Opinion: Accutane and Acne

Years ago, I was adamant that Accutane was the worst medication. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to take it (the laundry list of side effects) and knew that acne could also be cleared without the use of medications.

Fast forward through time and my son started having a lot of acne problems to the point where it was starting to scar. I was worried and then ask him to commit to a skin care routine, doing treatments, changing diet, etc. You should have seen his face.

I knew right then and there, we had to do something to minimize scarring.

AND then it hit me.

There is a time and a place to use all things. I think of it like eastern and western medicine. Can’t we use both? Can’t we all just get along?

My son was NOT going to follow any plan that his mom put together. He didn’t necessarily care, but I did. So we started Accutane. It took a couple months, but he started clearing and having great results.

My youngest daughter wanted to do the medicine too. I wanted to try to do the routine, diet, treatments and more with her to clear her acne. After a year of trying, her acne was worse than ever. So after a trip to a dermatologist, we started on that route as well.

As an Esthetician, it was hard at first to admit that I could not clear everyone. Through this experience, I am more open to different types of treatment and know even more than ever that a one size fits all approach to skin care is not realistic.

If you are struggling with acne, I recommend that you see an Esthetician that specializes in clearing acne or a dermatologist. Depending on the type of acne and your personal needs will determine the approach you should take. Don’t wait!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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