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Beauty Winter Essentials

Since winter is THEE hardest season on skin, it’s important to stay in tune with your skin and your skin’s needs. The cold air and heat forced air combined are a special kind of … something. Haha! If you find that you have dry skin or you are seeing more acne appear, let’s address them. These are my current favorites for beauty winter essentials. (You’ll catch a theme here … they are all serums!)

Optimal Serum

This one from My Favorites Collection is from 2016 … and is still my favorite in adding hydration to every skin type. Yes, even those with acne. If you are feeling dry, I highly recommend this one. It has different weights of hyaluronic acid to give immediate as well as long lasting relief to the skin.

Daily Ceramide Comfort

These golden nuggets are my client’s favorites. They are so much packed into one small capsule and considered a 911 product. Great for travel, to boost any skin care routine, or to just spoil your skin … these ceramides are full of nutrients that are sure to make your skin feel better. Use them once a day or once a week or somewhere in between. P.S. Yes, they are for all skin types!

Fulvic Elixir

If you are struggling with dryness AND acne, this is my go to for both. I have felt the power and magic inside this serum that helps to clear stubborn acne while hydrating the skin. This one smells like citrus and was added to My Favorites Collection in 2020.

Blemish Clarifying Complex

If you feel like your acne will not go away, you are going to want to grab this bad boy and keep it in your collection. You can use this as a moisturizer in the summer if you are oily, and a spot treatment in the winter. Remember to spot treatment more than what you are seeing as acne takes its sweet time reaching the top of the skin’s surface. Willow bark extract is a highlight ingredient that calms and soothes acne.

Yes… in case you are wondering, I do use ALL THREE products during the winter as needed. I like the mix and match approach with my own skin, but other times, it’s good to stick with just one and see if it’s working. Which one are you most excited to try? Let’s get this home with you today!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Gift Giving in 2021

Have you been watching the latest issues including supply and demand plus shipping? For many retailers, this has been a unique set of challenges unlike previous years. But for many shoppers, the gift giving will still commence … but may look different in 2021.

So without further ado, here are FIVE of my favorite ideas for Christmas.

#1 - Give the gift of an experience. This doesn’t have to be a concert or something with an event ticket. You can take your loved one out to lunch, make a craft together or any activity where you can spend time together. Life is better because of our people that are in it!

#2 - Gift certificates to your favorite massage therapist or for a pedicure or facial. I’ve found that many people love these relaxing services in a world full of stress, but they rarely make time or pay for those things on their own.

#3 - Anything consumable! Marie Kondo has definitely flipped the world upside with decluttering spaces and helping energy flow. Instead of collectable decor that you have to dust weekly, what about getting their favorite chocolate or deluxe toilet paper. Haha! I’m kidding about the toilet paper (maybe.)

#4 - Car detailing. A friend suggested this and I literally got giddie. As adults, we love things like boxes and clean cars. I don’t know about you, but this is something I would really enjoy.

#5 - Gift cards or gift certificates to local businesses. It’s always fun to be able to do some shopping after the holidays end. You can choose their favorite places or maybe somewhere new in town for them to check out.

I hope this helped you get the ideas flowing for those on your Christmas list. The season of giving is one of my very favorites. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Home Care Part IV

You’ve finished with your facial treatment and are in a state of pure bliss. You are definitely excited about how your skin feels and not sure what to do next. Or if you should even purchase the home care. For the ultimate experience, you’ll find better and faster results if you encorporate home care. Here are a couple of the things that your Esthetician wants you to know.

#1 - If you have to chose between receiving treatments or purchasing home care, the best investment that you can make it to purchase the home care. You can see your skin every day and start making the changes that you are going for … plus slowing down the aging process.

#2 - The most important item to purchse in home care is a quality SPF that you will use and reapply. My unpopular opinion is that it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or chemical sunscreen, you just need to like it so that you will use it.

#3 - We can’t advise on products that we aren’t trained on, because we simply don’t know. When you purchase products from your licensed Esthetician, he/she knows exactly what steps will get you to where you want to be. There are thousands upon thousands of products, so if you ask about something we aren’t using, we don’t know how your skin would do.

#4 - Products that should be included in everyone’s skin care routines are exfoliants and serums. These are the home run hitters in skin care and prove to be the biggest bang for your buck.

#5 - Listen to your Esthetician’s instructions of how to use for your skin. More is not better. If she/he said to use it twice a week, four times a week is not better for your skin. Trust me on this one.

#6 - Switching out products seasonal is not only common, but it’s a good idea. Your skin will need differently help at different times of the year. Yes, the climate does make a difference!

#7 - Once you start a product, ideally, it would be good to finish it before starting another product.

#8 - We love it when you are excited about a product and then really do try it shortly after purchasing. If you have questions, don’t wait for our follow up phone call or text. Just let your Esthetician know that you aren’t sure how to use, when to use, etc. We love answering questions and helping you get the most out of your product!

Your Esthetician really is excited to help you on your journey and to make some incredible changes in your skin. These changes make up 70-80% of what you do at home, so let’s make some changes to help you achieve those goals. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Why Use a Different Cleanser for Morning and Night?


So you may not have quite as many options for skin care products in your bathroom vanity as I do, but it is nice to have a selection. One of the questions I am asked on a regular basis is why use a different cleanser for morning and night. 

Great question! And here is the answer. First, you definitely can have a one size fits all product for your skin, especially a cleanser. It does it's job and it rinsed and then wiped off the skin with a gentle cloth.

But a lot of times, it's great to have a milky or oil cleanser to grab better at the makeup, dirt, oil, and debris that are accumuluated through the day ... to use at NIGHT before bed. The milk or oil cleansers are better at hydrating the skin with ingredients such as humectants. Because during the night, our bodies are healing and repairing themselves (circadian rhythm), it's great to have something more moisturizing.

And then in the morning, it's awesome to have a foaming, refreshing cleanser that wakes up the skin and revitalizes it gently. I still will use the cloth for both morning and night (switching it out frequently - because clean is awesome.) I'm also a sucker for the baby washcloths because they are so gentle on even the most sensitive skin types. 

By using two different cleansers, you are going to see the best of both worlds. You'll be able to have your cake and eat it too! If you haven't tried this combination out, I invite you to try it soon! Let your Esthetician know when you go to your next appointment, and they will be happy to assist you in finding the right cleansers for your skin.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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5 Best Mother's Day Gifts 2021

Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.


Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.

#1 – Cards with personal notes

Yes, cards really are still meaningful if they come from the heart. Don’t wait until the last minute to pick out the card. Also, really think about something that you could say that would touch her. Let her know you care and that you love her in writing and also in words.

#2 – Time together

Spending time together, making memories and sharing your love is the best. I love scheduling a lunch date or even getting pedicures done together. Or hey! Maybe both on the same day.

#3 – Wish list

Did you see her eyes light up when she say that shirt at the mall? Or put something in the Amazon cart that she has no intention of purchasing for herself? These are fun gifts because you know she’ll love them … and will still be surprised. Pay attention to what she says (and then keep a note on your phone that lists ideas. You can also use these for her birthday or Christmas!)

#4 – The spa day

Each mom wants to have an escape and a day of relaxation. Gift certificates to the spa make amazing gifts for moms because that creates a reason to make an appointment. Self care is the gift that keeps giving. She’ll come home refreshed and ready to tackle the daily to dos that take over in her life. My favorite, of course, is a heavenly facial. I also enjoy massage. The relaxation and time to breathe really does make a difference. I’ve seen the power it’s had in my life and hope that others give it value.

#5 – Personalize with her interests in mind

Pay attention to what she really loves and get a gift that is centered around that. Flowers, crafts, running, etc. You can find a gift card or a gift subscription to really make the day special. Using google, you’ll find all sorts of things that you never knew existed. A big bonus if it includes a small, local business that you can help support too!

Thank you to all the moms who made us who we are! You are the best and we don’t tell you enough! I love you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How Long Will It Take For My Acne To Clear?

How long will it take for my acne to clear? Wow! That's a loaded question. But I will do my best to answer your question and help you get to your goal of clear, glowing skin. Let's dive right in on what we need to do to get you there as quickly as possible.

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How long will it take for my acne to clear? Wow! That's a loaded question. But I will do my best to answer your question and help you get to your goal of clear, glowing skin. Let's dive right in on what we need to do to get you there as quickly as possible.

There are many factors on why you may be experiencing acne, one of which is the build up of dead skin cells. Babies skin cells turn over every 14 days. This process happens so quickly that you rarely seeing flaking or peeling on their precious skin. As you begin to age, the process of the dead skin cells sloughing away takes longer and longer. The optimal amount of time that we aim for in adulthood is 28 days for that process of the dead going away and the new skin cells reappearing. Our skin however will not be able to do this process and it's own and needs help. Exfoliation is a great way to help speed up the process to try and achieve the 28 day cycle.

What we put on the skin also affects if the skin can get rid of acne or if it makes it worse. There are many products that say that they are FOR acne that can actually aggravate acne. A couple of the ingredients that are NOT good for acne prone skin are: coconut oil, isopropyl myristate, butyl stearate, PPG2 myristyl proprionate, and D&C pigments to name a few. When looking at your skin care products, you'll want to focus on the first 8 ingredients in a product. These are the most important because they are the bulk of what the product contains. Cosmetics are also many times like poison on the skin and should be avoided if possible. 

Internal factors are also key here! Think stress, diet and even vitamins and supplements. Stress is the number one factor if our skin will respond to the treatment that we can do on the outside with products. Many times, clients are in school, have small children, or are experiencing a rough time in life. Our whole body responds in different ways to stress! Diet is also a contributing factor. Many will think chocolate or greasy foods, but in my research, the most important factor is the iodine content in the foods. Dairy is also considered to be a big culprit here. Vitamins and supplements are taken by many to help the skin, but too can have a negative impact. Biotin and skin vitamins are highly discouraged as they may fuel the acne to continue.

After explaining all of this to you, hopefully you understand that we become detectives in figuring out what some of the triggers may be to your skin. We work together to check every nook and cranny and to experiment. Changing up products and make sure that you include the right type of exfoliation, learning meditation to combat the stressors of life, switching vitamins and perhaps your diet and more may be part of the solution for clear skin.  Because it can take 90 days for a pimple to reach the surface of the skin, it takes a minimum 3 to 4 months to clear up the skin (if we figure out all of the triggers and can make the necessary corrections)... because each skin cycle is 28 days! Receiving regular treatments with your esthetician can help to speed up the process, perform extractions on whiteheads and blackheads, and help to guide you as a mentor through this process.

If you would like to set up a consultation to review what we could do for your skin, please use the book now button. We'll go over where to start and get you a free acne booklet as a cliff notes of the right things to do and the things to avoid. Here's to the start of beautiful, clear skin with more confidence than you ever thought possible.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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February Delight - Chocolate Masque


One of the things in our skin care line up that is highly underrated are facial masques (sometimes spelled masks.) In general, masques are products that you leave on the skin for up to 20 minutes. They are packed with ingredients that help with your skin concern, whether that be acne, large pores, rosacea, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, dryness, oilness, etc. This list goes on and on. Truly.

Often, we skip this step, because who has 20 minutes. Or even 10 minutes these days! Or do we. If you have watched one episode on Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, or Amazon Prime, then I know you have time!!!

This month, I invite you to try something fun for the holiday. It's called the Chocolate Power Skin Rescue Masque by GlyMed Plus. This masque increases firmness and elasticity, reduces pigmentation, plumps, and lifts and firms. It is incredible for those seeking anti-aging. It also smells DIVINE and I would consider this to be a fun one to try just because it's FEBRUARY. It can be used for normal, dry, oily or combination.

It's best to be used at night (due to the thermal benefits that heat up and then cool down, increasing the blood flow) and will give your tired skin a kick start and boost! It includes cocoa, acai, reservatrol, jojoba, and papin. This masque is only left on the skin for 7 to 12 minutes. You may want to start with 7 minutes and each time you put on go up a minute or two. More is not always better, so please don't exceed the 12 minutes. Also, do not use it more than 3 times a week. 

Make time for things that are important to you! Make time for self care and self love! This extra step on a regular basis could show your skin what it's been missing out on. I challenge you to try a mask and watch your skin improve.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How to Step Up Your Winter Skin Care Routine


It seems as if every year, my skin screams just a little louder when the cold winter air starts appearing. I'm convinced that it is age and the slowing down of the repair systems that our skin uses when it heals at night. I sure didn't notice this when I was 18, but now that I'm 29 (wink, wink), I am noticing more and more with each passing year.

Does this strike a cord with you too? Are you noticing that your skin feels different in the winter? And all of the seasons for that matter. Read on to get three simple tips for helping your skin maintain it's hydration levels during the colder months.

#1 - Check out Your Exfoliation Schedule

I hope you are already exfoliating your skin on a normal basis. If not, let's definitely talk. Make sure that you beef up your exfoliation routine. Depending on what exfoliation you are doing, you should be using this a MINIMUM  of once a week (even twice) all the way up to every day. Consult with your Esthetician on how often you should be applying your exfoliant. This will always depend on what type you are using and how your skin typically is along with how it acts in the wintertime. 

Regardless, pick days that you always exfoliate and stick to your schedule religiously.

#2 - Use Your Serums or Concentrates

Alright ladies! This step may not be in the most simplified of routines (those 3 steppers out there - cleanse, tone, moisturizer.) But I'm telling you, if you were to use a serum at any time of the year, winter is THE time to do this. A serum's molecule size is much smaller than a moisturizer. What does that mean? It means that a serum or concentrate can penetrate the skin on a deeper level, providing much needed moisture and balance. 

Basically, if you aren't already using a serum or concentrate, please start today. Do it every morning... and every night. Watch your skin soak in the awesomeness (yes - that's a word)!

#3 - Evaluate Your Current Moisturizer

Take a look at your current moisturizer. Is this going to be a thick enough/ heavy enough product for you to ward off the force hot air inside and the cold crisp air we feel outside? It is not uncommon for clients to make a switch in the winter months to something that's a little more decadent on their skin. While you may be able to get away with the lightest weight moisturizer in the spring and summer, you may not be able to in the winter.

Pull out the moisturizer and really evaluate if this will do the best for your skin come December. It's really okay to put away the other moisturizer and pick up a luxurious option for the winter. You can come back to your favorite come springtime!

So there you go! Three easy options that can help your skin combat the harsh winter months ahead. Stay warm, stay healthy, and stay glowing!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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The Power of Exfoliation and Serums with HydroGlow

I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow.


I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow. 

Exfoliating the skin means that you are gently helping the skin to eliminate, remove, and dissolve the dead skin cells off the top of the skin. While there are many ways of doing this, the main two that are recognized are ones with the scrubbies and ones without that go on the skin like a mask. The mechanical exfoliation removes dead skin cells by knocking off the top bricks of that wall. The exfoliation with are either chemical or enzymes that work by eating away the mortar of our brick wall (the lipids and proteins that are keeping the dead skin cells connected.) Exfoliate the skin properly, and you'll notice that you have a more healthy glow.

Using a serum or concentrate on the skin can make a dramatic impact on the skin. And here's why! The molecule size of the serum is smaller, which simply means that it can penetrate deeper. Many serums are a thinner consistency, which further helps them reach down in the skin. Serums and concentrates can work on any skin concern. But, if you are concerned about acne, don't choose one that is an anti-aging serum (though we all want to slow down our aging process.) Pick a serum that is going to help with YOUR top skin care goal!

So why is there magic in using both exfoliation with a serum? Well, this powerful duo will workto FIRST remove the dead skin cells of your face to allow the serum that you are using to really do its job and not lay topically on the surface of the skin. The serum that could go down to x layer will now be able to go even one step further, landing a bigger knock out punch!

The HydroGlow Treatment will use the serums in each step of your service - the cleansing, exfoliating, extraction and hydration process. Using the suction in hydrodermabrasion, you are using exfoliation for the skin in each step as well, which works to get rid of clogged pores and revealing the youthful appearance of the skin.

Incorporating both exfoliation and serums both at home and in the treatment room is a winning combination that I can't wait to show you! Meet you back at the spa soon!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Getting Out of a Skin Routine Funk

So what DO you do when you get in that skin routine funk? Heaven knows that I tried will power and it just wasn't working. Well, through fighting to find a solution, I believe that I have found FOUR things that may help you kick this bad habit to the curb!


This year, I experienced something I never thought I would. I went a week without washing my face at night! GASP! I know, I know! I was my worst client. I don't know exactly how I got there or what exactly happened to create a continuous 7 day streak... BUT, I knew that I was not alone. (I mean, please tell me I'm not alone!)

So what DO you do when you get in that skin routine funk? Heaven knows that I tried will power and it just wasn't working. Well, through fighting to find a solution, I believe that I have found FOUR things that may help you kick this bad habit to the curb!  

Don't wait until it's too late

One of the most common mistakes that I see in my practice is that clients wait until they are going to bed. They might have been home for hours, but it's common to do it 'right before bed.' Since it's late by that time ... 10, 11 or midnight, your body and your mind is SO tired. Like, drag-yourself-to-the-covers-and-hope-they-fall-open tired.

Let me suggest this option if this sounds like you. Once you are home and know that you won't be going out again for the night, go ahead and take off your makeup. Do you nightly routine (minimum steps would be to cleanse, mist, and then moisturize.) Get your skin ready to receive awesome ingredients from those products. Eliminate the excuse of being too tired by doing it earlier!

Add in a mask

Who doesn't love a treat? Something delicious and scrumptious! Well, your skin definitely loves that too! Sometimes we get in this rut of doing the same thing over and over again, when what we really need to do is liven life up!

Adding in a mask is a great way to awaken your skin and change things up! There are so many different ones to choose from and most are targeted to address your main skin routines. Of course, there are sheet masks and gimmicky ones. But, I love the ones from the tube that you can apply more than one application from. Ask your esthetician for a mask that is going to hit a home run with your skin! I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised and you may even decide that you look forward to your skin routine once again!  

Try new products

You know I have my favorites for my skin ... and I hope you have yours too! You know right when you apply the product, you hear the heavens open and the angelic chorus begins. It's a no brainer that you will always live and die by these specific products. And then you may have a step in your routine that you don't hear the music!

If you have that step in your process, it may be time to try something NEW! I know if you are anything like me, you love to peel off the seal and make that first application to the skin to see if this will be 'THE ONE.' (Insert smile.) I love experimenting with quality products that are suited for what my skin is going through right now (or even right for this time of the month.) It always add a little spice in my life, because I don't know what to expect. And that element of surprise gets me excited to do my routine again!

Challenge up

Finally, who doesn't LOVE a challenge? If you know that you are competitive (you know - like the Will Smith treadmill quote), then this may be just the thing to start your good habit of cleansing again. 

You can get your friends on board and set up a seven day challenge. After you do your skin care routine, you'll text each other with a check mark or the words 'DONE'. You can also be brave and announce on social media that you are going to cleanse for seven straight days and that you'll need their help to stay accountable to the process. I guarantee you that you'll have a few in your circle that will raise their hand and help you!

You may even choose to reward yourself with a new product, special dinner, or clothing item when you complete the challenge. Upping the ante is always a sure way to make sure that I'm going to put effort in the follow through.

So which of these four ways do you think will work for you? Maybe you'll pick a couple from the list! The main goal, though, is not to wait. Don't delay in taking care of your skin. Why? Because it's been said that when you don't cleanse your skin (at least nightly), that your skin can age 7x faster. So girl, wash your face. Do the thing. Just do it. Get 'er done. You can do it!!!!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

You may even choose to reward yourself with a new product, special dinner, or clothing item when you complete the challenge. Upping the ante is always a sure way to make sure that I'm going to put effort in the follow through.

So which of these four ways do you think will work for you? Maybe you'll pick a couple from the list! The main goal, though, is not to wait. Don't delay in taking care of your skin. Why? Because it's been said that when you don't cleanse your skin (at least nightly), that your skin can age 7x faster. So girl, wash your face. Do the thing. Just do it. Get 'er done. You can do it!!!!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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If I can Spend Money on One Product, What Should I Purchase?

If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.


As with anything, there is a lot of debate among professionals on this topic. If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.

Which products stay on the face?

Cleansers, exfoliants, and masks are all applied to the skin and then properly removed. So, the products that stay on the skin would be: treating mists, serums, moisturizers, SPF, eye cream. Since these products are on for hours before cleansed off the skin again to reapply, these would be where I would spend my money.

If you ask your esthetician Zoey what you should spend your money on, I would say that there are really 2 of the steps that are worth it and should be considered, even when on a budget. Those 2 products would be serums and SPF. Let me explain.

Serums are a smaller molecule size, which means that this product can penetrate the skin at a deeper level, providing a powerful punch. Most serums are more liquid or gel texture which make the ingredients glide into the skin easily. When the ingredients are able to go past the outer layer of skin, they can really change the skin cells by providing more hydration, calming sebum production, or sending signals to the cells to relax and unwind so that wrinkle production is minimized. Theses are just a couple of examples of what a serum can do for the skin.

When talking about basic steps in a skincare routine though, serums would not be the first up. For clients that aren't doing anything (or very little to their skins, we want to make sure that we start with cleansing, then moisturizing (which includes SPF). After these 2 steps are added, I like to make sure that they would add in the treating mist, exfoliation, serum, then an eye product. Finally a mask would be recommended. If you have a very specific skin concern, the recommendations from you esthetician may also change. At the end of the day, it's all about what we can do to improve your skin.

Sunscreen It Is!

So if serums wouldn't be the first up in a general routine, then that means that having a great SPF would be the ONE PRODUCT that you should purchase. There are 2 types of sunscreen available - chemical and physical. But my unpopular opinion as an esthetician is that the best SPF is the one that you are going to use and love using.

SPF stands for sunscreen protection factor and is the number of the amount of defense from the sun's rays. SPF 15 blocks about 93% of rays. SPF 30 blocks 97%. SPF 50 blocks just 98% and so on. Don't be fooled by large numbers! You want an SPF of at least 15 to wear on a daily basis. If you live in a tropical area, you need a minimum of at least SPF 30 to wear daily. 

If you are out and about, or at the ball field all day, you will need to reapply your sunscreen every 80 to 120 minutes. Make sure that you follow the instructions on your specific product. If you are at the beach or pool, you'll also want to apply a water resistant product where possible. Along with apply on your face, make sure that you apply to the neck, decollete, and the back of your hands ladies. (These places show your age more than your face does!)

I'd love to show you my very favorite SPF. It may have taken me 3 years to find it, but I don't go a day without it and you won't want to either! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How Do I Know if a Treatment is Right for Me?


Word of mouth referrals are my very favorite! If I get an excited client that shares with her sister, friend, coworker .... well, you know what I mean! When you are pleased with a treatment, you'll talk about it!!! That sister, friend, or coworker finds me and wants Treatment A ... the one that Mary had!

Treatment A is awesome, but depending on where you currently are with your skin, what you are doing at home, and the goals you have floating in your head, will definitely play a role in the treatments that I will suggest are the best for you. So how do you know if the treatment is right for you?

The ultimate answer for this day and age comes in the form of a question. 'Did you Google it?'

Google is awesome! I've been known to use it daily. Google can tell you the history of the service, general rules of thumb, and even share with you satisfied (and dissatisfied) consumers. You can see incredible before and after pictures ... some maybe even leaving you questioning whether or not what you see are real life results. What Google cannot SEE is YOUR skin! 

Estheticians are very specialized in what they do. You can call them a skin care professional! Mainly, estheticians (also known as aestheticians) work to treat the epidermis or outer layer of the skin by performing skin care treatments, recommending products for home use to amp up your results, removing hair from the body through waxing or sugaring services, and evenly adding artistic flairs with eyelash extensions or lash lifts and tints. They have a passion to help and serve others. 

From my experience, I will tell you that even a picture does not tell the whole story. You have been referred to me through Mary, so we'll set you up with an appointment. My favorite to start is the 60 minute Signature Facial which gives me an opportunity to see your skin in person and perform a great deep cleanse and exfoliation. Before coming at your scheduled time, you fill out a questionaire form which gives me general information about your skin, your health, and more. I love to discuss with you and have you also tell me in your own words as we go over your answers when we meet! During the facial, I'll be able to feel your skin and also take note about how your skin is responding to the products and facial massage that we perform. Being able to touch your skin in the facial and see the responses to the products that I have chosen for you will allow me to better recommend your next steps to achieving your goals and give you options. Ultimately, you decide on the course and the pace, but I am here as a guide and mentor.

If you've had treatments before, you can also tell me what you liked and didn't like about your services so that I can deliver the best experience to you. And we can definitely do the same things for you or mix it up to maximize your results by keeping your skin guessing along the way. 

Go ahead and discuss with your friend, do your research on Google, and then find a professional and expert who will partner with you! Be willing to ask questions about what treatment is right for you! I can't wait for you to step inside the treatment room and discover beautiful, glowing skin. You're invited! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley

What is the Best Regimen for Acne Prone Skin?


I see so many clients that suffer from acne. It used to be thought that acne would come just during the teenage years, but more and more we are finding that acne can hit us no matter our age. It can also come more than once during your lifetime. I've found that there are three common questions related to the best regimen for acne prone skin. They are: What should I be using at home? How many steps do I need? And how do I use the home care products in the right way. In order to answer these questions, let's first talk about why acne occurs. 

In order to have acne, you need to have 3 things present on the skin: p. bacteria, excess sebum, and dead skin cells. If you don't have all 3 of those, there will not be acne. So what can you do about the bacteria, the excess oil and the build up of old skin? 

P. bacteria can be killed products like benzyl peroxide as well as tools like LED light therapy. Both have been found very effective to eliminate the amount of the bacteria on the skin. Probiotics (both in skin care products and in supplements) have also been found to help.

Excess sebum means extra oil. When sebum is present, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire, helping it to spread and intensify. It's important to get rid of the excess oil while making sure the skin cells don't send messages to send more oil. 

Dead skin cells need to be exfoliated properly. If you have acne that is inflammed, then you need to steer clear of mechanical exfoliation products. In other words, skip the scrubbies and go for a product that works without rubbing.

So now that we know what 3 things cause acne to occur, what should I be using at home?

When dealing with acne, your skin can be dry or oily, have blackheads and white heads or to the extremes of cysts and nodules deep under the skin. It's important to consult with your esthetician and/or dermatologist to come up with a treatment plan that is right for you!

How many steps do I need?

You really don't need to over complicate your skin care routine. I recommend cleansing, using treating mist, and moisturizing twice a day. Then, adding in exfoliation, masking, and spot treating or using a serum just for acne will depend on what type of acne you are experiencing and also how your skin is responding to the products that your esthetician has recommended for you. It's important to also note that sometimes changing up the products is important to achieve results as your skin can become accustom or acclimated to the treatment. Staying one step ahead of the acne is key.

So six steps is all that is needed, but you wouldn't use them every day or night. It shouldn't take very long to do any of these steps. Each step is usually a minute or less ... unless we are talking about exfoliation or masking. These may require more minutes but usually it is something you can put on the skin and then go do a chore or read a chapter in a book before moving on to the next step in the routine.

How do I use the products in the right way at home?

Here is a general recommendation that I give to acne clients that are committed to help their skin improve.

1) Cleanse

This first and basic step is necessary to remove the excess oil and dirt from the day. I like to use a gentle but effective foaming cleanser (safe enough to even remove eye makeup.) Sometimes I like to use a light milk cleanser at night. 

Always wash your hands before you cleanse your face. Massage for at least 30-60 seconds and then wipe with a wet cloth to remove final particles of dirt, oil, and cleanser.

2) Exfoliate

Depending on the type of acne will determine what type of exfoliant that you want to use on your facial skin. If it is mostly just blackheads and whiteheads, a mechanical exfoliation such as the Active Exfoliating Powder would work great. Use this about 2 to 3 times a week. If you have any larger acnes, like pustules and papules that are red, irritated, and sensitive, DO NOT use a mechanical exfoliation. Opt for an exfoliant that you can put on like a mask that will facilitate in eliminating the dead skin cells through the glue that holds them together.

Always follow the directions on your exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliations should be massaged in for 1 to 2 minutes, especially around the nose and the corners of the lips. Leave on exfoliants normally are left on for 10-15 minutes. 

3) Treating Mist

It's important to balance your skin with a treating mist. What does that mean? It means that your skin is happiest at a pH of a 5-5.5. Water is at a 7 pH. So when you rinse with water, your skin could still try to be balancing while you are putting your finishing steps on. Treating mists are ones without alcohol. 

I like to spray directly on the face OR spray into the hand and then gently press them into the skin. 

4) Serums + Spot Treatments

Where are you experiencing your acne? If it's just on the jawline, let's work a spot treatment there. Which means... treat one inch above and below where the acne is located. This treats the microcomodones (the pimples that you don't see on the surface of the skin --- yet!) This is the only way to get ahold AND ahead of the acne. Serums that promote healing and have anti inflammatory properties are ideal for those that are acne prone. If you only are treating the pimples that you can see, you will never get rid of the acne.

Always put on spot treatments, then serums, then moisturizers in thinnest texture to the heaviest. 

5) Moisturizers

Finally, you want to lock in what you just put on your skin with a suitable moisturizer. No, I'm not talking coconut oil or something heavy. Something that has additional probiotics in it, hyaluronic acid, etc. This will help balance your skin so that it doesn't feel 'dry'. What happens if your skin feels dry? It's going to produce more oil... and then the cycle starts over again!

I like to put about a pea size on my finger, then dot my face in quadrants (cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose) and spread out from then.


Masking at home 2 to 3 times a week can also promote quicker healing of the acne and the skin. There are many to choose from, but my favorite those which are calming, soothing, have active ingredients (but aren't TOO active.) More is not always better!

Spread evenly on the skin. Leave on 15-20 minutes. Rinse and wipe off with a wet cloth. Some masks you can even use as a spot treatment. Ask your esthetician is this is appropriate for your mask.

It's important to stay in touch with your provider AND to continue following a regime for your skin care. Just because you clear your skin does not mean that you can stop watching your face. Your esthetician may recommend changing up your routine so that your skin doesn't get accustomed to what ingredients that you are using to combat this disease. You'll also want to examine things like diet, birth control, stress, and more. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley

Why is My Skin So Dry in the Winter?


If you have ever experienced an Idaho winter, you'll know that it gets extremely dry. Not only do we feel it from our nose to our toes, our hands can experience cracking and bleeding from washing frequently and keeping away the germs. Our face is exposed to the outer elements throughout the year. So even though the lack of humidity occurs all year round, you may be wondering why it's extra bad in the winter.

The main culprit is not the lack of humidity, the fewer hours of daylight, or even the colder temperatures. Have you guessed it yet? The answer is the forced hot air to keep us warm! Since we can't live in igloos from November through February (or even October through March), here are some options to help ease the dry skin woes.

One of the main things you can do is to BEEF UP your skin care routine. In addition to daily cleansing, misting, and moisturizing, you may want to add in one or more of the following: Hydrating Mask, Daily Ceramide Comfort, Double up the Moisturizer by adding in a Serum, or a Night Cream.

Hydrating Mask 

A hydrating mask can be for any type of skin. Instead of focusing on the lack of oil, these will generally focus on the lack of water in the skin. Masking is one of the easiest way to help the skin with a big impact. When you mask, you will apply it on the face and then wait 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and wipe dry with a cloth and add your finishing touches. I recommend that you use a mask 2 to 3 times a week to see the best results. If you skin starts feeling bad normally in November, you'll want to increase what you are doing in October. Don't wait until your skin is super bad to start or it will take longer to see the results. 

Daily Ceramide Comfort

This tiny little gold nugget has been a lifesaver for my clients. Generally, I have my clients use them as a boost to their skin once a week, but as shown in the name, you can use these daily. Again, start early and use them at night. These not only feel amazing, they really do wonders for the face and are for all skin types. This product is considered a 911 product and is an antioxidant while nourishing and protecting the skin from the elements.

A serum!

Did you know that serums are a smaller molecular weight, meaning they can go deeper into the skin? I love using a serum because I know what I'm applying to my skin is sinking in and working below the dead skin cells. Choosing on that has hyaluronic acid is a sure bet, because that ingredient holds it weight 1,000 times of water.

Night cream

Inherently, a night cream is thicker and creamier than something you wear during the day. Our skin is on a circadian rhythm, so it heals and repairs at night. That's why many product lines include a night cream. A moisturizer that aids in the healing and repairing process will definitely help your skin in the winter. It's important to note that some of the night creams may be too heavy to wear for those that are prone to acne.

In addition to products, there are a couple more things that might be able to help your skin in the frigid temperatures. My favorites include drinking water, vitamin c, limiting hot baths, and increasing the humidity. 

Drink Up!

Water is very important for our skin and other vital organs. In the spring and summer, our body gives us more signals letting us know that we are hot and we literally feel thirsty. It almost screams to hand over the biggest glass of ice water! Our body still needs that same amount of water in the water, but we don't get the same cue. Carry around your favorite water bottle to make sure you are rehydrating your cells throughout the day.

Vitamin C

There are many dietary changes that you can make for your skin, but this is one of my favorites. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which means it helps to protect the skin from UV rays and other outside elements. It can help tighten the skin's barrier which helps to keep the good stuff (moisture barrier, lipids, and more) in the skin and repels the bad stuff like free radicals.

Limit hot baths

Okay, okay! I'm guilty as charged. This girl right here LOVES a good, hot bath. Sometimes more than once a day! But the hot baths can increase dehydration at a rapid pace. Without drinking as much as we should, this definitely can aid in the dryness of your skin cells. 

Add in some humidity

The forced hot air is something we can't really change, but we can add the humidity in the air by using a humidifier. Humidifier emit water vapor or steam into the air which increases the air's humidity. The mountain west is always dry, so this is something that you could do all year round if you wanted to.

In case you need a recap, your dry skin is most likely due to the forced heat in the winter. During this time, step up your skin care game about a month before you typically feel dry, drink water everyday even when you don't feel thirsty, make sure that you are adding vitamin c into your diet, limit hot baths, and increase the humidity by using a humidifier. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Products, Selfcare, facials Zoey Jolley Products, Selfcare, facials Zoey Jolley

Take Your Eye Care to the Next Level

Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?


Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?

There are a couple reasons why the eye area can show the tiredness of your soul. As I was researching this topic, I found answers that both surprised me and also the ones that made me shake my head yes. The hard yeses were allergies (hello spring!), your age, and genetics. These all play a role in how the skin under your eyes look. Ones that I didn't even think about were your bone structure (simply how your eyes are set and the way the light reflects in your eyes), having eye strain, salty foods, and dehydration. But these make sense right??? Some of these are easier to fix than others. Things we cannot fix are our bone structure, genetics, and our age. We can work to eliminate eye strain (limit usage of computers or at least wear blue light filter glasses), take allergy medication as directed by a doctor, decrease salty foods, and increase hydration.

Something that I see that were not mentioned in my research are the use of regular products under the eye. If a client feels dry under their eye, they think a reasonable answer is to moisturize it. So they use they face moisturizer everywhere. Unfortunately, the thin skin under the eye cannot receive the ingredients the same way our face can. So that product can either just sit there, or it may even have adverse reactions such as more irritation or milia (hard, crystalized sebum that becomes trapped under the skin.) Pick an eye cream or serum that is suitable for the delicate skin there.

Also, Americans are best at thinking more is best! 'More is not always better' is one of my personal skin care philosophies. Being aggressive in the eye area does nothing but irritate and help promote the fine lines and wrinkles to show more prominently. Only use the ring finger under the eye. Eye products (unless specified) should only be applied under the eye to the bottom of the brow. I like to dot, dot, dot, then spread one to two times from the inner corner to the outer corner gently. Just to make sure the product is spread evenly, but not more than that. Remember that more is not always better. 

Self Care

Self care is what I stand for! It's so important that you take care of your body, your mind and spirit each and everyday. This includes sleep. Of course there are times in our lives where we are limited by the amount of sleep we can get (like when we have a newborn.) Do what you can and even use power naps if you need to. Pick things that uplift your spirit and mind and do them consistently. If you need ideas on other ways to increase your self care, check out these blog posts - Self Care in 2018 (published Jan 1, 2018) or How Do I Practice Self Care (published Feb 1, 2020).

First and foremost, 

Home Care

There are so many amazing and quality eye products out there, but I would like to share three of my personal favorites.

GM Collin Instant Radiance Anti-Aging Eye Patch

In just 20 minutes, take care of fatigue, fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. This favorite product of Meghan Markle is simple and easy to use. Just place the patches underneath the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and remove. They can be used overnight for more severe eye area concerns. This product contains hydrolyzed manihot esculenta tuber extract plus green tea and oak complex with acetyl tetreapeptide-5.

GM Collin Bota-Peptide Eye Contour

This #1 GM Collin eye product contains 6 peptides including Argireline, Myoxinol, Matrixyl 3000, Eyeliss, and Haloxyl. Add to that list caffeine and vitamin K and that makes a powerful punch to give eyes more radiant and youthful appearance while helping prevent signs of aging. This product prolongs the effects of Botox and is a client favorite.

Viktoria Deann PEPTIDE-Eye Serum

Great things come in small packages and this is no exception. This new favorite of mine includes green tea extract, soluble collagen, and UET-3 peptide to work to increase hydration and work as an antioxidant. This product feels like it is smoothing out the fine lines while tightening and firming. It's got my stamp of approval, and I know you'll love it too!

In the Spa

In addition to self care and home care, I offer a clinical care treatment called Collagen Sublime Eye Contour. This facial is divine and provides results in just one treatment. It visibly minimizes the signs of aging, relieve dark circles and puffiness for refreshed, radiant eyes. This service also quenches the skin, leaving it well hydrated. 

I love this treatment for a lot of different reasons. First, it uses the Signature Collagen Pellicle. GM Collin skin care line was developed after nurses who were treating burn victims with this pellicle were experiencing amazing results on their hands. Second, the mask really does make me feel like a super hero, and who doesn't want to flex their powers! Third, the results of softening the signs of aging and fatigue really deliver, making it a popular option for clients.

By recognizing some things that may be causing dark circles, puffiness and more in the eye area, we are better equipped with tools to help us both accept our limitations (age, genetics) and help smooth and calm down these concerns (self care, home care, and spa treatments.) Although we may not be able to solve all the world's problems, I hope we can brighten your eye area concerns and take your eye care to the next level!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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