The Season for Ingrowns

Pop Quiz ladies!

What season is the most for experiencing ingrowns?

If you guessed summer, you selected the right months!

Why? Because it’s warm, we are more sweaty, there’s more friction, etc.

Are you picturing it now? Perfect. Because we are going to talk about what we should do about it!

First, recognize that prevention is key. Don’t wait to buy the aftercare until you already have ingrowns. Why wait until there’s a problem?

Second, if you do start to experience issue, reach out to your waxer! Let them know and let’s get you extra goodies or adjust your routine if needed. Don’t wait until your next appointment!


TIP #1 - Step up your Exfoliation Game

This means your CONSISTENCY (twice a week.)

Exfoliate in the direction of hair growth, not in circular or backwards motions.

If you need a little more, we will switch you to one scrubbie exfoliation and one mask exfoliation.

Do not exfoliate everyday, as it could make the situation worse.

TIP #2 - Step up your Hydration Game

Say it with me! DAILY! I will hydrate the area daily.

The right hydration will keep the pores clear and allow the hairs to break through the skin without getting trapped!

This area needs a product that is specific for the Brazilian/Bikini area. Not just anything will do.

What you exfoliate, you must hydrate. It takes these two in tandum to get the smooth, hairless skin back.

Let’s work together. Come experience the difference in 2024 with a Brazilian Wax Expert! See you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


The Magic of Waxing Every 4 Weeks


The Tea on First Time Waxing