Benefits of Soft Wax

There are two types of wax. Today I wanted to explain to you, the client, the benefits of using soft wax.

Soft wax adheres directly to the skin and uses a paper or muslin to remove the wax and anything in it’s path. It is very effective at doing it’s job and you don’t have any waiting time. The wax can be applied and immediately removed. I love, love, love using this wax on the main parts of the body including chest, back, arms and legs.

One of my secrets to the best Brazilian Wax in Pocatello is that I will use the soft wax as the last step to remove the baby hairs and even hairs that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is amazing what a smooth wax that creates.

I do choose to use both types of wax in my Brazilian wax service. I know that many clients are hesitant because they believe one type of wax is better than another. But, I will stick to my guns and say that it does not matter what product the Esthetician/Waxer uses. If he/she knows their product, you will leave with a great wax.

If you have any additional questions, post them below! I’m happy to answer! I would also love to invite you to experience the difference in 2023. Can’t wait to meet you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


Benefits of Hard Wax


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