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Watch Out! 3 Things to Check at Your Facial Appointment

I love receiving regular spa treatments from other local estheticians and massage therapists. Not only do I find them relaxing, but I get to take in the experience from a client's perspective. I hope it keeps not only my skin and mind fresh, but that it also helps me to see what I could do better.

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I love receiving regular spa treatments from other local estheticians and massage therapists. Not only do I find them relaxing, but I get to take in the experience from a client's perspective. I hope it keeps not only my skin and mind fresh, but that it also helps me to see what I could do better.

I look for an inviting space with fun conversation and awesome results. Personality is big for me. I want to feel loved, pampered, and rejuvenated from a month of stress. This is my down time and I'm ready to enjoy each and every minute of it!

So what happens when you go to your long awaited appointment and worry about laying on the table. Are you thinking,

"Will this person help me?"

"How can I trust them?"

"How will I know if there is a red flag?"

Here are 3 starter hints that you may want to find a different professional. No intake form or consultation; having messy instruments, overflowing trash and dirty linens; and no gloves. These could make you want to be like Forest. Run Forest, run!

1) No intake form or consultation

Believe it or not, but everything we do affects our skin. As the largest organ of the body, the skin is the barrier to protect bad things from getting into our bodies and also helping keep good things, like water, inside the body. Through an intake form or consultation, your esthetician learns about your WHOLE body and how to help you reach your goals of your daily treatment.

One example on my current intake form is to please list all medications. If you were taking Accutane or using a Retin-A cream (commonly know as Tretinoin), this would be a contraindiction of waxing. Why? Accutane or Retin-A is extremely large doses of vitamin A which thins the skin. Thinner skin means that this is actually an exfoliation treatment. Getting rid of dead skin helps to expose acne to oxygen which means the acne bacteria is killed. Waxing also is in it's own way, an exfoliation treatment. So using Accutane/Retin A AND waxing would be over exfoliating the skin. And if you've been following and reading along with me, you know that too much of a good thing ... really isn't good!

What you can do!

Make sure to update your health history with your esthetician when you come in for your regular appointments.

2) Messy instruments, overflowing trash, and dirty linens

Having a clean working space is an indication that your esthetician not only loves what she does, but that he or she is sanitizing the area and getting rid of the germs for the next client!

One of the things that I check is the wax pot. The outside should be wiped down (at least periodically) so that it is not covered with sticky and unattractive wax.

Make sure the trash can isn't overflowing with garbage. It's also nice when the outside of the garbage can looks okay. Sure, it holds the trash, but the can itself doesn't have to look bad.

Did you recently watch the Insider Edition on the hotel that was not changing their sheets? Ugh! Fresh sheets and towels equal a happy client, right? Right!

What you can do!

Make sure that your treatment room has a thing called a barbicide jar. It is a disinfectant solution for tools that estheticians use, like tweezers.

3) No gloves

No gloves is okay for some treatments but not for others. Recognize that if your esthetician is doing extractions where you release acne from the skin or waxing (especially on the body), gloves are a standard precaution for both of you.

What you can do!

Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for gloves. You know your own health, but you don't know your esthetician's health.

What other things have you noticed at your treatment? Don't be shy in requesting something different. Afterall, you are paying for the appointment and you deserve the best!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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