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Mask-ne Solutions for You at Home - Part IV

I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. Let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level. I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir.


The things you do at home, have the biggest compound effect because you are able to do skin care workouts daily. I like to liken your facial visits with the gym and a trainer. When you go to the gym and see a trainer, they will set you up with a program. It's your job to continue going back to the gym in between your training sessions. If you don't do the homework, your trainer will never be able to help you break into the next level. And isn't that the reason why you are seeing a trainer? I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. With any skin care goal that you have, we can start a new program all together or maybe add in one exercise that will pack a big punch.

First things first. You need to be cleansing your skin and you need to use a moisturizer. These two are pretty basic and the first things that I encourage my clients to do. If you aren't doing those things, let's talk. If you are doing those exercises and ready to add in the next thing, let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level.  I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir. Check out below more information on all of these options.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide kills the c acne bacteria (formerly called p acne). This ingredient can be an amazing 'spot treatment' of sorts to help your skin get over the blemishes that you are experiencing. This ingredient can be drying and is not for everyone. To effectively spot treat, you must treat the microcomedones that you don't see yet. (The pimples below the surface of the skin that haven't made it through yet.) Instead of just dabbing product right on the pimples themselves, you want to treat a little above and below where you typically are seeing the acne pop up. So if you get pimples along the jawline, treat 1/2 inch above and a 1/2 below that area.


Seems like a simple solution, doesn't it? For acne sufferers, inside the pores, the dead skin cells sluff off at an accelerated rate and get stuck inside the pore. If you can get more oxygen in the pores, it will increase circulation and promote wound healing in those areas. The c acnes are anaerobic, which means they live off of areas without air. Another great way to kill off those pesky bacteria on the skin.


We know the power of probiotics in helping fight off bad bacteria, while promoting the good ones. Probiotics have been used in skin care for years, but it is currently becoming a buzz word in the industry. This is a great, gentle way to help speed up the healing while fighting off the acne that comes from the mask. Look for skincare that has probiotics added to their line up of acids and other acne fighting ingredients.

Fulvic Elixir

Oh my! What can I say about this particular product? It is AMAZING and I don't want to go without it. A fellow esthetician, Tracy, said, "Let me put it this way. If I could bathe in it, I would!" I feel the same. This serum is lightweight, has an incredible smell, is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory PLUS it also has anti aging properties in it and hydrates. All at the same time. Yep! It's my favorite for 2020!

Fulvic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants and rapidly heals, soothes, and prevents scarring. Other key ingredients include Agastache Mexicana Flower (love to say that word!), Calendula, Aloe Vera, Grapefruit Peel, Orange Peel, and Chamomile. It's a strong line up to help your skin stay hydrated and smooth while preventing acne and promoting healing. Are you ready to get yours?

Think about the products that you are currently using right now. Are they helping you achieve the results that you want? If so, great! If not, let's see what we can change up to get the right ingredients on your skin today.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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skincare Zoey Jolley skincare Zoey Jolley

Mask-ne Solutions for You at the Spa - Part III


The newest problem to hit the states is called Mask-ne, a form of acne that starts and mostly stays in the mask area. The previous post called Do You Have Mask-ne really delves into what this is. And last week's post Mask-ne Solutions for Everyone really is for everyone: how to keep clean and beautiful skin while in a pandemic. 

Now that you know what it is and some general solutions, let me offer a couple of solutions (both in the treatment room and home care products) that will help make it better. In the spa, we can use a variety of technologies such as LED, HydroGlow, and Chemical Peels. Of course, if you've never had a spa treatment, let me know and we will get you set up with the one that will work best for you after a consultation.  This blog post will focus on the modalities I can use at your appointment, and the next blog post will focus on home care options. Stay tuned!


LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. These have been around since the 1960s, but have only recently become popular. Each color of LED is a different wavelength and treats certain concerns of the skin. Red is primarily for anti-aging, green for sensitivity and redness, yellow for hyperpigmentation, and infrared for inflammation. The main function of the blue LED light is to kill the p (or c) acne bacteria. This bacteria is present on everyone's skin, but there are many, many more on someone that suffers from acne. Blue light also reduces redness and irritation while combatting current and future breakouts. Red light has also shown great improvements for acne clients. This light aims to work on the collagen and elastin in the skin, while calming, soothing, and reducing inflammation. 


The HydroGlow Treatment is a new treatment in 2020 to Essential Esthetics by Zoey. What is it exactly? It is hydrodermabrasion. Essentially it is an exfoliation treatment similar to microdermabrasion (using vacuum technology), but performing the service with serums and creating a wet treatment. This one sucks out impurities of the skin while pushing in serums just for you to hydrate, purify and detox the face. It feels so clean and literally glowing. Clients are loving this popular service!

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels often sound scary to clients, but they don't have to be. I offer 3 different levels of peels that exfoliate the skin effectively, which will help speed up the dead skin cell turnover, making acne much more manageable. The first level are ones that have zero downtime. Everything works on a cellular level. So even though you don't necessarily see skin flaking or peeling, it is still working. The second level is a micro peel where there may be slight flaking and peeling. The amount is individualized depending on what you are currently doing in your home care routine. Most clients find that there is no need to take time off of work (especially because we are currently wearing masks everywhere.) And the third level (which I call the mother of all peels) is the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System, which creates the skin to come off in sheets generally between 7 to 10 days after the peel. This only is working on the dead skin cells, not the living skin cells, so it is very safe, but may require a couple days of 'downtime' where you wouldn't want to be in public.

All of these modalities may be used in conjunction with each other or by themselves. It's all dependent on your goals, the severity of your skin conditions, and really what sounds best for you! I will always work with you to come up with the best solutions that meet your needs and lifestyle. Let's connect in the treatment room to help you change your skin today!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Mask-ne Solutions For Everyone


Whether you are currently experience mask-ne or not, these general tips are for everyone! Let's talk about mask hygiene and what you can do during these times to keep healthy skin. 

Mask hygiene

The first you may have noticed as you walk around the grocery store or eat at a restaurant. Do you see everyone fiddling and adjusting their masks? The number one no-no would be to stop touching your face. As soon as you have placed your mask on your face, leave it alone. This means that you need to find a mask that is going to fit your face properly and doesn't slide or move too much while you are talking.

Replacing masks

How often should you change out your mask? That all depends on how well your skin is doing while wearing one, but let me suggest that you change out at least once a day. Start with a new one in the morning. By the end of the day, you'll want to wash it if it's a reusable mask or replace it if it's a disposable medical mask. 

Washing cloth masks

Another thing that we need to be aware of is how to properly care for our cloth and reusable masks. When you breathe, talk, etc. there will be germs that will collect nicely in the masks and it's important that you wash them. I suggest using a very gentle laundry detergent without fabric softeners, dryer sheets, etc as these can aggravate the skin. They definitely aggravate acne. Line drying is best if possible. 

Storing Masks

Are you guilty of sticking your mask in the cup holder of your car as soon as you are done from the store? Or shoving it in your purse or diaper bag? I think many of us can say yes. After you are done using your mask, place it in a sandwich baggie or something that will protect it from everything else it may be around. This will help keep it cleaner and more sanitary. Which means that our skin will not be as exposed a random crumb, tube of makeup, or whatever may be where your mask goes.

Cleansing the skin

This should go without speaking, but your skin can reflect how you treat it. Now more than ever, it is so important to cleanse the skin properly. Use any cleanser and massage the skin for about 60 seconds. Rinse with lukewarm water and then gently wipe with a wet cloth to remove the final dirt, oil, etc. When appropriate, do a double cleanse. This means to cleanse twice in a row. Ideally, you would do this twice a day, but if you do it once, do it at night. In the morning, wipe with a wet cloth or rinse with water in the shower 

Hydrate the skin

The skin will need adequate hydration while wearing masks. While it is important to drink water daily, this is oftentimes not enough. Hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to help keep the skin's water content happy. If you have a moisturize you love, but it doesn't seem to be cutting the mustard right now, you may need to switch to something heavier. You can also double up (like wearing a coat that has a liner - wear both) by using a serum or concentrate plus a moisturizer. When in doubt, talk to your esthetician.  

Do not wear makeup

If you can, please skip the full face makeup, especially foundation. Because there is a lack of oxygen while wearing a mask, further covering the skin will not do you any favors. Play up the eyes and eyebrows with something fun. Even try a lash lift or eyelash extensions to make it easy and to bring attention to those baby blues or gorgeous browns. 

When appropriate, take mask breaks 

If you are able to maintain 6 feet distance and it follows with government regulations, consider taking a mask break. Even a little oxygen to the skin will help keep your skin happy.

Taking all of these suggestions into consideration will help you to maintain and achieve healthy skin. You may need to add one of these into your daily practice. Some people will need to do them all to get there. Your esthetician is here to walk through other suggestions if needed. Stay tuned for at home solutions and spa treatments to treat Mask-ne.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skincare, skin Zoey Jolley skincare, skin Zoey Jolley

Do you have Mask-ne? Part I

Over the years, there have been several terms coined... Back-ne (acne on the back), Make-ne (makeup acne), and now we are hearing about Mask-ne. If you haven't already guessed, it is acne from wearing a mask. Estheticians around the world are seeing a huge increase in acne cases on the cheek, chin, and lip areas.

Why is this happening? While wearing a mask, 3 main culprits occur that aggravate those that are prone to having acne. These are friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen to the skin.


Over the years, there have been several terms coined... Back-ne (acne on the back), Make-ne (makeup acne), and now we are hearing about Mask-ne. If you haven't already guessed, it is acne from wearing a mask. Estheticians around the world are seeing a huge increase in acne cases on the cheek, chin, and lip areas. 

Why is this happening? While wearing a mask, 3 main culprits occur that aggravate those that are prone to having acne. These are friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen to the skin. 


Friction has been known to cause acne for years. The term that is used to describe this is called acne mechanica. This occurs due to pressure and friction on the skin. For example, a catcher that has acne around the face mask, a football player on the shoulders, or a polo player's chin strap. Even wearing a backpack, bra, etc where pressure results can cause acne to occur in those areas. 

Heat and Humidity

Heat and humidity is a recipe for disaster. If you look at different climates, you will see this. Dr. James E. Fulton dedicated his life to seeking out treatments for the disease of acne. During his research, he found that acne had a higher prevalence in the Carribean, places like Miami and gulf coast cities.  He speculated that the reason why heat and humidity play a role had to do with the excessive water content in the skin that could cause swelling inside the follicle, breaking down the structure. 

Lack of Oxygen

Lack of oxygen is another trigger for mask-ne. When we look at the skin, it is important that air can flow into and out of the pore. When skin cells are sloughing off, the oxygen helps to keep the p (or c) acne bacteria from reproducing at an astronomical rate. In general, more acne occurs on the face due to the natural of the pores, sebum, etc. than on the body. So even though we wear clothing all year round, our faces are not normally covered.  

Unfortunately, when wearing a mask, we are seeing the recipe of having all 3 -friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen ... which is essentially a buffet for the bacteria to spread and reek havoc on the skin. 

Whenever I see clients for acne, we work together becoming detectives to find out what might be the cause of the flare ups. If you diet is full of high salt, we limit or cut out those foods. If stress is the biggest aggravator, we work on incorporating yoga, deep breathing, and meditation to your life routine. The easiest way to help clear the skin would be to stop wearing a mask. In this world that we live in, that is not currently a possibility.

Stay tuned for the next blog posts where we talk about the solutions! These will be broken down into general solutions, plus treatment room and home care products that will help make the Mask-ne better. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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