My Favorite Sun Tips for Summer

Did you know that May is skin cancer awareness month? It’s the most common cancer diagnosed in the US. Sun protection year round is truly important. Many clients will tell me that they will wear SPF if they are going out for the day. But, if you can grow a plant inside your house, you really need to wear it every day. Period.

Here are four of my favorite sun tips for summer.

Sun Tip #1 - Apply sunscreen as your last layer of protection daily.

Sunscreen should always be the last step that you put on your skin so that it can reflect the rays and/or absorb and scatter the rays (depending on the sunscreen that you are using.) Make sure that you spread it thoroughly and evenly on the face. Don’t forget the ears, neck, and decollete. 

If you are wearing foundation that includes SPF, this is just a bonus and not a substitute for wearing actual sunscreen. Why? Because you need 9 to 11 pumps of foundation to get what is shown on the bottle.

Sun Tip #2 - Pay attention to your skin! 

Skin cancer is easier to treat when caught early, so get to know your skin and watch for changes. Look for new skin markings, like moles, bumps, scaly spots, or places where your skin has changed color. Watch for any changes in moles or if you have areas that the skin just won’t heal, bleeds or looks differently. 

Sun Tip #3 - Wear protective clothing plus a hat and sunglasses!

Wear protective clothing (cover your arms and legs when possible), wear a hat, and sport your favorite sun glasses. Darker colors versus white offer more UV protection. Hats protect your scalp, which is a hard spot to apply SPF. A wide brim is best, but any hat will be better than none. And sun glasses can help prevent cataracts and other eye problems later in life. Look for glasses that offer 99-100% protection.

Sun Tip #4 - Ditch the Vitamin D excuse.

Tanning isn’t a safe way to get your Vitamin D. If you know you are low in your levels, please visit with your doctor on his/her suggestions for you to get those levels up!

So now that you know better, you can do better. Were there any that surprised you? Can’t wait to hear!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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