Four Reasons Why You Need a Toner

Have you ever wondered if you need to use a toner product? Or perhaps you have wondered what exactly it does. Or why I’ve included the toner in The Core Four. Let’s discuss why!

#1 - If you are using it with an esthetic wipe or cotton round, when you wipe over your skin, this will help pick up anything leftover you didn’t get with your cleansing step. Think of it as mopping … round #2! IYKYK

#2 - Using a toner will help prepare your skin for the other products that you are going to put on after. How? Well, it will balance your skin’s pH from the cleanser and water.

#3 - Do you want more anti-aging or anti-acne or more hydration? Your toner can be the right thing for you without adding a lot of cost to your skin care routine.

#4 - The toner step is refreshing! It feels nice, light and like a breath of fresh air. It is MY favorite step in the cleansing process. Probably because it adds very little time and feels so amazing!

If you aren’t already using a toner product, I hope that you will consider trying it. I love it and think that you will too! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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