Do I Need To Peel In Order For the Chemical Peel To Be Working?

There are many different types of chemical peels that are used on the skin. Technology has come such a far way in a sort period of time. I love a good peel, especially in the fall and winter.

So with all of the options out there, what do I need to know? Do I need to peel in order for the chemical peel to be working? How many peels do I need to achieve results?

A chemical peel uses acids that are designed to target specific concerns in the skin. Certain acids are best for certain conditions. For example, mandelic and salicylic are the most commonly used acids for acne. Glycolic and lactic are a great combination for anti aging. These chemicals loosen the dead skin cell ‘mortar’ and help the new skin cells do their function in the skin properly.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to peel in order to achieve a good result. Some peels are designed to have ZERO downtime. Very little flaking or peeling will occur. These are so good for ones that are performed in a facial and for many clients who can’t afford to have downtime.

Many times, it depends on the current condition of the skin on whether or not you will have that flaking or peeling. If you don’t have much dead skin cell build up (aka - been doing regular facials, chemical peels, professional treatments, plus doing exfoliation at home), then it is unlikely to see as much peeling. Usually the further that we get into the series, the less likely you are to peel. And of course, every time you come in, you will experience different amount of flaking/peeling … or none at all. It is all individual.

With any chemical peels, I do recommend a series. You will receive a much better result in doing 3-6 (depending on which peels we use on you.) Simply put, you would receive a better result working out with a trainer 6 times versus 1. Each peel builds upon the last.

It is also important to note that homecare is imperative before, during and after the process. SPF is a must and avoidance of sun. Adding in a serum that targets your skin area is a great idea. And making sure that your exfoliation process is on point, will help you achieve the best results possible. Consult with your Esthetician on which peels and homecare are right for you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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