How I Became an Esthetician


If you had told me as a child that I would be an Esthetician when I grew up, I would have asked what that was. I didn't know the slightest thing about how a spa worked or who worked in one for that manner. I had had my hair professionally done, but that was my extent of knowing anything about beauty. I wanted to be a teacher.

Fast forward to me as a mom of three. I really wanted to work with a friend at a gym daycare and thought that it would be perfect for me and what I needed at the time. The stars aligned and I started working there within 2 weeks. A year or so later as we moved into a larger facility, my friend took on the role of managing the spa next door. And since I liked working with her so much, I also moved over 2 months later.

What happened there was a beautiful thing. I felt so at home and at awe of the environment. I wanted to be part of someone's special 'spa day.' I looked into school, but finding out that there was not one close by, I quickly set that idea aside. Only, it really never left me. From the moment I walked into that spa's doors, I was captivated by creating special moments. I started as a receptionist, then assistant manager, and finally manager (at yet another spa).

When the idea of attending Esthetics school presented itself 6 years later, I was all in. Because it's not about just a facial or a smooth wax. It's really about the experience for each client and making magic happen for them. I continued to grow and flourish at school and found that as doors closed, others opened. Did I see any of that coming? Not a chance! But it led me to opening Essential Esthetics by Zoey in June 2016. I haven't looked back since.

I use the knowledge that I've gained from working in every aspect of a spa and teach others starting out how to do the same thing. It's where I want to be each day. See you in the treatment room!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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