Top 3 Reasons Acne Stays

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Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

Whichever phase you find yourself in, let me suggest my top 3 reasons why acne stays, hanging on for dear life.

1) Picking

There... I said it. Picking. Even I will catch myself running my fingers along my jawline only for one of the digits to make contact with a bump. And I scratch, pick, and try to manipulate that bump to come out of my skin. The story from there continues because once I know it's there, I can't stop. Even today, my children's dentist told me that he read you touch your face 32,000 times a day!!!

Has this happened to you? I can relate and sympathize. But it's a problem. And there's a reason why I put it at the number one spot on my list. Picking spreads the P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin. Once you start, you likely can't stop, so you are literally spreading bacteria all day long on your face or other body areas afflicted.


Recognize if there are certain times of day it occurs, or when you pass a mirror, etc. Write yourself reminder on the bathroom vanity with a dry erase or sticky note. Switch activities. Wash your hands, drink more water, read a good book... do anything besides picking!

2) Using Too Harsh Of Ingredients

Many acne clients like the feel of a scrub or the tingle of a cleanser. But, let me be clear. Just because it's a stronger product does not mean it's right for your skin. Acne is plagued with inflammation and so if you increase inflammation, your acne will likely have a hard time clearing on the skin.

Aggressive scrubs should be thrown out if you have grade III or IV acne. Toners that have alcohol must too hit the garbage. Often the right gentle products will be more effective (working in a quicker time frame and actually targeting the different types of acne) than if you pick the strongest percentages of an acid.


Work with a licensed professional to seek products that will help kill the acne WHILE preserving the barrier of your skin, which is the skin's main function.

3) Not Finding The Real Symptoms

Sure, you used a product for 3 months and you think you are healed. Maybe you decide to go off of the products OR you are still using them and the unwelcomed house guest announces it has to stay for an undetermined amount. Sadly, many times this is what acne clients (and maybe you) have faced.

Let me give you some hope here. Truth - Acne is a disease. While it cannot be cured, it can be CONTROLLED! This means that you must find out the real reason why your acne started and is staying. This could be stress, diet, external or internal factors. Those in the field have spent their entire lifetimes researching and studying and writing on this one topic. And they have learned so much about pimples, cysts, nodules, etc.


Work with a licensed professional to investigate the root of the problem. Many times there are simple things you can do to turn around everything in your skin. If researchers spend years searching for answers, it would be to your benefit to use this research first. (You can research on your own, but how do you even know where to start? Google can only help you if you are typing in the correct searches.)

I love working with acne clients. It takes patience, perseverance, and most importantly the courage to say, "I need help." I'll help you! Let's kick out the unwelcomed guest once and for all!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician


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