What I Wish I Had Known Before Brazilian Waxing


They say that hindsight is 20/20. I love the articles that share the how tos and what not to dos. For example, that insight from someone who has been to the vacation spot before is priceless. They'll tell you not to waste your money on this tourist place, but for sure put that restaurant on your list before you leave the area. Taking their advice can add so much to your trip.

With that in mind, I'd love to share my best tips! I have experienced intimate waxing from many estheticians. My motto is that I will never offer a service if I am unwilling to receive it. I receive brazilian waxing regularly (about every 5 weeks since I've been waxing for years.) From one waxer to someone who wants to try it, here are four of my top recommendations to have the best appointment for your first brazilian wax.

1 - It's not as bad as you think it will be

Our minds can conjure up some pretty crazy stories... especially after we watch a YouTuber share their experiences. I've been there too! The not knowing sometimes will create anxiety and worry. But the best news is that it isn't at bad as you think it will be. 

Going to an experienced waxer will make your experience awesome. She (or he) will make it comfortable for you by keeping you talking and walking you through the process step by step. Before you know it, your waxing will be over and you'll be getting dressed, checking out AND rescheduling your next appointment! The next time gets even easier! I've had so many women wonder why they waited so long to try it! 

2 - This is a judgement free zone

Every woman has insecurities about their body. Even after losing some weight a couple years ago, I still have a pooch, stretch marks, scars from babies and many more things that women worry about. I'm here to remove the wax quickly and in the most comfortable way possible. I wax women of all ages and sizes. Rest assured that this is a judgement free zone.

3 - Length of hair matters

Did you know that the length of the hair matters? It's important to have the hair be approximately 1/4 of an inch (or the length of a grain of rice.) If you are a shaver, it's best to have 3 weeks worth growth from your last shave. Put the razor aside so you don't accidentally forget in the shower.

Why does it need to be that long? The wax needs something to grab on to. If the longer part of the hair is under the skin, there will literally be a tug of war for the hair to come out. Simply put the shorter the hair ... the more painful your treatment.

4 - Purchase the after care

Your waxer is a  professional and will do the best that they can to remove the hair. Go to someone who specializes in Brazilian waxing. They will also recommend some products for your aftercare. 

Why should you purchase the post wax recommendations? The best way to keep and maintain excellent results is to prevent them from occurring. For example, ingrown hairs can happen to anyone. They are a normal part of waxing (and even shaving.) But if you are using product to prevent them before they even happen, you are one step ahead of the game. 

So now you know what I know! I hope this helps you as your prepare to come in to the treatment room and experience this service for yourself! After your wax, you'll be able to share your experience and pass on your wisdom to your girlfriends who have always wanted to try it out!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 


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