Self Care in 2022

Each year, I chose a word of the year. In years past, some of the ones I’ve chosen are intention, brave, embrace, and resilience. This year, I have chosen JOY.

Yes, I do laugh a little, because I think I’m going to Marie Kondo my life. Does this thing bring me JOY? Does this activity bring me JOY? I want to feel lighter, happier, and more joyful.

When I think about self care in the new year, I’m really thinking of evaluating what that means for each of us. What thing/activity/people/places bring you JOY? Where are you most happy? Envision who you are with, what you are doing and more. These answers will bring you to your bucket list of 2022. You self care and battery rechargers.

I can’t tell you what that looks like for you. But if you are anything like me, that looks like having a spa day once a month, reading for business and pleasure, spending time with family, building new relationships, visiting a couple of State Capitols (or heck - some sort of travel), and of course, having lots of baths.

Take some time this month to really figure out what you are wanting and needing this year to have JOY. If it seems out of reach, still write it down, print out pictures, and put it on your vision board. I believe in manifesting your future. If you want it bad enough, you can also make it happen … with some action and love.

This year, fill your cup. Resolve to be better than you were yesterday. Don’t strive for perfection. Strive to take small baby steps of action and find JOY. I hope to see you with self care goals in the treatment room soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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