How Does Diet Affects Our Skin?


Diet is an ongoing debate in dermatology. I am a firm believer in treating the whole person and not looking for a quick fix. The things that we do over and over and over again, surely affect our body and mind. Since the skin is the largest organ, it stands to reason that the fuel we put into our system affects our skin. Today, we will take a closer look into sugar, caffeine, alcohol and iodine.

Sugar and glycation

If you’ve guessed that sugar can cause breakouts in the skin, you are correct. But what is more frightening than that is what happens underneath the skin that you do not see. The excess sugar in the skin binds to the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing it to become hard and rigid instead of supple. When your face moves, the bounce back effect slows which is when fine lines and wrinkles begin.

I always recommend a balanced diet; low in the white stuff (sugar, processed, starches, etc.) and more in the colorful stuff (fruits, veggies, etc.) That being said, I heard recently that it’s important to have a healthy diet, but that cookies are good for the soul. If you like to indulge in sweets, just remember that moderation in sugar is a good thing.

Caffeine and hydration … Alcohol and redness

It’s not all about what we eat, but what we drink. We know that both caffeine and alcohol are stressors for the body. Caffeine (for many is the nice little perk in the morning) can dehydrate your body. Water is very healing and a large percentage of what we are made up of. The skin gets the leftovers of everything we ingest, but it also is the first place that can be taken from when the body needs something. I am the first to have dry lips. Part of this can be curbed by being mindful of the amount of caffeine you consume as well as the water that you intake.

Alcohol has inflammation effects in the skin, causing redness, puffiness and also dryness. It too can also cause acne. If your skin has a tendency already to be more red or your have rosacea or flushing in the cheeks, it’s my recommendation that you limit alcohol. After you have a night of drinking, you’ll also need to step up your hydration game. Carry a water bottle with you and continue to drink as much water as you can the next day or too.

Iodine and acne

This has been a long debate that is ongoing. Dr. Mark Fulton shared that there was a correlation between acne and iodine in the production of acne. Since then, Laura Cooksley has also shared the same thought. However, Dr. Mark Lees has challenged that thinking and believes that you would have to consume A LOT of iodiode food, such as sea kelp several times a week.

My thought is that it is relatively easy to keep this low (by using Himalayan salt instead of iodized salt, choosing low sodium foods, and not eating too much sea weed), so why not give it a try IF you are having issues with acne. Salt is also going to increase the puffiness in the skin, so if you are looking to rid yourself of those bags under your eyes, this will be a good idea too.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 


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