services, Selfcare Zoey Jolley services, Selfcare Zoey Jolley

How I Became an Esthetician


If you had told me as a child that I would be an Esthetician when I grew up, I would have asked what that was. I didn't know the slightest thing about how a spa worked or who worked in one for that manner. I had had my hair professionally done, but that was my extent of knowing anything about beauty. I wanted to be a teacher.

Fast forward to me as a mom of three. I really wanted to work with a friend at a gym daycare and thought that it would be perfect for me and what I needed at the time. The stars aligned and I started working there within 2 weeks. A year or so later as we moved into a larger facility, my friend took on the role of managing the spa next door. And since I liked working with her so much, I also moved over 2 months later.

What happened there was a beautiful thing. I felt so at home and at awe of the environment. I wanted to be part of someone's special 'spa day.' I looked into school, but finding out that there was not one close by, I quickly set that idea aside. Only, it really never left me. From the moment I walked into that spa's doors, I was captivated by creating special moments. I started as a receptionist, then assistant manager, and finally manager (at yet another spa).

When the idea of attending Esthetics school presented itself 6 years later, I was all in. Because it's not about just a facial or a smooth wax. It's really about the experience for each client and making magic happen for them. I continued to grow and flourish at school and found that as doors closed, others opened. Did I see any of that coming? Not a chance! But it led me to opening Essential Esthetics by Zoey in June 2016. I haven't looked back since.

I use the knowledge that I've gained from working in every aspect of a spa and teach others starting out how to do the same thing. It's where I want to be each day. See you in the treatment room!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Top 3 Reasons Acne Stays

Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

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Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

Whichever phase you find yourself in, let me suggest my top 3 reasons why acne stays, hanging on for dear life.

1) Picking

There... I said it. Picking. Even I will catch myself running my fingers along my jawline only for one of the digits to make contact with a bump. And I scratch, pick, and try to manipulate that bump to come out of my skin. The story from there continues because once I know it's there, I can't stop. Even today, my children's dentist told me that he read you touch your face 32,000 times a day!!!

Has this happened to you? I can relate and sympathize. But it's a problem. And there's a reason why I put it at the number one spot on my list. Picking spreads the P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin. Once you start, you likely can't stop, so you are literally spreading bacteria all day long on your face or other body areas afflicted.


Recognize if there are certain times of day it occurs, or when you pass a mirror, etc. Write yourself reminder on the bathroom vanity with a dry erase or sticky note. Switch activities. Wash your hands, drink more water, read a good book... do anything besides picking!

2) Using Too Harsh Of Ingredients

Many acne clients like the feel of a scrub or the tingle of a cleanser. But, let me be clear. Just because it's a stronger product does not mean it's right for your skin. Acne is plagued with inflammation and so if you increase inflammation, your acne will likely have a hard time clearing on the skin.

Aggressive scrubs should be thrown out if you have grade III or IV acne. Toners that have alcohol must too hit the garbage. Often the right gentle products will be more effective (working in a quicker time frame and actually targeting the different types of acne) than if you pick the strongest percentages of an acid.


Work with a licensed professional to seek products that will help kill the acne WHILE preserving the barrier of your skin, which is the skin's main function.

3) Not Finding The Real Symptoms

Sure, you used a product for 3 months and you think you are healed. Maybe you decide to go off of the products OR you are still using them and the unwelcomed house guest announces it has to stay for an undetermined amount. Sadly, many times this is what acne clients (and maybe you) have faced.

Let me give you some hope here. Truth - Acne is a disease. While it cannot be cured, it can be CONTROLLED! This means that you must find out the real reason why your acne started and is staying. This could be stress, diet, external or internal factors. Those in the field have spent their entire lifetimes researching and studying and writing on this one topic. And they have learned so much about pimples, cysts, nodules, etc.


Work with a licensed professional to investigate the root of the problem. Many times there are simple things you can do to turn around everything in your skin. If researchers spend years searching for answers, it would be to your benefit to use this research first. (You can research on your own, but how do you even know where to start? Google can only help you if you are typing in the correct searches.)

I love working with acne clients. It takes patience, perseverance, and most importantly the courage to say, "I need help." I'll help you! Let's kick out the unwelcomed guest once and for all!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, aftercare, makeup Zoey Jolley skin, aftercare, makeup Zoey Jolley

Update Your Makeup Look

With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

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With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

First things first. There are some things that you should probably stop doing. The top on my list is blush that goes from the apples of your cheeks all the way back to your hair. Blue might be your favorite color, but you probably shouldn't wear it as your eyeshadow or eyeliner anymore. OR colored mascara. If you are wearing a super light concealer under your eyes, it's time to exchange that out. Lastly, but maybe most important, brows are big and bold right now. Thin and slender is out.

So now that we have the what not to dos, let's focus on what to do and how to make sure you can pull off new makeup!


Place lightly but directly to the apples of the cheeks and meld it into the contour. (Don't worry... we'll get to the contour part.)


Matte is in and so are neutral colors. You can add in a little glimmer and sparkle, but blending is paramount.


Black, brown/black, or brown is all that you need. If you put mascara on your bottom lashes, it will actually drag down your face. Still not sold? Do you mascara normal on one eye and then don't add the lower lashes to the other side. Then take a picture and evaluate.


Pick a color that is brighter, not lighter. Too light actually looks white. Trust me, it doesn't look good.


This may take time to grow back hair, but in the meantime, you can lightly fill them in with a pencil or eyeshadow with a brush (I prefer the eyeshadow) and use a spoolie (looks like a mascara wand without any product) to buff it out.


Contour will help your face look 3 dimensional. Place it in the natural shadows of your face, which includes the top of the forehead, underneath your cheek bones, under (not on) the jawline, and a thin line of each side of the nose. Make sure to buff and blend.

Still confused and not sure where to start? Make a makeup consult with me and I'll show you everything I know, answer your questions, and take a before/after picture for you so that you can see the difference. Embrace change and embrace your natural beauty. Let's enhance your features instead of covering them up!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

How Often Should I...? Part II Treatments

While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick

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While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick. Whatever you would like to work on, make sure that you team up with a professional so that we can get the job done together!

When working with me, the first things that we address are hydration of the skin and sensitivity. It doesn't make sense to start on the 2nd level of the house, when the ground floor issues are hydration and sensitivity. Starting there, once these have corrected as best we can (usually 1-2 months), we can move on. We could then work on the above issues of anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne (active or old scarring.)

I offer many tools to get the job done and depending on how your skin responds to the treatments, your open time to spend with me, and your budget, we put together a plan of "How often you should see your esthetician." In general, once a month for maintenance is amazing. If this is not possible, it is VITAL that you come in every quarter for a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment of the skin as the seasons change. Yes, it's Idaho and we have 4 seasons! So about every 3 months. Microneedling, Specialty Facials, and Chemical Peels excel in a series treatment. They are designed to build upon each other! But the more regularly you come, the greater the results you will see down the road as your skin begins to age.

Currently, I offer the following treatments to address your concerns: Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Signature Facials (both in 90 or 60 minutes), Specialty Facials (Algomask and Hydrolifting), Chemical Peels, and Dermaplaning. All of these have value and most of the time, mixing and matching is ideal as you want to keep your skin guessing and using all of the great options to help your skin heal, glow, and revitalize to it's optimal blueprint.

I love making custom plans, so please contact me and we'll come up with something that will work well for you, your skin, and your skin care goals.

You'll spend $XXX on a purse you'll use for 2 years. How much will you spend on your face that you will have for a lifetime? $XXX It's worth your investment!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Favorite Things

This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose?


This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose? (And really, how do you pick?)

1) GM Collins Hydramucine Optimal Serum

GM Collins has really outdone themselves with this product. When placing this refreshing product on your skin, you can smell the watermelon and fruit extracts coming through. Offering serum features a high and low weight of hyaluronic acid, a moisturizing complex that minicks the natural moisturizing factor of the skin, Plankton extract which affects the mainwater storage of the dermis, and many more. What does this mean for you? It means that when you put on this velvet serum, your skin will have immediate and long lasting hydration AND your skin will feel smooth and look healthy! Because this product is great for all skin types and because I live in the mountain desert climate (Idaho), I use this product in EVERY facial treatment I perform and recommend it to ALL my clients. It really is the best!

2) Supracor Spa Cell Facial Mitt

This versatile product is loved by so many of my clients for so many reasons! This product can be used on the face and body. It is a great exfoliator (that you can use on it's own or with other recommendations from your Esthetician.)

This is definitely a must have for any teenager or body waxer. Teenagers are less likely to spend the necessary time to wash appropriately, so this boosts what little they will do. Use it in the shower or out. Body waxers will love this product to help with ingrowns and to get a smoother wax at your next appointment. Check out this review from a client of Essential Esthetics by Zoey.

"If I had to pick my favorite beauty product... it would definitely be the SpaCell! This baby is pure magic. Before the SpaCell, I would have horrible issues post waxing. The SpaCell was the answer.There are two sides with varying roughnesses which makes this product perfect for all your exfoliation needs. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. And who doesn't love feeling that way? I'm definitely a fan for life."

3) Crazy Online Toothpaste

I used to think it was funny that I was so excited about this product. I'm not crazy. So many people love and swear by it... and I am one of the believers. This toothpaste contains fluoride as well as a patent for polishing and whitening your teeth to their natural levels. Do you know how your teeth feel after coming home from the dentist? Get this feeling EVERY.SINGLE.TIME you brush your teeth. This light vanilla mint paste repels food and plaque from sticking to your teeth. I absolutely love what it has done for me and know you will too! (P.S. My kids love it! You can use it on children 2 and up, pregnant and breastfeeding moms, and everyone else!)

If I were to attend on of those Favorite Things parties, I would definitely choose to bring on of these products above as my gift. Virtually anyone could use these. Are you sold? Head on over to my store or shoot me a text. We can get these products into your hands today!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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David and Goliath - The Little Guy and Amazon

Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.


Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.

Element Outfitters is not alone. Many local retailers also feel the pinch of the convenience that Amazon and websites bring. For big retailers, the quantity purchased for multiple locations or for online is enough to get a break on the price from the supplier. Benefits from online purchasing include shopping in your pajamas with Ben & Jerrys, delivery coming straight to your door, and the plethora of colors, options, and features of the desired items. The local owners purchase product up front, display on shelves, and share their first hand knowledge with each client that walks in the door. Benefits from local purchasing include receiving answers of questions by a real person in front of you, having the item immediately, and keeping money local to support families that live in your community.

Have you been guilty of going into a local store, talking to the store employee to glean information on the coveted item, and then driving to the safety of your home, turning on the computer, and clicking purchase? The next time that you are tempted to click that buy button, here's a couple of things to think about when it comes to skin care.

When you purchase products from me

1) I am making sure that the products that we pick are right for you skin and the goals that we have set together.

2) You are able to see, smell, and feel the product before you buy.

3) I continue to go to education across the country to learn more about products and treatments for you. I order frequently so I do not have an overstock of product that 'sits' on my shelf.

4) You are helping support a local family.

When you purchase products online

1) Skin care from GM Collins is never sold on Amazon. Most of the time, products you see from Amazon have been sold from a spa that went under. If a spa closed, it is very likely that the product was sitting on their shelves for years.

2) Efficacy of product cannot be guaranteed. Is it expired, something wrong with it, or been sitting in a hot car in Texas for a couple months? This cleanser, cream, or mask will not be able to do what it claims to do.

3) You are helping support the big retailer.

I would love to help discuss with you your skin concerns and then recommend products that can help you achieve your goals and change your skin. Whether it's anti-aging, clearing your skin, or calming redness, let's get together and make your dreams a reality. When you come see me, you are making my dreams a reality.

Goliath is here to stay. I'll admit that I love Amazon for books and random items. But when it comes to something I ingest or put on my face, I'll stick with my local grocery store and esthetician! David for the win!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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