skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

How Do I Get Rid of These Sunspots?

Maybe you noticed some extra color on your upper lip. Or when you were pregnant, you experienced a butterfly mask. Or perhaps, one side of your face is experiencing sun spots. All of these concerns are under a big umbrella of a term called ‘hyperpigmentation.’ Sometimes these age spots are called sun spots or liver spots. So how do you get rid of these sun spots?

First things first. You HAVE to use a broad spectrum daily sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. You will need to reapply. Foundation that includes SPF is not a replacement for still wearing the sunscreen that is separate from your makeup. This step prevents the sun spots from getting worse and is critical from getting rid of these sun spots.

The next thing that you need to do is to make sure that you are using antioxidants and ingredients that will stop inflammatory reactions in the skin. Antioxidants include vitamin c, green tea extract, vitamin e, licorice root extract, and more. The skin will utilize these ingredients in protecting the skin as well as lightening the sun spots that have already appeared.

My third suggestion is to include exfoliation in your home care and spa treatments. AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acids) not only help to remove dead skin cells, but it will help with texture, wrinkles, and also sun spots. Utilizing chemical peels in the treatment room (light, medium or aggressive - there are lots of options out there) will also help your home care products to penetrate the skin better.

Progress may be slow, which is why I recommend to do pictures, at least on a quarterly basis. Once you start seeing changes, don’t let up on the home care steps. You need to stay the course. Continue to use SPF, antioxidants, and exfoliation to see those sunspots lighten.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

The Top Three Hardest Skin Concerns to Fix

While we each would like to improve the appearance and health of our skin, I've found over the years that there are three concerns that are the hardest to fix. They are: Hyperpigmentation, Acne, and Dark Circles under the eyes. Below is a brief overview of why I have selected these as my top three.


When you fill out the Client Intake form as a new client, you'll see that I ask you this question. What would you like to change about your skin? There are options of common ones to address as well as a fill in the blank spot too. I really like to tailor each appointment to your skin care needs. Say you are coming in for waxing, but have something you want to ask me about your face. The time is yours and we can definitely use it to help you get ideas on things we could do inside and outside of the spa.

While we each would like to improve the appearance and health of our skin, I've found over the years that there are three concerns that are the hardest to fix. They are: Hyperpigmentation, Acne, and Dark Circles under the eyes. Below is a brief overview of why I have selected these as my top three.


Sun spots, liver spots, melasma, and pregnancy butterfly masks... I'm going to group them all in this spot under hyperpigmentation. The changes that occur with the melanin (the color) in the skin are connected to hormones. This is an internal issue and takes time to ease them away ... and then trying to keep them at bay is a whole 'nother ball of wax. In short, make sure that your hormones are balanced, then choose to either suppress the spots (products that contain more natural or more chemical ingredients) or bring them out (think laser treatments and deeper chemical peels.)


This issue and skin problem is one of my very favorite. The type of acne and the causes range greatly. I love becoming an acne detective with each client. The roots of the problems may not be able to changed. For example, 83% of acne has a genetic link to it. But, the aggravators can be eliminated or minimized. However, some acne clients will take steps to correct their problems, but after the skin starts clearing, they will not continue those actions that worked so well. This makes it one of the more difficult condition to treat.

Dark Circles under the eyes

This is the third condition that I see a lot of and that clients would like to change. This one as well can be genetic ... but diet can also play a role. Making sure that your digestion system is working properly is a key here. Also, using eye serums and creams that continue vitamin k and caffeine can also help to minimize the appearance of having dark circles (and even puffiness) under the eyes. 

If any of these skin conditions hit home with you, let's discuss your concerns and the best solutions for you at your next appointment. I know that as we work together, that we'll help you make progress to reach your skin care goals.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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