Skin Care Trends - Icing

My teenager daughter keeps me in the loop about most current skin care trends. If you haven’t heard of icing, it’s the most popular one right now … and I’ve been talking about it for years.

Particularly in problematic and acne prone skin! When you have a pimple coming to the surface, one of the best ways to treat it is to ice it.

There are lots of different icing tools out there that are fancy and fun to use. The rollers that you stick in the fridge, cryosticks and more. But you don’t need to spend extra money on a gadget.

I love just sticking an ice cube in a baggie and holding over in circling on the spot until it gets cold. Then move to the next spot. If you are just working in one area, hold it as long as you can and then set the baggie down for a couple minutes and repeat until the ice cube is melted.

Either way, the trick is to cool and calm down the skin, but to continue moving it around so that you aren’t getting frost bite or other issues.

Why this works:

This works because acne is an inflammatory disease. As you work to remove the inflammation, the skin will start healing faster.

Can it work for other things?

The answer is yes! There is an aging that is related to inflammation as well. When you remove that one component, it will slow down aging and again, help the skin heal.

Have you tried it yet?

If you haven’t tried this trend, I really think that you will like the results. I even use cryosticks in my treatment room! Once you’ve tried it, let me know what you think!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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