skincare, skin Zoey Jolley skincare, skin Zoey Jolley

An Estheticians Perspective on Yearly Skin Exams


Even though I've been in the spa industry since 2009, I had actually never had a skin exam before this year. Here's the thing. I pay attention to my skin, and nothing really had grabbed my attention. So imagine my surprise when (after using a new to me mask one day), the next day a spot appeared out of nowhere. Add in there that it happened to be on my forehead. Bummer!

I had already decided that 2020 was the year. But then covid hit. And all the things became just another thing. I reached high in the closet to grab my esthetics book... and also turned to trusty google. (Yes, your esthetician does this too.) I immediately crossed off the Melanoma ... which gave me peace of mind. It really didn't fit the basal cell or the squamous cell carcinoma characteristics. At this point, I had already made my appointment to see the dermatologist and those 2 weeks couldn't come fast enough.

Once I arrived to my appointment, the medical assistant had me strip down to my undies and change into a gown to cover. (Yes ladies. Make sure you wear them so you don't have to be in your birthday suit. Haha!) The Doctor (or Physician's Assistant or even Nurse Practitioner) had on a light with the loops (which are magnifiers to see things more up close and personal.) After looking at my skin, he said that it was Actinic Keratosis (a pre cancer spot that shows up like a rough patch of dead skin.) 

My options were to get it frozen off or to use a cream for roughly 2 weeks. I chose the cream, which my doctor also told me that I could use if I saw any other spots arise. About 6 weeks later, I had a follow up to check that spot and got the all clear. 

My suggestions are to make sure that you are aware of your skin and to note changes. Have regular skin exams so your doctor find things early, which is key to any type of cancer. I have also sent clients that come in for regular facials to the dermatologists because of changes to their skin. So it also helps to have someone else helping you look out for these irregularities. Don't be nervous because this is what they do all day, everyday. And make sure that you speak up with concerns and questions at your appointment. Don't delay is caring for yourself. THAT is truly self care.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go, Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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