Top 3 Tips To Healing Acne Faster

In modern day living, we are always trying to expedite results and processes. We want things now (or even yesterday.) For those suffering from acne, I feel your pain. I have seen the way you won’t make eye contact with others, the lack of confidence as you walk down the street, or the impulsive cutting bangs to cover up these unsightly blemishes.

Acne can take 90 days to reach the surface of the skin. Does that feel like forever? Well, I want to give you 3 of my favorite tips for working on acne that will speed up the process of healing. And guess what?! They are absolutely free.

#1 - No Picking

No picking. Did you know that when you touch your skin or try popping zits, it can actually spread the bacteria? It’s true. Not only that. When I offer my clients a 7 days no pick challenge, guess what happens when they follow through on the 7 days? 100% of the time, their skin will start clearing.

#2 - Icing

Icing the skin removes the inflammation in the acne. Since this is one of the key factors of acne, by removing it, you are helping to start the healing process. My favorite way to ice is to put an ice cube in a baggie and move it from spot to spot until the ice cube has melted. Do this twice a day and see the acne go down.

#3 - No Makeup

Wearing makeup is often like adding poison into your diet. Even foundation that states it is acne safe, can perpetuate acne. I know you want to hide it … but if you can go without, it will help everything start to clear up better and faster. You can do it!

My top 3 free tips for healing acne faster are here - no picking, icing, and no makeup. Let’s get you on the path for clear skin with a bigger smile. Don’t wait to make these changes. If you are looking for even more tips, I can’t wait to share them with you in the treatment room.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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