The 80/20 Rule For Skin

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule for skin care? It really applies to so many areas of life, but I can’t wait to share with you this.

What makes the biggest change in your skin? The facial treatments or the home care?

If you said home care, you are correct!!!

80% of the changes in your skin can come from what you do at home. Why? Because you see your skin everyday and have at least 2 (or more) opportunities to make it better. One time in the morning and one at night with your whole skin care routine.

Why did I add more? Because you can reapply your sunscreen throughout the day. Sunscreen is truly your #1 anti-aging product. It is the insurance that you have as you drive the new car off of the lot.

80% is just huge!

Now for the 20%. I’m sure that you are thinking, that’s not very much. 20% is not, BUT that 20% can help you leap closer to your goals instead of crawl. The 20% are what we do in the treatment room. Each facial, chemical peel, microneedling, and other facial treatments. We do things you can’t do at home to get you bigger gains.

If your budget is limited, then I suggest that you focus only on the home care. Let’s get you that 80%! I recommend that you start with The Core Four which is cleanser, toner product, moisturizer, and SPF.

If you learned something new, consider sending this (or another) article to a friend. The more you know!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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