Confessions of an Esthetician - Performing My Own Brazilian


Did you read the title? I could just tell you that you shouldn't do it on your own and walk away nicely. But I know you want to get comfy on the couch and grab some popcorn, don't you? Okay ... here goes!

I have been a long term waxer, and while I know how to perform Brazilian waxes (heck - I've performed as many as nine of them in one day,) I still pay my Esthetician for this service. It is 1000% worth it! But, during quarantine, I had to resort to desperate measures. 

So, I decide after waxing my legs and underarms that I just need to do it (advice I often give clients that want to try Brazilian waxing for the first time.) I have developed a pattern for waxing that is quick and efficient, but balanced by comfort. Knowing that I would have to be pulling my own strips (and also knowing what the rips feel like), I opted to follow that same pattern, but do slightly smaller strips. 

I start on my first section and place the wax ... almost wondering if I am that crazy that I decided to do it on myself. I wait for it to set up, go to pull, and then chicken out. I know I can't leave it on too long, so I keep breathing like I'm going to have a baby and then take the plunge. The strip was removed and I checked to make sure that not only the wax came off but the hair did too. Success! Instead of placing several strips of wax at a time, I keep it slow and steady. I call it a success because I didn't swear and I was able to remove all of the wax that I placed. I deserve a gold star! It took me way longer than waxing a client. But sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. 

Did I die? Haha. Nope.

Was I drenched with sweat at the end of it? Yep!

Was I able to wax my own bootie? Nope! I'm not that flexible.

Did I immediately message my Esthetician to set up my next wax appointment? You bet your bottom dollar I did!!! And I'm still seeing her every month!

Leave the professional services to the professional! I promise you it's worth it. 

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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