Recharge Your Battery


In the  midst of so many challenges in 2020, taking care of ourselves has become a top priority. If you've watched any Essential Esthetic by Zoey videos on FaceBook, then you'll know that I talk about self care and self love on a regular basis. I not only talk about it, I practice what I preach. I receive a monthly facial as a client (one of my favorite ways to practice self care.) I also receive regular massages, love to exercise, get my 8 hours of sleep, and more. I'm currently working on taking my daily vitamins! (Always looking to improve!)

We've all seen the quote with a low battery on it which says, "You wouldn't let this happen to your phone. Don't let it happen to you either. SELF CARE IS A PRIORITY. NOT A LUXURY." I love this quote and believe that it's true. I find that while women are great nurturers and care takers, they also frequently neglect themselves. 

How do we do better for ourselves? How do we recharge our battery when energy is scarce? Here are just five ideas that may help you! Which one resonates with you? Let's continue the discussion over on FB and IG!

 *Give social media a break

There are countless articles on the correlation between the time we spend on our devices (specifically social media) and the increased rates of depression and anxiety. When you are feeling stressed and down, unplug for a time. Even stepping away for just an hour will help you reset. There is also a new documentary on social media called The Social Dilemma. Check it out!


In times of great stress, writing your thoughts in a journal or notebook may alleviate stress. I've been known to do a brain dump where I set a timer for 5 minutes and write any and everything that's on my mind. Just knowing that it's out of my head helps. If the things coming out of your mind are negative, you may also consider throwing them away or burning them.

*Connection and Relationships

Seek out the people in your life that uplift you, support your dreams and goals, and the ones where the relationship is easy. You know those friends and family who are your tribe. When you are around positive people, it's hard to stay down and in a low energy mood. Enjoy whatever activities you are comfortable with. Stay plugged in to the community that makes you feel happy.

*Breathing Techniques

When your mom told you to count to ten and breathe, she really did know what she was talking about! Breathing techniques aren't just for kids. They are for everyone. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to tell you to calm down and relax. I love trying different breathing techniques while allowing my mind to zone out. Search for articles or videos explaining some of them, then start experimenting for the ones that make you feel chill.

*Take YOU time

Whether it's a shopping trip, a spa day, or a silent walk around the park, having time by yourself can help you to reset and recharge. These things don't have to be BIG things. But make a mental list of how you feel when you are doing activities. Do you feel calm, excited, happy? All of the above. Each activity will make you feel somewhat different. When you are needing YOU time, acknowledge that you truly know what is best for you! Make time in your calendar to honor those needs.

I love helping you create YOU time. Because I believe the importance of taking care of yourself, I will be your cheerleader to set time aside. Many clients love to come in on a regular basis to feel rejuvenated. Sometimes we are in complete silence. Other times, we may talk things out or I listen while you vent. I am here to help you in whatever space that you need.

There are times in our lives when we will use up energy quickly and ones where our battery will sustain itself forever. Know when to push and when to pull back and rest. Know when to ask for help. Know when you can give help to another in need. Whether it's taking a break from social, journaling, relationship building, breathing techniques or taking YOU time ... don't wait until your battery is dead. Get into the habit of staying in the green. I can't wait to see you at the spa for your next YOU time. Whether you need a therapy season or complete silence, we will make it happen!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax. 

Zoey Jolley, LE 


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