skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

New Exfoliation Technique - Dermafiling


One of the most common responses that I hear from clients is that their skin just looks or feels ‘old.’ As we age, the process in which our dead skin cells turn over slows down. When the dead skin cells build up and don’t turn over as quickly, our skin really doesn’t have that youthful glow. Exfoliation is the one of the most important steps in a skin care routine. It is considered a heavy hitter or home run hitter.

As discussed in previous blog posts, there are three different types of exfoliation (mechanical, chemical and enzymatic.) Each of them has different benefits for the skin. I like to utilize all of them in the treatment room and at home.

This summer, while I was doing my month facial, I experienced Dermafiling and feel in love with how it felt on my skin. Think of a light sand paper on the skin, gently buffing the dead skin cells away. You can use these with or without enzymes.

What is Dermafiling?

Dermafiling is a precision skin polishing tool that is triple coated in the United States with finely crushed cosmetic diamond that wrap around the edged of the tool.

What are the benefits of Dermafiling?

While the Dermafiling technique is an exfoliation step, it does much more than that. Here are a couple of my favorite benefits:

Instantly balances the tone and texture of the skin

Stimulates collagen

Stimulates lymph movement

Provides a soft erythemic glow that warms the face as fresh blood and nutrients arrive to heal and repair

Who is Dermafiling right for?

Dermafiling is right for almost anyone, as there are different strengths of the diamond crusted plates. Those who should avoid include high risk pregnancies, diabetes, leukemia, kidney or liver disorders, fresh scars, or sensitive or reactive skin conditions, among others. Your Esthetician will consult with you to make sure that this technique is right for you and your skin care goals.

I’m excited for you to try Dermafiling. Through this month (September 2021), the only facial you can receive this with is The Refresher, the newest seasonal facial to remove summer from your skin and prep your skin for fall. After September, you can ask to add this to your facial! I know you are going to love it like I did!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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