Freshen Up Your Summer Skin Care


Summer is right around the corner. It’s not uncommon to switch up your routine to go with the seasons. Here are a couple of my favorite tips to help keep you in line with the warmer temperatures ahead!

#1 SPF baby

Wear your sunscreen. Reapply. Just do it! SPF is important all year round, but as we get more daylight hours and it gets warmer, it’s even more important. Want to slow the aging clock and prevent wrinkles, fine lines and sun spots? SPF baby!

#2 Vitamin C serum

One of my favorite serums is vitamin c (my favorite product of 2021) because of the antioxidant properties. AND because it helps to boost your skin natural ability to fight off the sun’s rays. Who wouldn’t want better immunity?! If you’ve never tried one before, just know that vitamin c in skin care is not all created equal. Vitamin C oxidizes easily. So trust me on this one. This is one product that you are going to want to spend this money on to deliver the goods!

#3 Lighter moisturizer

You may want to switch to a light weight moisturizer, just like you would switch your coat for a jacket. Moisturizer helps to seal in the nutrients in our skin and balance out the top layers. You still need to moisturize, so don’t skip this step.

#4 Exfoliate regularly

If you feel like you’ve been sun kissed (which, let’s face it … we all do by some point in the summer), it’s extra important to exfoliate the skin. Your skin can build up dead skin cells easily in the summer. If you are acne prone, you definitely don’t want to miss this step as this is key to keeping acne at bay. Choose an exfoliation that you really like and then make sure you are following your Esthetician’s recommendations on how often he/she wants you to use it!

Do these simply steps and I’m sure you’ll notice better results this summer! And bonus if you do at least a quarterly facial … which will only boost what you are doing at home!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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