Confessions of an Esthetician - Ingrown Hairs


Grab your popcorn and take a seat! Story time is here again!

I’ve been a long term waxer (meaning, I’ve received intimate waxing for years), and one of the things that can happen over time is thinner and sparser hair. The thinning hair still has the obstacle of breaking through the dead skin cells. And as we age, we also have to work harder to keep the dead skin cells cycling at an acceptable rate.

Anywho, this is my way of telling you, that I never got ingrown hairs until I had been waxing a couple years. Fast forward to last year. Mid pandemic … and honestly, I was kind of sucking at the home care routine stuff. Especially my exfoliation and moisturization processes. Out of nowhere, I had 3 ingrown hairs. Say what?!

Well, I have a couple of items that I recommend to clients, so I think to myself… “Today’s the day! I’m going to be the best client ever!” And then proceed to exfoliate in the bath and use the oil right after getting out. I mean, it all feels nice, but I don’t want it to just ‘feel’ nice. I want it to be doing something. So because this is what I do … and I’m a little weird like that, I check in the bathroom 20 minutes later to see what those 3 ingrown hairs are doing. And guess what?! All 3 ingrown hairs had popped through the surface of the skin. Botta bing, botta boom. Say yes!

I always say the best treatment for ingrowns is prevention! But, if you see an ingrown pop up (correction - staying underneath the skin), address it baby! Three of my main suggestions are:

DO NOT perform surgery on yourself.

SAY YES to the aftercare!

And don’t wait until your next appointment. Let’s get you stepping up the aftercare and then we can also use high frequency at your next waxing appointment as well!

If you, too, are struggling with the dreaded ingrowns, I can’t wait to show you options and help you through the process!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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