the second and third wax

You’ll probably feel like this wax ‘wasn’t as good’, but what is really happening is that the hairs that weren’t out at your second wax appointment are saying hi! Sometimes even a couple days after your appointment.

What you need to know is that this is ALL NORMAL!

Stay the course with your aftercare and your next wax appointment in four weeks.

What to expect between the third and fourth wax

So more hair will be cycled through, but you’ll notice that your third wax was still much easier than the first and similar to the second. Your hairs are getting the hang of it, so they don’t fight as hard to be removed. They will continue their random growing cycle, but you’ll soon reap the rewards by your consistency.

Everything gets easier and easier and you’ll finally know what everyone has been raving about for years!

Congratulations for being brave and smooth! Cheers to your next wax!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

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Having Realistic Expectations


There are so many things that we’d like to change about ourselves. Technology is booming and we are seeing and hearing what we feel like are instant results. But in case you didn’t know, I’m going to burst your bubble. Some things take time, and it’s important to have realistic expectations.

Intimate Waxing

When coming in for a waxing service, you really are wanting to be hair free! We try and catch the hair in the growing cycle to get you smooth the longest that we can. The first wax is always a good one. When you come in for future appointments, you’ll have about half of the hair back. Since we can only wax the hair that is outside of the skin, the other hairs will pop back through slowly over time. But if you have a hair come out a couple days later, this is to be expected. The great thing is that they don’t all come through at once … and they are finer and thinner.

Facials and Skin

We all have something that we’d like to change about our skin. Since our bodies are constantly aging, a lot of what we do is slowing down the aging process. Plus taking care of acne and sun damage, etc. If we are working on acne, you will need a minimum of 4 months to clear … and that’s if we get everything right and figure out your triggers. For sun damage, I like to hit those hard starting in September, but encourage limiting sun exposure and wearing SPF all year round. This takes a lot of time too.

Clients want a magic wand to be waved … and poof! Your problems are fixed. Many of them want the things fixed in one facial. That’s just not possible to do that. Also, many clients will listen to recommendations, but then don’t purchase any of the home care items. That isn’t going to get to you where you want to be. Home care products that contain active ingredients are great, but sometimes they also take time to work in the skin.

Lash Lifting

We’d love to perm up the eyelashes and have them look just like extensions. But they are very different. Extensions do just that. They can extend the length and also the appearance to make them look thicker and fuller. Lash lifting is working with your natural lash. If you just aren’t there with length, you’ll want to purchase the lash serum offered and be patient in waiting for them to be longer. The lash lifting won’t volumize that, so almost every client will still wear mascara when they receive a lash lift. One final thought here… If you have blonde or light eyelashes, you really should consider doing a lash lift and tint together. I think you’d like that much better.

So, if you are thinking it’s too good to be true, it might just be! Instead of trusting that Instagram Influencer or the latest Tik Tok video, ask your Esthetician. They know your skin, hair, and lashes and can customize the treatments and take home products just for you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Growing Out Dilemma for Your First Intimate Wax


For those that are contemplating receiving waxing for the first time, one of the greatest dilemmas of getting ready for a Brazilian wax is growing out the length. The hairs must be the length of a grain of rice (about a 1/4 an inch long) to wax properly and with little pain. Since many waxers actually start out as shavers, the thought of growing out for that long is daunting.

So how long is the growing out process? I used to recommend about 2 weeks growth from shaving, but I'm finding it is a much more comfortable process PLUS a much better result IF the grow out length is 3 weeks! 3 weeks, ey? Yes! 3 weeks. 

Here's why! The hair has length below and above the skin. If the hair is longer underneath, a tug of war takes place. This causes the pulling out to be a little tougher (on both you the client and the Esthetician.) It could also cause the hair to snap or break, which could result in ingrown hairs. (Trust me on this one --- you want to avoid the ingrown hairs!) Also, when shorter hairs are present, this means more tweezing ... which is definitely more uncomfortable than waxing. (Case in point ---> pulling one nose hair versus waxing the whole thing.) I also feel like tweezing could add to the ingrown hair situation, so depending on the response from the hair (I can feel if it will slide out or is tugging back), we may agree to forgo tweezing altogether.

So what do you do if you are used to shaving daily and then have to wait 3 weeks? The key is to remind yourself of all of the benefits that waxing provides over shaving. I have so many clients that will never go back! So hide your razor and think of these perks:

Waxing is so much better on the skin, resulting in longer period of smoothness

Waxing helps hair to grow back finer and thinner 

Waxing is proven to have less ingrowns than shaving

Waxing will save shavers time each day

While waxing may not be for everyone, I encourage each client to try it at least twice! The majority of clients love it so much more! And from my own experience, I say that waxing is better. So glad that I went through the grow out stage to get to where I am now! Are you ready to try it?

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Can I Receive a Brazilian Wax on My Period?

Along with asking if a Brazilian Wax hurts, the next most common question I get asked about intimate waxing is “Can I receive a Brazilian Wax on my period?” Great question! And here is the answer. Ask your waxer! 99% of Estheticians are used to waxing at all times of the month and this is no exception.


Along with asking if a Brazilian Wax hurts, the next most common question I get asked about intimate waxing is “Can I receive a Brazilian Wax on my period?” Great question! And here is the answer. Ask your waxer! 99% of Estheticians are used to waxing at all times of the month and this is no exception.

Being on your cycle doesn’t mean that anything changes with the hair removal process. Your waxer or sugarist will ask you to wear a tampon, menstrual cup (like the Diva Cup) or a disc when you come in. You may want to take a Tylenol too before your appointment. I recommend too that you really avoid the caffeine and alcohol before the appointment, even if you haven’t in the past! But other than that, everything will be exactly the same process as in previous waxes.

Most clients feel like it’s pretty much the same pain as previous waxes and ends quickly. If you are very predictable and are tracking your cycles, let’s definitely schedule around it if you’d like. But if your aunt flow is random or perhaps you have an IUD and never know when you will have spotting, rest assured that this is part of our job. We will still make you feel comfortable, providing the best wax possible. It actually more often than you think! It’s completely normal. Did that make you feel better? Great!!!

Lastly, since I share my experiences often, I’ll share mine here for you. I get waxed every 5 weeks. This means that every couple cycles, I do hit my wax appointment on my period. It feels the same to me and isn’t any different than any other appointment.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How Did I Start Brazilian Waxing?


Many clients come in for their first Brazilian Wax (or their hundredth Brazilian), and while we are waxing, chatting about the process of hair growth, the after care recommendations, and just about life, they ask me this question. So, how did you get into intimate waxing?

I laugh of course, only because I would ask the same question, and my choice of specialty might seem odd. But here's why it makes sense and how I got started into Brazilian waxing.

First, I like doing tasks that are detailed oriented, and I like to the be the best. I have always been one that is up for a challenge. I seek to improve myself on a regular basis and love continuing education. Just because I've done something a certain way for years, doesn't mean that I won't change it up, try a new technique, etc.

Second, I am hard wired to be a results seeker. Sure, I love the list making and crossing off, but at the end of the day, I want to see that I actually 'did' something. With Brazilian waxing, I can immediately see the results of the labor that we accomplished. There is nothing more satisfying than to see the wax strip with all of the hair, and look back at the skin to see no hairs left behind. Can I get a high five?! Haha!

So when I first started in the world of Esthetics, I did it all! I loved the challenge and variety of offering all services. But soon after, I learned that there was a knack for Brazilian waxing and not every Esthetician could (or wanted to) do a Brazilian Wax. I pride myself in offering this service in a short period of time, efficiently, and with little pain associated. I also keep a very clean and sanitary wax station. I wanted the challenge and dove right in to trying 17 different waxes (oh my! That's a story for another day) and taking all sorts of courses (which I still do because you can always learn something.) It's been my passion and I love helping women with this intimate service and helping them feel comfortable, especially for first time waxers.

I'd love to help you achieve smooth skin with any body waxing! Can't wait to meet you at the treatment room!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Quick Prep List for a Brazilian Wax


Are you new to Brazilian Waxing, but don't have the time (or desire) to read a couple articles on how to best prepare for your wax? Then this article is for you! Short and to the point! If you have further questions, reach out to your Esthetician for the right guidance!

The Do's List

Exfoliate the day of your appointment

Wear comfortable, loose clothing

Wear clean underwear 

Try to be relaxed and calm

The Don'ts List

Stay away from the horror stories on the internet

Avoid or limit caffeine intake that day

Don't exercise immediately before your appointment

Final notes.

Ask the questions. Your Esthetician has been asked everything under the sun. Once the pants come off, there are no questions waxer haven't been asked before. 

Listen to the post waxing instructions. They are given for a reason.

Plan to purchase the aftercare. This helps your skin and hair down there be happier. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Confessions of an Esthetician - Performing My Own Brazilian


Did you read the title? I could just tell you that you shouldn't do it on your own and walk away nicely. But I know you want to get comfy on the couch and grab some popcorn, don't you? Okay ... here goes!

I have been a long term waxer, and while I know how to perform Brazilian waxes (heck - I've performed as many as nine of them in one day,) I still pay my Esthetician for this service. It is 1000% worth it! But, during quarantine, I had to resort to desperate measures. 

So, I decide after waxing my legs and underarms that I just need to do it (advice I often give clients that want to try Brazilian waxing for the first time.) I have developed a pattern for waxing that is quick and efficient, but balanced by comfort. Knowing that I would have to be pulling my own strips (and also knowing what the rips feel like), I opted to follow that same pattern, but do slightly smaller strips. 

I start on my first section and place the wax ... almost wondering if I am that crazy that I decided to do it on myself. I wait for it to set up, go to pull, and then chicken out. I know I can't leave it on too long, so I keep breathing like I'm going to have a baby and then take the plunge. The strip was removed and I checked to make sure that not only the wax came off but the hair did too. Success! Instead of placing several strips of wax at a time, I keep it slow and steady. I call it a success because I didn't swear and I was able to remove all of the wax that I placed. I deserve a gold star! It took me way longer than waxing a client. But sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. 

Did I die? Haha. Nope.

Was I drenched with sweat at the end of it? Yep!

Was I able to wax my own bootie? Nope! I'm not that flexible.

Did I immediately message my Esthetician to set up my next wax appointment? You bet your bottom dollar I did!!! And I'm still seeing her every month!

Leave the professional services to the professional! I promise you it's worth it. 

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Combo of Caffeine and Waxing

Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.


How many of you like caffeine? Go ahead and raise your hand! I think there are many us that like a coffee, latte, or even a little soda pop. It may be a pretty common thing to run to Starbucks before getting on with your day.

One of my most popular services that I offer in the treatment room is Brazilian Waxing. I do hundreds of them every year. I've performed nine Brazilian Waxes in one day (my record so far). I also love to share with clients the dos and don't's of waxing. Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.

What happens when you drink caffeine? It actually could make your skin more susceptible to pain. No one wants to feel more, right? When you combine the pleasure of caffeine and your waxing service, you may feel more sensitivity in the skin. Alcohol and painkillers can also do the same thing.

The tiny tip might save you from extra pain and sensitivity. Some clients are not affected by having extra caffeine and some are. Which client are you? Hard to know and pin point that. If we are doing a smaller area, like brow, it also may not be such a big of deal as a body area like full legs or bikini. Most clients aim to have a pain free as possible wax. I suggest skipping your morning cup of Joe, waiting until after your appointment or coming in during the afternoon.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Brazilian Waxing 411

When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.


When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.

What does Bikini, Brazilian, Manzilian, etc. mean?

Bikini Wax

Removing the hair outside of the bikini line, plus about 1/2 inch in. Just on the top and the sides. You will wear the cutest pair of disposable undies ever! (I don't think they actually make them cute... just saying!)

Deep Bikini Wax

Removing almost all of top hair and then on the sides and 1/2 inch in. Paper underwear included.


Female wax where hair is removed everywhere. Yes, even the backside or the Aussie as I like to call it. Some also choose to leave a strip or triangle, but it is all personal preference.


Same as the female brazilian only for a man. I do not perform these, but will give out referrals for those seeking this service.

Now you know the difference on the waxing options, here's what to expect when you walk through the doors.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

  1. You will fill out a client intake form online that gives me a little history about you (skin care, tanning, general health, and medications) as well as a consent form to do the waxing. Tanning and other medications including antibiotics are a contraindication of performing this service. Please let me know if there is a change in medical information at the start of each appointment.

  2. We'll walk back to the treatment room together. I have set out a sanitized waxing pad with 2 towels, wipes, and a neck pillow. While I step out of the room and push play on your favorite music, you will undress from the waist down, use a wipe to clean up if you wish, and put one towel underneath your bottom and one towel covering you on top.

  3. From there, we get down to business. It's my job to keep you as comfortable as possible while removing your hair quickly and efficiently. That's what you are paying me for. I use a combination of soft and hard waxes of the highest professional quality to get the job done. I give you a minute to breathe if you need it, but most prefer to zip in and out and get on with their day. After each pull, I apply pressure to confuse the nerves (as they can only receive one type of information at a time - pressure confuses the nerve to thinking, "Am I feeling pain or pressure? I'm not sure.") After waxing, I'll put on a calming lotion, balm or serum to relieve the skin and cover you back up with the towel.

  4. I step out while you get dressed and meet you outside of my treatment room and walk to the front with you. From there, we'll reschedule you for about 4 weeks and complete payment. Easy, peasy, pudding, pie as Georgie Porgie would say.

  5. After care is pretty simple. Don't exfoliate for 2-3 days, but after that time, you'll want to exfoliate the area being waxed once or twice a week. (Remember what I always say - more is not always better... and this is just another example of that saying.) No tanning or hot tubbing for 48 hours. Be sensitive to the area for 24 hours. Use aloe if needed.

I ALWAYS recommend coming in twice in a row (so your first appointment and then wait 4 weeks) because the 2nd time is about 1/2 of the pain. Yes, this is true. So, come twice AND THEN decide if you want to keep the service up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt?

Well, waxing (the removal of hair) doesn't feel great like a facial, but it doesn't hurt as long as you think it will either. By the time you are getting dressed, most of the pain is gone.

What's the most painful area to wax?

Are you holding on to your seats ladies and gentlemen? Here is the truth... the upper lip.

How long does my hair have to be to wax?

I recommend 1/4-1/2 inch long, which is generally 2-3 weeks after shaving. This will allow me to pick up the little hairs and get you smoother longer.

How long will I be hair free?

This one is tricky because with all treatments, every client is different and hair grows at different stages. Only the hair that is out of the skin can be waxed, so baby hairs just under the skin at wax time will poke through in a couple of days. The longer you come in, the longer you will remain smooth. The hair remaining will be softer and not as irritating as blunt, shaved hair.

How often should I come in?

The magic number for Brazilian is 4 weeks. This gives time for all of the hair to cycle through and will start teaching the hair that it doesn't have to show up until right before that time. As you continue to wax, the time might increase to 5 weeks or even 6 weeks.

What are the advantages from waxing over shaving?

Waxing will last longer, fewer ingrowns, and is done much quicker. If you are irritated by shaving, chances are waxing will be much easier on you as well.

Can I be waxed when I am on my cycle?

The answer is yes, but it can be just a little more painful. Make sure that you are wearing a cup or a fresh tampon and we'll take care of the hair just like your regular appointments.

Have a question that hasn't been asked? Send me an email and I'll gladly answer you privately and make sure to add the question and answer for others to find this helpful information. Now that you know what to expect, what's holding you back? Let's schedule your appointment!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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