Why Does My Skin Feel Dry After an Enzyme?

You come in for a glorious facial and your skin feels SO GREAT when you leave the treatment room. Next day your skin is still on a facial high. But then … out of nowhere, your skin feels dry day 2, 3, and 4. Why does my skin feel dry after a facial?

The common steps in a facial are a cleanse or double cleanse, exfoliation, mask, and all of the finishing products. The most common reason for feeling dry is due to the exfoliation step.

There are three different types of exfoliation —-> mechanical, chemical or enzymatic.

Mechanical exfoliation is the scrubbies that knock of the dead skin cells. When clients think of exfoliation, they most commonly think of this form.

Chemical exfoliation is using acids to dissolve the lipids that hold the dead skin cells in tack. This type of exfoliation is what most clients think of when they think of chemical peels … and it is true. But with that, many cleansers, exfoliants (in mask form) and masks.

Enzymatic exfoliation uses ingredients such as pumpkin, papaya and bromelain (pineapple.) These work in a similar way to chemical exfoliation where the mortar of the dead skin cell wall is eaten away.

Because chemical and enzymatic exfoliation breaks away that layer, it can continue working over time to loosen up the dead skin cell layer, causing you to feel amazing after your facial and dry a couple days later.

So what can you do after a facial if you feel dry?

#1 - Hydrate the skin

Use both a moisturizer and a hydrating serum wo help boost the water content in the skin.

#2 - Exfoliate

Gently exfoliate the skin 3-4 days after a facial. This will continue to get rid of what your skin no longer needs.

#3 - Patience and communication

Be patient in this process by not doing too much to the skin. More is not always better. And communicate with your esthetician if you are feeling dryness but it is not going away so that they can give you individual recommendations.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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