How Do I Practice Self Care?


If you've been hanging around on any FaceBook video that I share, you've heard my introduction. Hi, my name is Zoey. If we haven't met before, it's nice to meet you! I love sharing my passion for self care among women as well as helping you reach your skin care goals... So why do I love self care and how can I practice self care?

I love self care and feel it's important to take care of yourself first so that there is more to give. Perhaps, I saw it in myself first. You give and go and go and give for your kids You could be exhausted from not sleeping, sick with a cold, or even just not feeling like you don't know who you are anymore. But you show up everyday and give more.

Have you even flown on an airplane before? You may have heard through the intercom or see your screen say something like this. "It is highly unlikely, but if we experience a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Secure the yellow mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the elastic. Gently pull on the tube and oxygen will begin flowing. Always secure your mask before assisting those around you."

So why do women consistently show up for others before they show up for themselves? I have a couple personal thoughts. Women feel guilty. Guilty that by doing self care, that they are not doing enough for the ones that they are supposed to nurture. Guilty that self care may cost money; money that could be spent on something else for someone else. Women feel judged. Yes, you heard me right. We are always looking for what others think of us. We want a stamp of approval and an approving glance or head nod. I know I've wanted to make a post on social media before. Heck, I've been known to write something and go to the 'SHARE' button, just to delete the whole thing. What will other's think? Well, I'm here to join on the Rachel Hollis band wagon ... "Say it with me. Someone else's opinion of me is none of my business. Say it again. Someone else's opinion in none of my business. Not my problem, not my concern." Hello tik tok!

I see it every day in the treatment room. Moms that love their kids, family, and friends so much that they continue to give from a bucket that is empty. They are tired. And it only stands to continue that same cycle unless they change something. There's something that's almost magic that happens in the treatment room. A woman comes in for a facial service or even just a brow wax. We talk... mostly they talk and I listen. And when they get up to leave, guess what? They feel better!!!

So how do I practice self care? Here's the thing. Self care looks different for everyone! Some of my personal favorite ways to practice self care are reading a good book, talking a nice, long hot bath, and going to receive a personal service such as a facial or massage. The key in my book to proper self care is to having a regular schedule to doing it. Don't wait until it's been a year since you've done something for Y-O-U! Almost daily, I'm putting self care into practice by reading and bathing. And at least once a month, you'll find me in someone else's treatment room getting a facial, massage, or maybe both. This is what keeps my bucket from drying up.

Other popular choices for self care include walks and hikes on a gorgeous sunny day, just being in nature, taking long drives on seldom beat paths, talking to a long-time old friend, journaling your feelings, learning new hobbies like cooking or painting, having a regular girls night out, exercising or just moving your body. I could go on for days. But here's the kicker ladies. Are you listening yet? Find joy or pleasure everyday and seek it out to recharge your battery and keep your soul alive! Everyday. If it brings you joy and it's healthy, consider doing more of it or being more consistent. That is the key. You must continue to show up for yourself. This is a process that will in turn lead to more self love.

I wanted to end my little pep talk with you with a couple of awesome quotes on self care. There are so many great ones out there but here are just 3. Enjoy!

"Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." ---Lucille Ball

"If you feel burnout setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself." --- Dalai Lama

"It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make happiness a priority. It's necessary." --- Mandy Hale

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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