waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

How to Prepare for a Facial Waxing Service

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I love to help prepare my clients for any service that they are going to experience for the first time. If you haven't ever had a wax on the face, I'd love to share a couple of helpful hints and tips to make this experience an enjoyable one.

Each client coming to see me will fill out the Client Intake Form plus the specific forms for their service. This should be done a minimum of 24 hours prior to your service. It is important to include information about health and medical history, including a list of medications. Medical conditions or medications can make your skin more sensitive to services like facials, waxing, and more. If you aren't sure if you should include something with your form but are thinking about it, I would suggest writing it on the form and/or talking about it with me during our consultation.

Before we start a service, I review your filled out forms with you. I ask questions and you can add anything else that you feel I should know. I like to make you comfortable from the moment that you step in the spa!

I offer a variety of facial waxes - full face (which includes checks, lip, chin, and right below the jawline), each of those areas separately, the eyebrows, and the nose. Full face does not include brow waxing. I prep the skin using a light sandalwood oil and use a high quality hard wax just for the face that removes the hair (both fine and coarse) gently and effectively.  The wax that I use can wax an area 6 times, though I usually go over the areas twice. The first time gets the majority of the hair, while the second time will pick up the  stubborn stragglers left behind. 

After your waxing treatment, I apply a cooling gel or a lightweight moisturizer with SPF to soothe and protect the areas. You'll want to be gentle with the areas for a day after waxing and follow the post waxing recommendations. Always avoid sun exposure, put off exfoliating the skin, and think less is more. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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