Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #2 - Nervous About Someone Looking At Me

This Instagram Story had me really thinking about what I can do to make you as a client feel more comfortable. I posted it months ago, but it still surprises me. The #1 reason why clients weren’t scheduling a wax? They thought it was going to hurt.

The #2 reason was nervous about someone looking at me.

“Letting other people see the va-jay-jay”

“Having someone all up in my goods!”

Being nervous is very common. I often tell new clients that if they weren’t nervous, that I would be worried that they weren’t human! Haha!!! Some nerves may come from the thought of pain … and the others are the thought of someone looking.

This service is my number one requested and performed service. I do Brazilian waxing more than any other treatment that I offer. I am a master conversationalist AND have refined the art of making people feel comfortable in every situation. I am always making sure that I am using the highest quality wax and the best technique to bettering this service for you.

Just like a doctor or nurse, I’m not here to ‘look.’ I am simply looking at the hair growth pattern and applying the wax to remove hair in the easiest and most comfortable way possible. This is key to go from full 70’s bush to bare and smooth.

Not weird. Not awkward.

Are you feeling more comfortable about waxing? I’m here to answer your questions and provide you with an exceptional Brazilian wax!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #3 - Shorter Hair Hurts Less


Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #1 - It's Going To Hurt