When You Don't Follow Your Esthetician's Advice


As you get done with your facial treatment, you lie on the table absolutely relaxed with glowing skin. I like to call it spa drunk. You get up, get redressed, and open the door to go on your merry way. Your esthetician will give you after care instructions (things to do and not to do right after a facial), plus some options that you can do at home.

Almost every client will come for their facial with a skin condition that they would like to change and make better. Dark under eye circles, blackheads, sun spots, or fine lines. Each problem has a solution that can be solved and enhanced in the right way.

But what if you don't follow your Esthetician's advice?

It's hard to imagine but many clients do just that. While it's nice to receive a monthly facial, what's even better is to improve your skin daily. I love to take into account everything that my hands have felt and what my eyes have seen during the facial into your recommendations. I also know from our consultation if you need easy, fast and simple, or if you'd like to add in your 6th step for the evening. I will give you my expert advice and leave the decisions up to you. These include ideas for future treatments and things to use at home to maximize your results.

Just like the dentist asks you to brush twice a day and floss once. Just like the trainer that works with you once a week and then asks you to put in 4 to 5 more workouts without them. Just like the doctor that suggestions you make changes with your diet and then says to come back in two months to see what they can do to help.

Regardless, the treatment room here at Essential Esthetics by Zoey is a judge free zone. While I give you options and advice, I can't be with you every night encouraging to wash to your face before bed, stop you from picking that pimple that's not quite ready, or reminding you to ‘ice, ice baby’. Don't let that stop you from coming back. In fact, let that encourage you to come back, ask for even more options or different way, and keep trying to improve your skin. 

I'd love to be your partner in navigating what we can do to find the right balance for you! Set up your next appointment with me and it will help keep you on track and accountable to your skin care goals.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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