How Did I Start Brazilian Waxing?


Many clients come in for their first Brazilian Wax (or their hundredth Brazilian), and while we are waxing, chatting about the process of hair growth, the after care recommendations, and just about life, they ask me this question. So, how did you get into intimate waxing?

I laugh of course, only because I would ask the same question, and my choice of specialty might seem odd. But here's why it makes sense and how I got started into Brazilian waxing.

First, I like doing tasks that are detailed oriented, and I like to the be the best. I have always been one that is up for a challenge. I seek to improve myself on a regular basis and love continuing education. Just because I've done something a certain way for years, doesn't mean that I won't change it up, try a new technique, etc.

Second, I am hard wired to be a results seeker. Sure, I love the list making and crossing off, but at the end of the day, I want to see that I actually 'did' something. With Brazilian waxing, I can immediately see the results of the labor that we accomplished. There is nothing more satisfying than to see the wax strip with all of the hair, and look back at the skin to see no hairs left behind. Can I get a high five?! Haha!

So when I first started in the world of Esthetics, I did it all! I loved the challenge and variety of offering all services. But soon after, I learned that there was a knack for Brazilian waxing and not every Esthetician could (or wanted to) do a Brazilian Wax. I pride myself in offering this service in a short period of time, efficiently, and with little pain associated. I also keep a very clean and sanitary wax station. I wanted the challenge and dove right in to trying 17 different waxes (oh my! That's a story for another day) and taking all sorts of courses (which I still do because you can always learn something.) It's been my passion and I love helping women with this intimate service and helping them feel comfortable, especially for first time waxers.

I'd love to help you achieve smooth skin with any body waxing! Can't wait to meet you at the treatment room!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


The Top Three Hardest Skin Concerns to Fix


The Quick Prep List for a Brazilian Wax