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How to Step Up Your Winter Skin Care Routine


It seems as if every year, my skin screams just a little louder when the cold winter air starts appearing. I'm convinced that it is age and the slowing down of the repair systems that our skin uses when it heals at night. I sure didn't notice this when I was 18, but now that I'm 29 (wink, wink), I am noticing more and more with each passing year.

Does this strike a cord with you too? Are you noticing that your skin feels different in the winter? And all of the seasons for that matter. Read on to get three simple tips for helping your skin maintain it's hydration levels during the colder months.

#1 - Check out Your Exfoliation Schedule

I hope you are already exfoliating your skin on a normal basis. If not, let's definitely talk. Make sure that you beef up your exfoliation routine. Depending on what exfoliation you are doing, you should be using this a MINIMUM  of once a week (even twice) all the way up to every day. Consult with your Esthetician on how often you should be applying your exfoliant. This will always depend on what type you are using and how your skin typically is along with how it acts in the wintertime. 

Regardless, pick days that you always exfoliate and stick to your schedule religiously.

#2 - Use Your Serums or Concentrates

Alright ladies! This step may not be in the most simplified of routines (those 3 steppers out there - cleanse, tone, moisturizer.) But I'm telling you, if you were to use a serum at any time of the year, winter is THE time to do this. A serum's molecule size is much smaller than a moisturizer. What does that mean? It means that a serum or concentrate can penetrate the skin on a deeper level, providing much needed moisture and balance. 

Basically, if you aren't already using a serum or concentrate, please start today. Do it every morning... and every night. Watch your skin soak in the awesomeness (yes - that's a word)!

#3 - Evaluate Your Current Moisturizer

Take a look at your current moisturizer. Is this going to be a thick enough/ heavy enough product for you to ward off the force hot air inside and the cold crisp air we feel outside? It is not uncommon for clients to make a switch in the winter months to something that's a little more decadent on their skin. While you may be able to get away with the lightest weight moisturizer in the spring and summer, you may not be able to in the winter.

Pull out the moisturizer and really evaluate if this will do the best for your skin come December. It's really okay to put away the other moisturizer and pick up a luxurious option for the winter. You can come back to your favorite come springtime!

So there you go! Three easy options that can help your skin combat the harsh winter months ahead. Stay warm, stay healthy, and stay glowing!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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The Power of Exfoliation and Serums with HydroGlow

I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow.


I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow. 

Exfoliating the skin means that you are gently helping the skin to eliminate, remove, and dissolve the dead skin cells off the top of the skin. While there are many ways of doing this, the main two that are recognized are ones with the scrubbies and ones without that go on the skin like a mask. The mechanical exfoliation removes dead skin cells by knocking off the top bricks of that wall. The exfoliation with are either chemical or enzymes that work by eating away the mortar of our brick wall (the lipids and proteins that are keeping the dead skin cells connected.) Exfoliate the skin properly, and you'll notice that you have a more healthy glow.

Using a serum or concentrate on the skin can make a dramatic impact on the skin. And here's why! The molecule size of the serum is smaller, which simply means that it can penetrate deeper. Many serums are a thinner consistency, which further helps them reach down in the skin. Serums and concentrates can work on any skin concern. But, if you are concerned about acne, don't choose one that is an anti-aging serum (though we all want to slow down our aging process.) Pick a serum that is going to help with YOUR top skin care goal!

So why is there magic in using both exfoliation with a serum? Well, this powerful duo will workto FIRST remove the dead skin cells of your face to allow the serum that you are using to really do its job and not lay topically on the surface of the skin. The serum that could go down to x layer will now be able to go even one step further, landing a bigger knock out punch!

The HydroGlow Treatment will use the serums in each step of your service - the cleansing, exfoliating, extraction and hydration process. Using the suction in hydrodermabrasion, you are using exfoliation for the skin in each step as well, which works to get rid of clogged pores and revealing the youthful appearance of the skin.

Incorporating both exfoliation and serums both at home and in the treatment room is a winning combination that I can't wait to show you! Meet you back at the spa soon!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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If I can Spend Money on One Product, What Should I Purchase?

If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.


As with anything, there is a lot of debate among professionals on this topic. If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.

Which products stay on the face?

Cleansers, exfoliants, and masks are all applied to the skin and then properly removed. So, the products that stay on the skin would be: treating mists, serums, moisturizers, SPF, eye cream. Since these products are on for hours before cleansed off the skin again to reapply, these would be where I would spend my money.

If you ask your esthetician Zoey what you should spend your money on, I would say that there are really 2 of the steps that are worth it and should be considered, even when on a budget. Those 2 products would be serums and SPF. Let me explain.

Serums are a smaller molecule size, which means that this product can penetrate the skin at a deeper level, providing a powerful punch. Most serums are more liquid or gel texture which make the ingredients glide into the skin easily. When the ingredients are able to go past the outer layer of skin, they can really change the skin cells by providing more hydration, calming sebum production, or sending signals to the cells to relax and unwind so that wrinkle production is minimized. Theses are just a couple of examples of what a serum can do for the skin.

When talking about basic steps in a skincare routine though, serums would not be the first up. For clients that aren't doing anything (or very little to their skins, we want to make sure that we start with cleansing, then moisturizing (which includes SPF). After these 2 steps are added, I like to make sure that they would add in the treating mist, exfoliation, serum, then an eye product. Finally a mask would be recommended. If you have a very specific skin concern, the recommendations from you esthetician may also change. At the end of the day, it's all about what we can do to improve your skin.

Sunscreen It Is!

So if serums wouldn't be the first up in a general routine, then that means that having a great SPF would be the ONE PRODUCT that you should purchase. There are 2 types of sunscreen available - chemical and physical. But my unpopular opinion as an esthetician is that the best SPF is the one that you are going to use and love using.

SPF stands for sunscreen protection factor and is the number of the amount of defense from the sun's rays. SPF 15 blocks about 93% of rays. SPF 30 blocks 97%. SPF 50 blocks just 98% and so on. Don't be fooled by large numbers! You want an SPF of at least 15 to wear on a daily basis. If you live in a tropical area, you need a minimum of at least SPF 30 to wear daily. 

If you are out and about, or at the ball field all day, you will need to reapply your sunscreen every 80 to 120 minutes. Make sure that you follow the instructions on your specific product. If you are at the beach or pool, you'll also want to apply a water resistant product where possible. Along with apply on your face, make sure that you apply to the neck, decollete, and the back of your hands ladies. (These places show your age more than your face does!)

I'd love to show you my very favorite SPF. It may have taken me 3 years to find it, but I don't go a day without it and you won't want to either! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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