Protecting the Barrier of the Skin


Americans are very best at thinking more is better. Supersize it? Yes please! The Tesla is more expensive than a Camry, so I'll take the Tesla. Even with skin care, I see this all the time. If a client doesn't feel something like a tingle on the skin, they don't think it's working. This is one of the most common ways that the barrier of the skin is compromised. You may use very harsh products for your skin or you may be over using products. One of my skin care philosophies is that more is not always better. But what does that mean? Because we are conditioned to wanting more, bigger, better, it's hard to believe that if you don't feel it working that it's not.

I've been known to say that I wouldn't sell you the most expensive serum for your skin if you aren't cleansing your skin. If your skin isn't properly prepared to handle very active ingredients, not only would you be wasting your money, but you could also cause your skin to be more sensitive. The ingredients will not be able to do their job 100%. You always need to build your house starting at the foundation. The first items to address with your skin care would be the hydration and sensitivity. From there, we move on to your specific concerns such as acne, redness, hyperpigmentation (sun spots), or wrinkles.

There are two main functions of the skin as a barrier.

#1 - The skin barrier blocks the loss of fluid being lost from inside, including water and lipids which keep the skin looking beautiful and young.

#2 - The skin barrier protects against outside pollutants and irritants from getting into the skin, including exposure to the elements and free radicals. 

So how to protect your skin barrier? Here are my favorites (keeping it short and sweet here)!

Make sure that you are using a moisturizer which will lock and seal in all of the nutrients that are in the skin.

Choose the right exfoliant for your skin and do not overuse.

Wear SPF and reapply. It’s really that simple.

And… one that is so underrated, balance your pH. This means that you want to use a mist/prep solution to prepare the skin for all of the yummy ingredients that stay on the skin.

Need help repairing your barrier or reduce sensitivities? Let’s get you in the treatment room and create a plan just for you! Can’t wait to see you there!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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