Brazilian Waxing 411


When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.

What does Bikini, Brazilian, Manzilian, etc. mean?

Bikini Wax

Removing the hair outside of the bikini line, plus about 1/2 inch in. Just on the top and the sides. You will wear the cutest pair of disposable undies ever! (I don't think they actually make them cute... just saying!)

Deep Bikini Wax

Removing almost all of top hair and then on the sides and 1/2 inch in. Paper underwear included.


Female wax where hair is removed everywhere. Yes, even the backside or the Aussie as I like to call it. Some also choose to leave a strip or triangle, but it is all personal preference.


Same as the female brazilian only for a man. I do not perform these, but will give out referrals for those seeking this service.

Now you know the difference on the waxing options, here's what to expect when you walk through the doors.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

  1. You will fill out a client intake form online that gives me a little history about you (skin care, tanning, general health, and medications) as well as a consent form to do the waxing. Tanning and other medications including antibiotics are a contraindication of performing this service. Please let me know if there is a change in medical information at the start of each appointment.

  2. We'll walk back to the treatment room together. I have set out a sanitized waxing pad with 2 towels, wipes, and a neck pillow. While I step out of the room and push play on your favorite music, you will undress from the waist down, use a wipe to clean up if you wish, and put one towel underneath your bottom and one towel covering you on top.

  3. From there, we get down to business. It's my job to keep you as comfortable as possible while removing your hair quickly and efficiently. That's what you are paying me for. I use a combination of soft and hard waxes of the highest professional quality to get the job done. I give you a minute to breathe if you need it, but most prefer to zip in and out and get on with their day. After each pull, I apply pressure to confuse the nerves (as they can only receive one type of information at a time - pressure confuses the nerve to thinking, "Am I feeling pain or pressure? I'm not sure.") After waxing, I'll put on a calming lotion, balm or serum to relieve the skin and cover you back up with the towel.

  4. I step out while you get dressed and meet you outside of my treatment room and walk to the front with you. From there, we'll reschedule you for about 4 weeks and complete payment. Easy, peasy, pudding, pie as Georgie Porgie would say.

  5. After care is pretty simple. Don't exfoliate for 2-3 days, but after that time, you'll want to exfoliate the area being waxed once or twice a week. (Remember what I always say - more is not always better... and this is just another example of that saying.) No tanning or hot tubbing for 48 hours. Be sensitive to the area for 24 hours. Use aloe if needed.

I ALWAYS recommend coming in twice in a row (so your first appointment and then wait 4 weeks) because the 2nd time is about 1/2 of the pain. Yes, this is true. So, come twice AND THEN decide if you want to keep the service up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt?

Well, waxing (the removal of hair) doesn't feel great like a facial, but it doesn't hurt as long as you think it will either. By the time you are getting dressed, most of the pain is gone.

What's the most painful area to wax?

Are you holding on to your seats ladies and gentlemen? Here is the truth... the upper lip.

How long does my hair have to be to wax?

I recommend 1/4-1/2 inch long, which is generally 2-3 weeks after shaving. This will allow me to pick up the little hairs and get you smoother longer.

How long will I be hair free?

This one is tricky because with all treatments, every client is different and hair grows at different stages. Only the hair that is out of the skin can be waxed, so baby hairs just under the skin at wax time will poke through in a couple of days. The longer you come in, the longer you will remain smooth. The hair remaining will be softer and not as irritating as blunt, shaved hair.

How often should I come in?

The magic number for Brazilian is 4 weeks. This gives time for all of the hair to cycle through and will start teaching the hair that it doesn't have to show up until right before that time. As you continue to wax, the time might increase to 5 weeks or even 6 weeks.

What are the advantages from waxing over shaving?

Waxing will last longer, fewer ingrowns, and is done much quicker. If you are irritated by shaving, chances are waxing will be much easier on you as well.

Can I be waxed when I am on my cycle?

The answer is yes, but it can be just a little more painful. Make sure that you are wearing a cup or a fresh tampon and we'll take care of the hair just like your regular appointments.

Have a question that hasn't been asked? Send me an email and I'll gladly answer you privately and make sure to add the question and answer for others to find this helpful information. Now that you know what to expect, what's holding you back? Let's schedule your appointment!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician


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