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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Home Care Part IV

You’ve finished with your facial treatment and are in a state of pure bliss. You are definitely excited about how your skin feels and not sure what to do next. Or if you should even purchase the home care. For the ultimate experience, you’ll find better and faster results if you encorporate home care. Here are a couple of the things that your Esthetician wants you to know.

#1 - If you have to chose between receiving treatments or purchasing home care, the best investment that you can make it to purchase the home care. You can see your skin every day and start making the changes that you are going for … plus slowing down the aging process.

#2 - The most important item to purchse in home care is a quality SPF that you will use and reapply. My unpopular opinion is that it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or chemical sunscreen, you just need to like it so that you will use it.

#3 - We can’t advise on products that we aren’t trained on, because we simply don’t know. When you purchase products from your licensed Esthetician, he/she knows exactly what steps will get you to where you want to be. There are thousands upon thousands of products, so if you ask about something we aren’t using, we don’t know how your skin would do.

#4 - Products that should be included in everyone’s skin care routines are exfoliants and serums. These are the home run hitters in skin care and prove to be the biggest bang for your buck.

#5 - Listen to your Esthetician’s instructions of how to use for your skin. More is not better. If she/he said to use it twice a week, four times a week is not better for your skin. Trust me on this one.

#6 - Switching out products seasonal is not only common, but it’s a good idea. Your skin will need differently help at different times of the year. Yes, the climate does make a difference!

#7 - Once you start a product, ideally, it would be good to finish it before starting another product.

#8 - We love it when you are excited about a product and then really do try it shortly after purchasing. If you have questions, don’t wait for our follow up phone call or text. Just let your Esthetician know that you aren’t sure how to use, when to use, etc. We love answering questions and helping you get the most out of your product!

Your Esthetician really is excited to help you on your journey and to make some incredible changes in your skin. These changes make up 70-80% of what you do at home, so let’s make some changes to help you achieve those goals. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Waxing Part II

In addition to receiving facial and massage services, I also receive waxing from other Estheticians. I’ve waxed everything (upper lip being the worst for me). I know what it’s like from the waxer’s perspective and also the client. So many clients come in for body waxing and are SO NERVOUS. Of course, you need to know that that’s 100% normal. But besides that, here are a couple more things that your Esthetician would want you to know.

#1 - We are doing a job of removing hair. We are looking for the best waxing patterns to do our job efficiently while providing the most comfort to you, the client. That’s all we are looking at. For me, it’s about combining speed with comfort.

#2 - Holding skin tight and breathing are essential to making sure you limit the pain associated with waxing. Especially when it comes to intimate waxing, trust me on this. Watching where the wax is going or trying to lift up does not help anything. It creates more anxiety for you and the waxer.

#3 - There are no questions that you can ask your Esthetician that haven’t been asked before. We are here to answer anything you have, but we’ll be sure to share with you what to do and not to do after waxing. These recommendations are helpful in creating the best waxing experience.

#4 - The aftercare instructions are important. Don’t ignore them … as this is what causes problems like bumps and ingrowns. Try to purchase the aftercare that day or as soon as possible.

#5 - Doing surgery on yourself on an ingrown will result in more problems, including dark marks (hyperpigmentation.) Instead, use the home care products and ask your Esthetician to help you remove ingrowns if possible.

In the end, every waxer has a unique pattern that they’ve learned and made into their own. They may use different waxing patterns, different wax or even sugar, or have different positions for your legs or arms. A great Esthetician has figured out what works best for him/her as well as their clients. Trust the process and their expertise that has created raving fans who come back month after month.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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When You Don't Follow Your Esthetician's Advice


As you get done with your facial treatment, you lie on the table absolutely relaxed with glowing skin. I like to call it spa drunk. You get up, get redressed, and open the door to go on your merry way. Your esthetician will give you after care instructions (things to do and not to do right after a facial), plus some options that you can do at home.

Almost every client will come for their facial with a skin condition that they would like to change and make better. Dark under eye circles, blackheads, sun spots, or fine lines. Each problem has a solution that can be solved and enhanced in the right way.

But what if you don't follow your Esthetician's advice?

It's hard to imagine but many clients do just that. While it's nice to receive a monthly facial, what's even better is to improve your skin daily. I love to take into account everything that my hands have felt and what my eyes have seen during the facial into your recommendations. I also know from our consultation if you need easy, fast and simple, or if you'd like to add in your 6th step for the evening. I will give you my expert advice and leave the decisions up to you. These include ideas for future treatments and things to use at home to maximize your results.

Just like the dentist asks you to brush twice a day and floss once. Just like the trainer that works with you once a week and then asks you to put in 4 to 5 more workouts without them. Just like the doctor that suggestions you make changes with your diet and then says to come back in two months to see what they can do to help.

Regardless, the treatment room here at Essential Esthetics by Zoey is a judge free zone. While I give you options and advice, I can't be with you every night encouraging to wash to your face before bed, stop you from picking that pimple that's not quite ready, or reminding you to ‘ice, ice baby’. Don't let that stop you from coming back. In fact, let that encourage you to come back, ask for even more options or different way, and keep trying to improve your skin. 

I'd love to be your partner in navigating what we can do to find the right balance for you! Set up your next appointment with me and it will help keep you on track and accountable to your skin care goals.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Confessions of an Esthetician - Ingrown Hairs


Grab your popcorn and take a seat! Story time is here again!

I’ve been a long term waxer (meaning, I’ve received intimate waxing for years), and one of the things that can happen over time is thinner and sparser hair. The thinning hair still has the obstacle of breaking through the dead skin cells. And as we age, we also have to work harder to keep the dead skin cells cycling at an acceptable rate.

Anywho, this is my way of telling you, that I never got ingrown hairs until I had been waxing a couple years. Fast forward to last year. Mid pandemic … and honestly, I was kind of sucking at the home care routine stuff. Especially my exfoliation and moisturization processes. Out of nowhere, I had 3 ingrown hairs. Say what?!

Well, I have a couple of items that I recommend to clients, so I think to myself… “Today’s the day! I’m going to be the best client ever!” And then proceed to exfoliate in the bath and use the oil right after getting out. I mean, it all feels nice, but I don’t want it to just ‘feel’ nice. I want it to be doing something. So because this is what I do … and I’m a little weird like that, I check in the bathroom 20 minutes later to see what those 3 ingrown hairs are doing. And guess what?! All 3 ingrown hairs had popped through the surface of the skin. Botta bing, botta boom. Say yes!

I always say the best treatment for ingrowns is prevention! But, if you see an ingrown pop up (correction - staying underneath the skin), address it baby! Three of my main suggestions are:

DO NOT perform surgery on yourself.

SAY YES to the aftercare!

And don’t wait until your next appointment. Let’s get you stepping up the aftercare and then we can also use high frequency at your next waxing appointment as well!

If you, too, are struggling with the dreaded ingrowns, I can’t wait to show you options and help you through the process!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley

What I Wish I Had Known Before Brazilian Waxing


They say that hindsight is 20/20. I love the articles that share the how tos and what not to dos. For example, that insight from someone who has been to the vacation spot before is priceless. They'll tell you not to waste your money on this tourist place, but for sure put that restaurant on your list before you leave the area. Taking their advice can add so much to your trip.

With that in mind, I'd love to share my best tips! I have experienced intimate waxing from many estheticians. My motto is that I will never offer a service if I am unwilling to receive it. I receive brazilian waxing regularly (about every 5 weeks since I've been waxing for years.) From one waxer to someone who wants to try it, here are four of my top recommendations to have the best appointment for your first brazilian wax.

1 - It's not as bad as you think it will be

Our minds can conjure up some pretty crazy stories... especially after we watch a YouTuber share their experiences. I've been there too! The not knowing sometimes will create anxiety and worry. But the best news is that it isn't at bad as you think it will be. 

Going to an experienced waxer will make your experience awesome. She (or he) will make it comfortable for you by keeping you talking and walking you through the process step by step. Before you know it, your waxing will be over and you'll be getting dressed, checking out AND rescheduling your next appointment! The next time gets even easier! I've had so many women wonder why they waited so long to try it! 

2 - This is a judgement free zone

Every woman has insecurities about their body. Even after losing some weight a couple years ago, I still have a pooch, stretch marks, scars from babies and many more things that women worry about. I'm here to remove the wax quickly and in the most comfortable way possible. I wax women of all ages and sizes. Rest assured that this is a judgement free zone.

3 - Length of hair matters

Did you know that the length of the hair matters? It's important to have the hair be approximately 1/4 of an inch (or the length of a grain of rice.) If you are a shaver, it's best to have 3 weeks worth growth from your last shave. Put the razor aside so you don't accidentally forget in the shower.

Why does it need to be that long? The wax needs something to grab on to. If the longer part of the hair is under the skin, there will literally be a tug of war for the hair to come out. Simply put the shorter the hair ... the more painful your treatment.

4 - Purchase the after care

Your waxer is a  professional and will do the best that they can to remove the hair. Go to someone who specializes in Brazilian waxing. They will also recommend some products for your aftercare. 

Why should you purchase the post wax recommendations? The best way to keep and maintain excellent results is to prevent them from occurring. For example, ingrown hairs can happen to anyone. They are a normal part of waxing (and even shaving.) But if you are using product to prevent them before they even happen, you are one step ahead of the game. 

So now you know what I know! I hope this helps you as your prepare to come in to the treatment room and experience this service for yourself! After your wax, you'll be able to share your experience and pass on your wisdom to your girlfriends who have always wanted to try it out!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Lash Lifting Benefits

If you've ever been curious about lash lifting, you are in the right place. Through the last couple of decades, the rise of enhancing eyelashes has been on the rise. First strips, then eyelash extensions, and now the every popular baby of lash lifting. The ease of the maintenance process is one of the most appealing benefits for busy working woman and even stay at home moms. 


If you've ever been curious about lash lifting, you are in the right place. Through the last couple of decades, the rise of enhancing eyelashes has been on the rise. First strips, then eyelash extensions, and now the every popular baby of lash lifting. The ease of the maintenance process is one of the most appealing benefits for busy working woman and even stay at home moms. 

Pros - Enhancing what your mama gave you!

If you want better looking eyelashes, but don't want to put something synthetic on your natural lashes, eyelash lifting is going a great choice for you! Eyelashes growing straight out don't look that long. But when they are lifted up and curled, you can definitely notice them more!

Pros - Time Saver!

The problem for most women is that this takes time with a manual eyelash curler or a heated eyelash curler, eyelash primer, and then mascara. You would curl your lashes every morning, get everything in place and go on with your day. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Want to cut out 5 minutes of your morning routine? In walks eyelash lifting! Come in for an hour appointment every 6 to 8 weeks. That's it!

Pros - Great lashes on the beach and at the pool everytime!

Because you are just using your natural lashes, you don't have to worry about getting your lashes wet or what the water will do to them. Combine the lash lifting service with a tint, and you are pretty set to not even wear mascara on those beach days. While lash lifting typically lasts 6-8 weeks, lash tinting lasts an average of 3-4 weeks.

Pros - Get va-va-voom when you want or keep it simple!

It's easy to get a va-va-voom with lash lifting. Just add on mascara (or primer and mascara) and see them lift a little more and thicken a little more. Or you can choose to keep it simple and just wear them with the lash and tint. It's very easy!

Pros - Easy aftercare!

With this service, the aftercare is easy! The better you stick with the aftercare, the better your results will be overall. Here's what you need to remember:

For 24 hours:

No mascara, eye makeup

Keep them dry and don't touch them

No eye creams

For 48 hours:

No steam

No saunas

No swimming

No lash growth serums

This service has been around a long time and was known as lash perming. But with any great service, this one has bee upgraded with better rods (where you place the lashes) that are more comfortable for the client and a superior product that stays fresh and ready for the client each and every time (say goodbye to oxidation). If you are ready to give this treatment a try, hop on over to pick an appointment that works for you!

Don't forget to breathe. let go. relax.

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Top 3 Reasons Acne Stays

Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

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Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

Whichever phase you find yourself in, let me suggest my top 3 reasons why acne stays, hanging on for dear life.

1) Picking

There... I said it. Picking. Even I will catch myself running my fingers along my jawline only for one of the digits to make contact with a bump. And I scratch, pick, and try to manipulate that bump to come out of my skin. The story from there continues because once I know it's there, I can't stop. Even today, my children's dentist told me that he read you touch your face 32,000 times a day!!!

Has this happened to you? I can relate and sympathize. But it's a problem. And there's a reason why I put it at the number one spot on my list. Picking spreads the P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin. Once you start, you likely can't stop, so you are literally spreading bacteria all day long on your face or other body areas afflicted.


Recognize if there are certain times of day it occurs, or when you pass a mirror, etc. Write yourself reminder on the bathroom vanity with a dry erase or sticky note. Switch activities. Wash your hands, drink more water, read a good book... do anything besides picking!

2) Using Too Harsh Of Ingredients

Many acne clients like the feel of a scrub or the tingle of a cleanser. But, let me be clear. Just because it's a stronger product does not mean it's right for your skin. Acne is plagued with inflammation and so if you increase inflammation, your acne will likely have a hard time clearing on the skin.

Aggressive scrubs should be thrown out if you have grade III or IV acne. Toners that have alcohol must too hit the garbage. Often the right gentle products will be more effective (working in a quicker time frame and actually targeting the different types of acne) than if you pick the strongest percentages of an acid.


Work with a licensed professional to seek products that will help kill the acne WHILE preserving the barrier of your skin, which is the skin's main function.

3) Not Finding The Real Symptoms

Sure, you used a product for 3 months and you think you are healed. Maybe you decide to go off of the products OR you are still using them and the unwelcomed house guest announces it has to stay for an undetermined amount. Sadly, many times this is what acne clients (and maybe you) have faced.

Let me give you some hope here. Truth - Acne is a disease. While it cannot be cured, it can be CONTROLLED! This means that you must find out the real reason why your acne started and is staying. This could be stress, diet, external or internal factors. Those in the field have spent their entire lifetimes researching and studying and writing on this one topic. And they have learned so much about pimples, cysts, nodules, etc.


Work with a licensed professional to investigate the root of the problem. Many times there are simple things you can do to turn around everything in your skin. If researchers spend years searching for answers, it would be to your benefit to use this research first. (You can research on your own, but how do you even know where to start? Google can only help you if you are typing in the correct searches.)

I love working with acne clients. It takes patience, perseverance, and most importantly the courage to say, "I need help." I'll help you! Let's kick out the unwelcomed guest once and for all!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Update Your Makeup Look

With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

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With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

First things first. There are some things that you should probably stop doing. The top on my list is blush that goes from the apples of your cheeks all the way back to your hair. Blue might be your favorite color, but you probably shouldn't wear it as your eyeshadow or eyeliner anymore. OR colored mascara. If you are wearing a super light concealer under your eyes, it's time to exchange that out. Lastly, but maybe most important, brows are big and bold right now. Thin and slender is out.

So now that we have the what not to dos, let's focus on what to do and how to make sure you can pull off new makeup!


Place lightly but directly to the apples of the cheeks and meld it into the contour. (Don't worry... we'll get to the contour part.)


Matte is in and so are neutral colors. You can add in a little glimmer and sparkle, but blending is paramount.


Black, brown/black, or brown is all that you need. If you put mascara on your bottom lashes, it will actually drag down your face. Still not sold? Do you mascara normal on one eye and then don't add the lower lashes to the other side. Then take a picture and evaluate.


Pick a color that is brighter, not lighter. Too light actually looks white. Trust me, it doesn't look good.


This may take time to grow back hair, but in the meantime, you can lightly fill them in with a pencil or eyeshadow with a brush (I prefer the eyeshadow) and use a spoolie (looks like a mascara wand without any product) to buff it out.


Contour will help your face look 3 dimensional. Place it in the natural shadows of your face, which includes the top of the forehead, underneath your cheek bones, under (not on) the jawline, and a thin line of each side of the nose. Make sure to buff and blend.

Still confused and not sure where to start? Make a makeup consult with me and I'll show you everything I know, answer your questions, and take a before/after picture for you so that you can see the difference. Embrace change and embrace your natural beauty. Let's enhance your features instead of covering them up!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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5 Tips for Keeping Perfect Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Extensions are here to stay. They offer the flexibility to get ready easily and quickly each morning! You won't have to worry about crying in public, raccoon eyes from mascara, or removing it all off after a long hard day of work.

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Eyelash Extensions are here to stay. They offer the flexibility to get ready easily and quickly each morning! You won't have to worry about crying in public, raccoon eyes from mascara, or removing it all off after a long hard day of work.

You will however, want to keep note of these fantastic tips for keeping your eyelashes in tip top condition in between fills.

1) Be strict about not getting them wet for 24 hours.

The adhesive needs time to cure, so it's important to keep them dry, Wash your hair the day you come in. Steam is another no-no because it's really water vapor. The less you mess with them for the first 24 hours, the better off you'll be.

2) Remember, heat is your enemy.

If you cook or barbecue, be sure to protect your lashes. Eyelash extensions are made to be heat resistant, but they will bend, crimp, or singe if you stand over a pot of boiling water, get your face right in when you open the oven, or being the master BBQ chef at a family get together!

3) Mascara is always a NO.

You are wearing lash extensions so you do not need to wear mascara. The main ingredients in mascara include oil and wax products, which break down the bond of the eyelash extension and adhesive. You can use mascara on the bottom lashes, but add mascara to your tops and you will notice more and more eyelash extensions will fall off.

4) No touching.

They look gorgeous and you can't help but touch them with your dainty fingers. Just like the exhibits in the museum say, Please do not touch, your lash artist will ask you to do the same thing. Natural oils on your hands do just what mascara does... break down the adhesive bond. Look, use your mascara spoolie as needed to keep them going in the right directions, but never touch!

5) Wash these babies too.

Yes, you are not supposed to get them wet at first. But you do want to make sure that you wash them to remove dirt, oils, and the rest of your daily makeup after those first 24 hours have past. Use eyelash cleanser for extensions (no oil, glycol, etc.) or baby shampoo diluted to give them a cleanse daily.

These tips are sure to help you keep the perfect eyelash extensions all year round!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How Often Should I ...? Part I Home Care

One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment. Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care.

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One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment.

Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care. Just like when you hire a personal trainer, and Esthetician will meet with you and "work out" your skin in the treatment room every so often. But it's up to you, the client to do the homework in between our sessions.

Your homework should include at a minimum 4 steps. These steps are cleansing the skin, using appropriate treating mist, apply moisturizer (yes - even oily skin needs moisturizer) and finally using SPF. This is also the order that I suggest clients add in products as well. So, if you aren't using anything now, start with cleanser and go from there. (If you'd like a summary, scroll down to the bottom and then refer up when in question and needing more specifics.)

So, let's break down How Often Should I...

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin?

The answer here is different for everyone, but at least morning and night. So twice a day. If you are a heavy makeup wearer OR have very oily/acenic prone skin, the answer will be up to four times a day. Twice in the morning and twice at night. I like to use two different cleansers for these clients. So product one would be the first cleanse. And product two would be the second cleanse for both morning and night cleanses.

How Often Should I Mist the Skin?

The short answer: use a treating mist or toner immediately after cleansing the skin. Which would be twice a day. (Don't mist in between cleanses if you are cleansing twice in a row.)

Using a treating mist or toner is great to help balance the skin and lay a perfect foundation for more anti-aging products afterwards. If your skin feels tight after cleansing, you have stripped off the natural acid mantle (the barrier for the skin protecting it so that other organisms, etc. cannot enter our shield). The skin then goes into hyperdrive to produce more oil (which serves as a protectant). Repeatedly doing this causes much harm to your defensive layer. An astringent (super tingly product with alcohol) is NOT a toner or mist. Stay away from these products.

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin?

Differing beliefs on this are across the board, but my personal opinion remains that adding moisture, especially in our dry climate is good and reduces excess oil production. It is important to work with your skin trainer (aka Esthetician) to find the right moisturizer for your skin. Also, some clients prefer to have a daytime (lighter) moisturizer and a night time cream that is heavier weight and/or with more anti-aging benefits. Twice a day after you mist, you will moisturize.

How Often Should I Reapply SPF?

Every SPF is different, but my generic response is every 2 hours when going outside. I hear all the time that your makeup has SPF... which is awesome, but it DOES NOT REPLACE applying SPF every morning and before leaving work with another product besides your makeup. For SPF to be most beneficial, you need to reapply throughout the day. When wearing makeup, you can reapply by adding setting spray with SPF as well. By and large, look for ways to be compliant with this step instead of finding excuses of why you can't!

My favorite analogy for sun protection is a new vehicle. You wouldn't drive off the car lot without having car insurance. SPF IS your car insurance. Have it, use it, and don't leave home without it!

Those are your 4 minimum steps. Want to step up your game at the gym? Here are a couple of ideas and general suggestions.

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? This depends highly on what type of exfoliant. Consult your skin trainer, but most often I suggest one to two times per week.

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

You don't need good luck in your bathroom. Consistency is key and where you will see long term results. Starting at a healthier skin type means that you will focus more on prevention (which is always easier than reversing the skin damage that happens over time.) You can do this! Make sure to consult your Esthetician for exactly what YOUR skin needs, as we are all different.

SUMMARY: (Refer to longer paragraphs for more information)

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin? Twice a day for normal/dry skin; Twice morning and twice night for oily/acenic skin

How Often Should I Mist the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Reapply SPF? Every 2 hours or what's recommended on you tube of sunscreen

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? Once a week

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

Stay tuned for Part II of How Often Should I?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Favorite Things

This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose?


This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose? (And really, how do you pick?)

1) GM Collins Hydramucine Optimal Serum

GM Collins has really outdone themselves with this product. When placing this refreshing product on your skin, you can smell the watermelon and fruit extracts coming through. Offering serum features a high and low weight of hyaluronic acid, a moisturizing complex that minicks the natural moisturizing factor of the skin, Plankton extract which affects the mainwater storage of the dermis, and many more. What does this mean for you? It means that when you put on this velvet serum, your skin will have immediate and long lasting hydration AND your skin will feel smooth and look healthy! Because this product is great for all skin types and because I live in the mountain desert climate (Idaho), I use this product in EVERY facial treatment I perform and recommend it to ALL my clients. It really is the best!

2) Supracor Spa Cell Facial Mitt

This versatile product is loved by so many of my clients for so many reasons! This product can be used on the face and body. It is a great exfoliator (that you can use on it's own or with other recommendations from your Esthetician.)

This is definitely a must have for any teenager or body waxer. Teenagers are less likely to spend the necessary time to wash appropriately, so this boosts what little they will do. Use it in the shower or out. Body waxers will love this product to help with ingrowns and to get a smoother wax at your next appointment. Check out this review from a client of Essential Esthetics by Zoey.

"If I had to pick my favorite beauty product... it would definitely be the SpaCell! This baby is pure magic. Before the SpaCell, I would have horrible issues post waxing. The SpaCell was the answer.There are two sides with varying roughnesses which makes this product perfect for all your exfoliation needs. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. And who doesn't love feeling that way? I'm definitely a fan for life."

3) Crazy Online Toothpaste

I used to think it was funny that I was so excited about this product. I'm not crazy. So many people love and swear by it... and I am one of the believers. This toothpaste contains fluoride as well as a patent for polishing and whitening your teeth to their natural levels. Do you know how your teeth feel after coming home from the dentist? Get this feeling EVERY.SINGLE.TIME you brush your teeth. This light vanilla mint paste repels food and plaque from sticking to your teeth. I absolutely love what it has done for me and know you will too! (P.S. My kids love it! You can use it on children 2 and up, pregnant and breastfeeding moms, and everyone else!)

If I were to attend on of those Favorite Things parties, I would definitely choose to bring on of these products above as my gift. Virtually anyone could use these. Are you sold? Head on over to my store or shoot me a text. We can get these products into your hands today!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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David and Goliath - The Little Guy and Amazon

Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.


Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.

Element Outfitters is not alone. Many local retailers also feel the pinch of the convenience that Amazon and websites bring. For big retailers, the quantity purchased for multiple locations or for online is enough to get a break on the price from the supplier. Benefits from online purchasing include shopping in your pajamas with Ben & Jerrys, delivery coming straight to your door, and the plethora of colors, options, and features of the desired items. The local owners purchase product up front, display on shelves, and share their first hand knowledge with each client that walks in the door. Benefits from local purchasing include receiving answers of questions by a real person in front of you, having the item immediately, and keeping money local to support families that live in your community.

Have you been guilty of going into a local store, talking to the store employee to glean information on the coveted item, and then driving to the safety of your home, turning on the computer, and clicking purchase? The next time that you are tempted to click that buy button, here's a couple of things to think about when it comes to skin care.

When you purchase products from me

1) I am making sure that the products that we pick are right for you skin and the goals that we have set together.

2) You are able to see, smell, and feel the product before you buy.

3) I continue to go to education across the country to learn more about products and treatments for you. I order frequently so I do not have an overstock of product that 'sits' on my shelf.

4) You are helping support a local family.

When you purchase products online

1) Skin care from GM Collins is never sold on Amazon. Most of the time, products you see from Amazon have been sold from a spa that went under. If a spa closed, it is very likely that the product was sitting on their shelves for years.

2) Efficacy of product cannot be guaranteed. Is it expired, something wrong with it, or been sitting in a hot car in Texas for a couple months? This cleanser, cream, or mask will not be able to do what it claims to do.

3) You are helping support the big retailer.

I would love to help discuss with you your skin concerns and then recommend products that can help you achieve your goals and change your skin. Whether it's anti-aging, clearing your skin, or calming redness, let's get together and make your dreams a reality. When you come see me, you are making my dreams a reality.

Goliath is here to stay. I'll admit that I love Amazon for books and random items. But when it comes to something I ingest or put on my face, I'll stick with my local grocery store and esthetician! David for the win!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley

After the Skin Treatment

Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice.

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Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice. Here's what I recommend:

Wear SPF. I cannot say this enough. Environmental factors are the #1 cause of aging. Yes, that's right (not genetic factors.) Your skin may be more suspectible to rays for a couple days post treatment, so SPF is a must! I recommend the GM Collins Dry Touch 50 SPF. Easy to reapply and compliments any skin care that you are currently using.

Drink extra water. Hydration is key to our skin, though our other vitals organs take the majority first before they get to the largest organ (the skin). I add a very relaxing facial massage to my treatment, so bump up your intake the day you come to see me.

Change your pillowcase. We've exfoliated your skin and put some incredible serums on your skin to work on your targeted concerns. The last thing that you want to do is put your face on a dirty pillowcase. Simply to do, right?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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