Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Pandemic Self Care


It’s crazy times we live in … and it seems just as things normalize, it changes once again. I’ve found through the better part of eighteen months (and counting) that our self care battery is not holding it’s charge like it once did. And the charging times take longer. ;) So, what do you do to take care of yourself in 2021?

First, let me suggest meditation. This long time practice, dating back to 1500 BC (or perhaps even earlier), has been used in Hindi tradition in India. Many, like myself, don’t love practicing meditation because it’s hard to do. Quieting the mind and being intentional with positive thoughts does take time to master. There are many apps you can install on your phone that do guided meditation. You can start with just a couple minutes and work up from there. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. One of my favorite acne studies has one group visualize their acne healing. Even though both groups are on the same regimens, the meditation group heals 25% faster than the other. This tool is a powerful one!

Second, let me suggest physical health practices, such as drinking water, eating healthy, and exercising. When you take care of your body, your mind will follow. All three of these practices help your skin. Water is essential and much of your body is just that. This helps to flush out toxins and to help your skin’s barrier work at it’s optimal best. You are what you eat … and your skin will also tell you that. Eat a diet full of sugar, salt and fillers, and your skin will show it in acne, a dull complexion, and overall texture and color. Finally, exercise and movement of your body will help you to deal with the added stressors of life right now and make sure everything is moving underneath the skin as well.

My third and final suggestion today is to evaluate your needs on a regular basis. Do a daily and weekly check in with yourself. How am I feeling today? What can I do to feel good about myself? What are my needs? Some things I’ve found that most people need are fresh air, time out in nature grounding, reading a good book, spending time with friends and family, exercise classes, or even spa treatments. Whatever your escape and your comfort level is at this time, try to do your best, let the rest go, and adapt as needed.

And as always …

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How I Became an Esthetician


If you had told me as a child that I would be an Esthetician when I grew up, I would have asked what that was. I didn't know the slightest thing about how a spa worked or who worked in one for that manner. I had had my hair professionally done, but that was my extent of knowing anything about beauty. I wanted to be a teacher.

Fast forward to me as a mom of three. I really wanted to work with a friend at a gym daycare and thought that it would be perfect for me and what I needed at the time. The stars aligned and I started working there within 2 weeks. A year or so later as we moved into a larger facility, my friend took on the role of managing the spa next door. And since I liked working with her so much, I also moved over 2 months later.

What happened there was a beautiful thing. I felt so at home and at awe of the environment. I wanted to be part of someone's special 'spa day.' I looked into school, but finding out that there was not one close by, I quickly set that idea aside. Only, it really never left me. From the moment I walked into that spa's doors, I was captivated by creating special moments. I started as a receptionist, then assistant manager, and finally manager (at yet another spa).

When the idea of attending Esthetics school presented itself 6 years later, I was all in. Because it's not about just a facial or a smooth wax. It's really about the experience for each client and making magic happen for them. I continued to grow and flourish at school and found that as doors closed, others opened. Did I see any of that coming? Not a chance! But it led me to opening Essential Esthetics by Zoey in June 2016. I haven't looked back since.

I use the knowledge that I've gained from working in every aspect of a spa and teach others starting out how to do the same thing. It's where I want to be each day. See you in the treatment room!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Practice What You Preach

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."


When I became an esthetician, I knew the importance of continuing education. Esthetics school (heck, any school these days) is just the basics. AFTER you graduate, the real fun begins! This is where you get to decide what things most interest you and really dive into those deep topics. 

It was almost immediately after graduating that I knew that I needed to work hard on myself. Specifically my self care. Let's be honest. I was really sucking at it. I was SO good at being a good neighbor, a pretty good wife, a decent mama... but then there was nothing left to recharge myself at the end of the day. Each day was a repeat of the day before. And I was feeling less and less like myself. 

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."

I will never ask a client to do something that I am not doing OR would not do. I recommend to all of my clients that they receive a monthly facial. So I too receive a monthly facial. Yes, I am perfectly capable of doing one myself with professional products. BUT it is NOT the same thing as going to experience it as a client.

I've had so many experiences. Amazing, glorious ones (like the 2 hour one I had in San Diego - heaven must feel that good) and the 'apply the products with no passion' ones (I won't rat those places out here). Each one reminds me of why I do what I do. And regardless of which treatment I get for the month, my skin thanks me by the healthy glow that lasts for days. 

When you find your passion, I hope that you will continue your education and always practice what you preach!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Recharge Your Battery


In the  midst of so many challenges in 2020, taking care of ourselves has become a top priority. If you've watched any Essential Esthetic by Zoey videos on FaceBook, then you'll know that I talk about self care and self love on a regular basis. I not only talk about it, I practice what I preach. I receive a monthly facial as a client (one of my favorite ways to practice self care.) I also receive regular massages, love to exercise, get my 8 hours of sleep, and more. I'm currently working on taking my daily vitamins! (Always looking to improve!)

We've all seen the quote with a low battery on it which says, "You wouldn't let this happen to your phone. Don't let it happen to you either. SELF CARE IS A PRIORITY. NOT A LUXURY." I love this quote and believe that it's true. I find that while women are great nurturers and care takers, they also frequently neglect themselves. 

How do we do better for ourselves? How do we recharge our battery when energy is scarce? Here are just five ideas that may help you! Which one resonates with you? Let's continue the discussion over on FB and IG!

 *Give social media a break

There are countless articles on the correlation between the time we spend on our devices (specifically social media) and the increased rates of depression and anxiety. When you are feeling stressed and down, unplug for a time. Even stepping away for just an hour will help you reset. There is also a new documentary on social media called The Social Dilemma. Check it out!


In times of great stress, writing your thoughts in a journal or notebook may alleviate stress. I've been known to do a brain dump where I set a timer for 5 minutes and write any and everything that's on my mind. Just knowing that it's out of my head helps. If the things coming out of your mind are negative, you may also consider throwing them away or burning them.

*Connection and Relationships

Seek out the people in your life that uplift you, support your dreams and goals, and the ones where the relationship is easy. You know those friends and family who are your tribe. When you are around positive people, it's hard to stay down and in a low energy mood. Enjoy whatever activities you are comfortable with. Stay plugged in to the community that makes you feel happy.

*Breathing Techniques

When your mom told you to count to ten and breathe, she really did know what she was talking about! Breathing techniques aren't just for kids. They are for everyone. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to tell you to calm down and relax. I love trying different breathing techniques while allowing my mind to zone out. Search for articles or videos explaining some of them, then start experimenting for the ones that make you feel chill.

*Take YOU time

Whether it's a shopping trip, a spa day, or a silent walk around the park, having time by yourself can help you to reset and recharge. These things don't have to be BIG things. But make a mental list of how you feel when you are doing activities. Do you feel calm, excited, happy? All of the above. Each activity will make you feel somewhat different. When you are needing YOU time, acknowledge that you truly know what is best for you! Make time in your calendar to honor those needs.

I love helping you create YOU time. Because I believe the importance of taking care of yourself, I will be your cheerleader to set time aside. Many clients love to come in on a regular basis to feel rejuvenated. Sometimes we are in complete silence. Other times, we may talk things out or I listen while you vent. I am here to help you in whatever space that you need.

There are times in our lives when we will use up energy quickly and ones where our battery will sustain itself forever. Know when to push and when to pull back and rest. Know when to ask for help. Know when you can give help to another in need. Whether it's taking a break from social, journaling, relationship building, breathing techniques or taking YOU time ... don't wait until your battery is dead. Get into the habit of staying in the green. I can't wait to see you at the spa for your next YOU time. Whether you need a therapy season or complete silence, we will make it happen!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax. 

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

How Do I Practice Self Care?


If you've been hanging around on any FaceBook video that I share, you've heard my introduction. Hi, my name is Zoey. If we haven't met before, it's nice to meet you! I love sharing my passion for self care among women as well as helping you reach your skin care goals... So why do I love self care and how can I practice self care?

I love self care and feel it's important to take care of yourself first so that there is more to give. Perhaps, I saw it in myself first. You give and go and go and give for your kids You could be exhausted from not sleeping, sick with a cold, or even just not feeling like you don't know who you are anymore. But you show up everyday and give more.

Have you even flown on an airplane before? You may have heard through the intercom or see your screen say something like this. "It is highly unlikely, but if we experience a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Secure the yellow mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the elastic. Gently pull on the tube and oxygen will begin flowing. Always secure your mask before assisting those around you."

So why do women consistently show up for others before they show up for themselves? I have a couple personal thoughts. Women feel guilty. Guilty that by doing self care, that they are not doing enough for the ones that they are supposed to nurture. Guilty that self care may cost money; money that could be spent on something else for someone else. Women feel judged. Yes, you heard me right. We are always looking for what others think of us. We want a stamp of approval and an approving glance or head nod. I know I've wanted to make a post on social media before. Heck, I've been known to write something and go to the 'SHARE' button, just to delete the whole thing. What will other's think? Well, I'm here to join on the Rachel Hollis band wagon ... "Say it with me. Someone else's opinion of me is none of my business. Say it again. Someone else's opinion in none of my business. Not my problem, not my concern." Hello tik tok!

I see it every day in the treatment room. Moms that love their kids, family, and friends so much that they continue to give from a bucket that is empty. They are tired. And it only stands to continue that same cycle unless they change something. There's something that's almost magic that happens in the treatment room. A woman comes in for a facial service or even just a brow wax. We talk... mostly they talk and I listen. And when they get up to leave, guess what? They feel better!!!

So how do I practice self care? Here's the thing. Self care looks different for everyone! Some of my personal favorite ways to practice self care are reading a good book, talking a nice, long hot bath, and going to receive a personal service such as a facial or massage. The key in my book to proper self care is to having a regular schedule to doing it. Don't wait until it's been a year since you've done something for Y-O-U! Almost daily, I'm putting self care into practice by reading and bathing. And at least once a month, you'll find me in someone else's treatment room getting a facial, massage, or maybe both. This is what keeps my bucket from drying up.

Other popular choices for self care include walks and hikes on a gorgeous sunny day, just being in nature, taking long drives on seldom beat paths, talking to a long-time old friend, journaling your feelings, learning new hobbies like cooking or painting, having a regular girls night out, exercising or just moving your body. I could go on for days. But here's the kicker ladies. Are you listening yet? Find joy or pleasure everyday and seek it out to recharge your battery and keep your soul alive! Everyday. If it brings you joy and it's healthy, consider doing more of it or being more consistent. That is the key. You must continue to show up for yourself. This is a process that will in turn lead to more self love.

I wanted to end my little pep talk with you with a couple of awesome quotes on self care. There are so many great ones out there but here are just 3. Enjoy!

"Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." ---Lucille Ball

"If you feel burnout setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself." --- Dalai Lama

"It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make happiness a priority. It's necessary." --- Mandy Hale

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare, treatments Zoey Jolley Selfcare, treatments Zoey Jolley

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.


At Austin Kade in Idaho Falls, one of the many assignments for esthetics school was to create a business plan. I believe that the  students got out of it what they put into it. Some students made colorful full sized posters and multiple page spreadsheets. Others spent 20 minutes, hastily writing on a lined sheet of paper with a pen, tearing it from the spiral bound notebook right before their presentation. I put together a power point presentation with #allthethings. I spent a lot of time thinking about this. But not only this, I spent time dreaming from my heart. Because just going to esthetics school was a dream come true for me (more than 5 years after I wanted to do this career path.) The power point included a floor plan, equipment that I would have, products that would be used, a service menu that included pricing ... and even a name.

When I started to come up with a name for my business, I wanted it to be fun, bright, and relaxing. I immediately thought about my VERY favorite pair of bright green flip flops that I purchased from Fred Meyers in 2004 to match a swim suit. If you have known me, you've known that I LOVE this pair of flip flops (until they finally fell apart in 2018 in the middle of Wal-Mart - haha!) They were something that I've worn all the time, except for Idaho winters. They were comfy, they were a perfect fit, they went with everything (although some would have argued with me!) In my mind, these green flip flops were ESSENTIAL. 

Thus, for a lack of more inspiration, I settled on the business name of Essential Esthetics by Zoey. I feel like the services and benefits that are offered ARE essential. Esthetics of course is all about skincare, waxing, and lashes. I later added on a tag line that I fell in love with as well that was a reminder for me and for my clients. The tag line was Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Our lives are busy and we are constantly on the go. If you are a woman, you probably not only have a profession and career, you probably also have kids that have their own activities. So you are a taxi driver. But then also a cook, maid, friend, partner, etc, etc etc. So many hats to wear. My tag line was to inspire those that come in to have a brazilian wax or rejuvenating facial (or any other service in between) to not only believe in self care, but also to practice it. Self care is all about taking care of yourself so that you can then take care of others and show up in life more present and in a better way. 

So here is my hope for each and every client! When you walk through the door to the treatment room to Essential Esthetics by Zoey, it's a chance to close out the outside world and set down your every present calendar. Take off your shoes and lie on the treatment table to prepare for your service. And then, in order, you will do this. Pause your talking for a moment. BREATHE in and out. Deep breaths that fill your lungs and soul. As you settle in and let your muscles melt into the pillow top, you will LET GO of the negative thoughts, the to do list you are carrying in your head, and the weight and burdens that you may be carrying in your heart. And finally, as you breathe and let go, you finally are able to really RELAX. One definition of relax is: rest and engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious. 

Here is just one review from a satisfied client Nikki on Google Reviews. She says: " Zoey is a master of relaxation. I am a busy retailer and mom of three & never have time to relax. Maybe twice a year, I get massages but the facial I experienced from her was hands down the most relaxing and rejuvenating thing I can remember doing. Amazing. I would highly recommend scheduling an appointment today. She will not stay Pocatello/Chubbuck's best kept secret for long." 

Come and stay awhile. Let's help you practice self care. Let's help you achieve your skin care goals. And then don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax. See you next time! Muah!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Take Your Eye Care to the Next Level

Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?


Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?

There are a couple reasons why the eye area can show the tiredness of your soul. As I was researching this topic, I found answers that both surprised me and also the ones that made me shake my head yes. The hard yeses were allergies (hello spring!), your age, and genetics. These all play a role in how the skin under your eyes look. Ones that I didn't even think about were your bone structure (simply how your eyes are set and the way the light reflects in your eyes), having eye strain, salty foods, and dehydration. But these make sense right??? Some of these are easier to fix than others. Things we cannot fix are our bone structure, genetics, and our age. We can work to eliminate eye strain (limit usage of computers or at least wear blue light filter glasses), take allergy medication as directed by a doctor, decrease salty foods, and increase hydration.

Something that I see that were not mentioned in my research are the use of regular products under the eye. If a client feels dry under their eye, they think a reasonable answer is to moisturize it. So they use they face moisturizer everywhere. Unfortunately, the thin skin under the eye cannot receive the ingredients the same way our face can. So that product can either just sit there, or it may even have adverse reactions such as more irritation or milia (hard, crystalized sebum that becomes trapped under the skin.) Pick an eye cream or serum that is suitable for the delicate skin there.

Also, Americans are best at thinking more is best! 'More is not always better' is one of my personal skin care philosophies. Being aggressive in the eye area does nothing but irritate and help promote the fine lines and wrinkles to show more prominently. Only use the ring finger under the eye. Eye products (unless specified) should only be applied under the eye to the bottom of the brow. I like to dot, dot, dot, then spread one to two times from the inner corner to the outer corner gently. Just to make sure the product is spread evenly, but not more than that. Remember that more is not always better. 

Self Care

Self care is what I stand for! It's so important that you take care of your body, your mind and spirit each and everyday. This includes sleep. Of course there are times in our lives where we are limited by the amount of sleep we can get (like when we have a newborn.) Do what you can and even use power naps if you need to. Pick things that uplift your spirit and mind and do them consistently. If you need ideas on other ways to increase your self care, check out these blog posts - Self Care in 2018 (published Jan 1, 2018) or How Do I Practice Self Care (published Feb 1, 2020).

First and foremost, 

Home Care

There are so many amazing and quality eye products out there, but I would like to share three of my personal favorites.

GM Collin Instant Radiance Anti-Aging Eye Patch

In just 20 minutes, take care of fatigue, fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. This favorite product of Meghan Markle is simple and easy to use. Just place the patches underneath the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and remove. They can be used overnight for more severe eye area concerns. This product contains hydrolyzed manihot esculenta tuber extract plus green tea and oak complex with acetyl tetreapeptide-5.

GM Collin Bota-Peptide Eye Contour

This #1 GM Collin eye product contains 6 peptides including Argireline, Myoxinol, Matrixyl 3000, Eyeliss, and Haloxyl. Add to that list caffeine and vitamin K and that makes a powerful punch to give eyes more radiant and youthful appearance while helping prevent signs of aging. This product prolongs the effects of Botox and is a client favorite.

Viktoria Deann PEPTIDE-Eye Serum

Great things come in small packages and this is no exception. This new favorite of mine includes green tea extract, soluble collagen, and UET-3 peptide to work to increase hydration and work as an antioxidant. This product feels like it is smoothing out the fine lines while tightening and firming. It's got my stamp of approval, and I know you'll love it too!

In the Spa

In addition to self care and home care, I offer a clinical care treatment called Collagen Sublime Eye Contour. This facial is divine and provides results in just one treatment. It visibly minimizes the signs of aging, relieve dark circles and puffiness for refreshed, radiant eyes. This service also quenches the skin, leaving it well hydrated. 

I love this treatment for a lot of different reasons. First, it uses the Signature Collagen Pellicle. GM Collin skin care line was developed after nurses who were treating burn victims with this pellicle were experiencing amazing results on their hands. Second, the mask really does make me feel like a super hero, and who doesn't want to flex their powers! Third, the results of softening the signs of aging and fatigue really deliver, making it a popular option for clients.

By recognizing some things that may be causing dark circles, puffiness and more in the eye area, we are better equipped with tools to help us both accept our limitations (age, genetics) and help smooth and calm down these concerns (self care, home care, and spa treatments.) Although we may not be able to solve all the world's problems, I hope we can brighten your eye area concerns and take your eye care to the next level!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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treatments, services, facials, Selfcare Zoey Jolley treatments, services, facials, Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Marrying the Old with the New

There are so many treatments and services available to clients in 2018. It's amazing to see how far technology has taken us and where we are headed. There are treatments that estheticians have been performing for many, many years. You know what they say about those. Oldies, but goodies. And others are pretty new to the scene in my treatment room. In the with new, out with the old. Does that have to be the case? What if you could have the best of both worlds?

Marrying old with the new.jpg

There are so many treatments and services available to clients in 2018. It's amazing to see how far technology has taken us and where we are headed. There are treatments that estheticians have been performing for many, many years. You know what they say about those. Oldies, but goodies. And others are pretty new to the scene in my treatment room. In the with new, out with the old. Does that have to be the case? What if you could have the best of both worlds?

I would love to "propose" marrying old services with new ones for optimal benefits. Here are four techniques to consider that I currently use in the treatment room for facials. Which do you think are old and which are new? Say hello to High Frequency, Microdermabrasion, Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber, and Rose Quartz Massage Tool.

High Frequency

High Frequency is also known as Tesla high frequency current and was developed in 1892. Named after the inventor, Nikola Tesla, this was used to treat strep throat and other skin conditions before antibiotics were in play. In the 1970, European spas noticed the change on skin when using them in facial treatments. And how it so often happens, North America follow suit in the 1980s.

How it works

High Frequency uses alternating or sinusoidal current which produces a heating effect with vibration. In the glass electrode, the oxygen is removed and neon or argon gas is put inside which creates a yellow/orange/red or blue/purple hue and a buzzing sound. The electrode is applied to the face (usually gauze is in between the skin and the hand piece) and slowly moved over the areas. Indirect sparking is where the electrode is placed close to the area without touching and is able to bridge the gap sending energy into the skin.


  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Increases absorption

  • Increases metabolism

  • Relieves congestion

  • Has an antiseptic and healing effect on skin

  • Helps coagulate and heal open lesions after extractions

  • Generates a warm, relaxing effect on skin


High frequency sends a low wave energy source which helps products penetrate better on the face while drying up acne and healing the skin.


This technique developed over time, but started around 1500 BC with sandpaper, then wheels and needles. The first microdermabrasion (also known as microderm) machine was invented in Italy by Dr. Mattioli and Dr. Brutto. By mid 1990s, microderm machines were seen across America. Traditionally, crystals and vacuum suction were used to exfoliate the skin. Other machines offer diamond tips.

How it works

Microderm is a powerful electronic vacuum with high grade microcrystals that spray onto the skin's surface through a hand piece. It can be done quickly in a 30 minute treatment or part of a facial.


  • Diminish sun damage, pigmentation, open and closed comedones, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and coarsely textured skin

  • Stimulates blood flow

  • Stimulates metabolism


Microderm is a non invasive procedure that gently exfoliates dead skin cells of the face while polishing the skin to be smooth and soft and stimulating collagen growth and healthy looking skin.

Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber

The Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber is also known as the Ultrasonic Spatula is considered the new generation of microdermabrasion. Which is a little ironic, seeing as how ultrasonic devices have been showing up in treatment rooms since the 1980s (but Microderm was 1996). This treatment has really taken off and is one of my NEW favorite options.

How it works

Ultrasonic tool is placed on the skin with product and/or water. The tool is used on both sides - one for exfoliating and the other for product penetration. It uses a frequency above the sound range of a human ear and works for cleanse, exfoliate or push product.


  • Soft peeling of the skin

  • Exfoliation of dead skin cells

  • Removal of black heads

  • Stimulates natural collagen fibers

  • Helps in rebuilding tissues


Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber can first help to cleanse, exfoliate and remove debris effectively and second increase product penetration so you see amazing results.

Rose Quartz Massage Tool

Another new to me technique I've been using is the Rose Quartz Massage Tool. Stones have been used for ages and rose quartz is said to be a high energy stone that produces love. It opens up the heart chakra which causes self-love, leading to love for others. (This feels a lot like self-care. LOVE it!) Gem stone facials have been used before recorded history, but they are new to my treatment room. Manual lymphatic drainage was developed in the 1930s by Emil Vodder.

How it works

Using this tool, I apply massage oil and then gently press these stones in a specific pattern to release stress points and to promote lymphatic drainage. It is simple, but yet I am thrilled every time I perform this treatment. It just feels amazing on the skin.


  • Reduces inflammation

  • Reduces puffiness

  • Increase circulation

  • Drain congested lymph nodes

  • Rid the body of toxins and waster

  • Stimulate collagen production and improve elasticity

  • Promotes anti-aging

Have you tried all four? If you haven't tried each of these treatments, now is your time. Schedule an appointment today and we'll go over the specific benefits for you!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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