Are You Listening To What Your Skin Is Telling You?

Did you know that our skin is always giving us clues about what it needs? Well, it really is. Sometimes we are really good about letting it know what we think is best, without listening. Let’s talk about some common signals and what you should do about it.

You have flaking on your nose.

Number one, are you using enough sunscreen on your skin in general. Your nose sticks out from the rest of the face and therefore gets more than the rest.

Number two, how often are you exfoliating your skin? This could be your sign that what you are doing is not quite enough and you need to step up your game or schedule your next facial.

Number three, do you need to change your moisturizer? Maybe this is a sign that you need to use a moisturizer with more hydrating ingredients.

Your skin feels red or has a reddish hue.

Number one, have you received too much sun? If so, you know to back off and step up your sunscreen. Make sure that you are reapplying throughout the day as well (especially in summer months.)

Number two, are you using too many active products. The skin cannot go from zero to one hundred too fast. If you are using a retinol product, consider using it every other day instead of every day. If you are using products with acids, maybe you need less of that or to do a different rotation. Or even a different product all together. Consult with your Esthetician.

Number three, if the redness is contained to cheeks, chin, etc. and gets more noticeable with spicy foods or alcohol, you may have rosacea and need a completely different skin care plan. This is another condition to consult your Esthetician with or Dermatologist.

Your skin starts out dry but feels oily midday.

Number one, if your skin feels dry, it will signal to produce more oil. So … let’s try changing up your moisturizer!!!

Number two, if your moisturizer cannot go through the dead skin cells, maybe you need more exfoliation.

Number three, look at every product you put on after you cleanse. You may need to change your makeup routine… and possibly look at a different sunscreen product.

Your skin feels burning or raw when applying products.

Number one, simplify your routine. More is not always better and your skin is telling you it’s not liking what you are doing.

Number two, consider removing active products and anti-aging products and focus on barrier strengthening products (aka - the golden nugget and gentle, soothing products.)

Number three, evaluate if there is anything that you’ve changed with your health, including medications and surgery as these are stressors.

What other things have you noticed from your skin? What do you think that your skin could be telling you?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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