Why Sunscreen is Your Number One Anti-Aging Product
Glycolic acid, Coenzyme Q10, Niacinamide, Green Tea Extracts, Resveratrol … and the list goes on! So many AMAZING and WONDERFUL ingredients and products are on the market to help you slow the aging process down. So, are you going to die when I tell you that there is one simple (and number one) anti-aging product … and it’s not that fancy serum or ceramide?
You know what I’m about to say too!!! Protecting your skin from the number one external aging factor is the most important. So, you need to be wearing your SPF daily and reapplying when you are out in it.
Common conversations with new clients sometimes go like this.
“I do wear sunscreen when I go out.”
“My makeup has sunscreen in it.”
Here are my responses.
“If you can grow a plant in your house, then you have enough sunlight that you need to be wearing SPF daily.”
“Consistent efforts are seen in the skin years later. Maybe of the memes that I like to share during skin cancer prevention month and summertime say things like, ‘If I could go back to the 20 year old me, I would tell myself to wear SPF.’”
“Did you know that in order to get the number on the bottle from your foundation, you need approximately 9 pumps? Ain’t nobody be wearing 9 pumps of foundation a day. Foundation is extra, like gravy. But it does not substitute for your daily sunscreen.”
Because the aging and burning rays are getting to us everyday, you need to be mindful of the products that will best slow down our clocks of aging.
New bonus though! Many of the professional sunscreen products you can get from your Esthetician will also have ingredients on the anti-aging deck list! Wahoo!!!
Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t been as consistent as you would like in the past. Let’s start today and get you an SPF that you love so you’ll look forward to wearing it daily, reapplying as needed, and never skipping a day!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Using Retinol to Exfoliate
Have you ever heard of using Retinol to exfoliate the skin? Or maybe you have, but you aren’t sure. Let’s go over the benefits of using this ingredient on the skin.
Retinol is used in many skin care products. This ingredient was founded in the 1970s and was used in a product called Tretinion. This product was originally used to treat acne and has since become an anti-aging ingredient.
So how do Retinols work?
Retinols exfoliate the skin, help increase skin cell production, increases collagen production and helps unclog pores.
If you want to use retinols to exfoliate, you will also benefit from the list above. First and foremost, make sure that you follow the instructions on your retinol product. If it says to use at night only, make sure you do that. Cleanse, tone and then the retinol (like a serum) would be next. I like to have my clients ease into the use of a retinol product. You may want to start twice a week, go to every other day, until your skin can tolerate an everyday use.
I’ve been SO pleased with the newest offering of retinol that I have at Essential Esthetic by Zoey. It is non irritating … and I’ve been able to start and continue using daily without having the redness and other side effects that can occur with using a retinol.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. The same goes with slowing down and even reversing the aging process. Give your skin time to adapt to new ingredients. Take pictures if you want proof that it’s working. Take note of how your skin felt before using a product and then several weeks in as this takes time and consistency to work.
As always, make sure that you consult with your Esthetician. They know your skin and where you want to go. Plus, they want more than anything for you to see amazing results!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Favorite Winter Treatments
Here is it. The seasons are changing. We went from a glorious autumn of 70s and 80s for weeks. And then the breaks flew on and winter rounds the corner. While winter can be a hard time for your skin and face in particular, it doesn’t have to be. Here are three of my favorite treatments for the colder months.
Hydrating Facials
While this one shouldn’t seem shocking, sometimes we forget what that warm forced air can do on our skin. It can draw out the moisture, especially on our face and hands. Hydrating facials can be a miracle cure.
I love performing facials that focus on repairing and fortifying our barrier of the skin. In winter, I make sure that everything we do makes your skin feel nourished and moisturized. The finishing mask is just one way that we do this. And of course, I love to make sure that we incorporate a hydrating serum as well.
When the sun isn’t out as much and we stay inside more, I love to really work on the skin! You’ll find that I do a lot of microneedling for clients that are working on texture and anti-aging. Microneedling is using a pen with needles that go up and down (just like a sewing machine.) This process creates microchannels in the skin, like columns where we can push in serums and other peptides. This process is much like aerating the lawn and works wonders on the skin. My favorite months to do these treatments are September through May.
This treatment also helps break up hyperpigmentation, promotes collagen and elastin, and works on fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring.
Chemical Peels
I offer a range of chemical peels, but perhaps the ones that I do the most in the fall, winter and spring are the Get Glowing Peels by Elaine Brennan. This formulation of chemicals works on all skin types and all skin concerns. It is perfect as a medium depth peel. Most clients experience some flaking and peeling, especially around the nose and mouth. Some also experience a secondary peeling that occurs 2-3 weeks after the peel. Most peeling is between days 3 and 5.
The benefits of doing a peel are to work on acne, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, any aging concerns, etc. You will experience a brightening and tightening effect of the skin.
I also will commonly rotate between the microneedling and chemical peels. Maximum benefits are a series of six.
Of course, any treatment will benefit your skin. I hope you will consider adding a treatment this season to boost up your amazing home care routine. Seek to ask your Esthetician which of these is best suited for you and your skin care goals.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Confessions of an Esthetician - Dealing With Hormonal Acne
My skin was always pretty good, other than an occasional pimple here and there. Until 37. Oh boy!!! Did that year just do a number to my skin. I found that I was constantly breaking out. Some were these giant monsters. I just didn’t even know how to deal with it. Yes, I am an Esthetician! But this simply had never happened to me before.
I’d like to say that I handled it with grace, but I probably handled it more like a toddler. I want that product! I want to try that new treatment! I just wanted clear skin, and I wanted to have clear skin NOW!
So, after trying a ton of things, and realizing that hormonal acne was going to be different than teenage acne, I decided to start giving different types of products a longer chance. One Esthetician friend recommended that I try the Fulvic Elixir by Glymed Plus… so I did. That was a game changer for me!
Here’s what I learned during the process of healing my acne.
#1 - Some problems are internal. See your doctor and check your hormones.
#2 - Stop picking!!! (I’m speaking to me in the back.) Picking makes every type of acne worse.
#3 - Using traditional acne products probably isn’t going to work for acne that happens in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and yes … 60s.
#4 - You need to be willing to try products longer than a week to see if they will work for you.
#5 - Be open to different types of products and treatments. Calming, soothing, and yes, even hydrating ingredients might help you. Light peels and high frequency might help more than you think as well.
#6 - What works for your friend or InstaGram influencer might not work for you!
If you’ve been struggling with hormonal acne, I’m happy to see if I can help you! If I think it’s beyond what I can do, I'm also happy to point you in the direction of another acne specialist in town or Dematologist if it’s past my scope of practice.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Opinion: Mositurizer Addiction
Welcome to the new Opinion Articles! These are my opinions on different topics in the skin world. Enjoy!
One of my skin care philosophies is more is not always better. Or … less is more. When I was attending a recent skin care class, I found myself shaking my head about this topic and wanted to weigh in with my opinion.
The presenter stated that your skin doesn’t need moisturizer. In the 1950s, there was a big push by the beauty world to slow aging with moisturizer. It was a marketing tactic and those companies wanted to sell more. So, all of a sudden, all the women needed this. They added this into their beauty budget. This is how this fad came to be … and we are all still embracing a product that we don’t need.
She talked about how the skin will balance the water and oil content in the skin naturally if we don’t make the skin lazy by using too much. She also mentioned the fact that you need to be using actives in the skin regularly … and moisturizing as needed, but that if your skin works properly, you really won’t need it at all.
My opinion —- Of course, there needs to be a balance. And, I still believe that more is not always better. In the climate of Idaho (dry, desert and mountain terrain), I do think that 95% or more of clients that I see are dehydrated. Dehydrated means lacking water content in the skin. Dry means lacking oil. Using products that balance the water in the skin will help your skin feel better. And in my opinion, work better.
If you are using professional products, I don’t believe that you need to be using a large amount. A small pea size will do. Also, if you feel like your skin won’t produce too much oil, by all means, don’t use a moisturizer and try this out for yourself.
The bottom line —- Our skin will always give us cues of what to do. It is our job to listen to what it is telling us, and follow appropriately. If you don’t know what your skin is telling you, see your Esthetician and work together to come up with a plan and steps that will help you indiviudally.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Is This Product 'Active' or Just Not For Me?
Have you ever wondered if a product is active or just not for you? Though it may be hard for you to tell at first, here’s how to decide and make a plan for your skin going forward.
Of course, if you are anything like me, you like to feel a little tingle. It ‘feels’ like it’s working. But, you don’t need to feel a tingle to know that it is working.
First, make sure that your skin is prepped and ready for products that contain active ingredients like acids, retinols, peptides, etc.
What does being prepped mean?
Being prepped means that you are using the core four (cleanser, prep solution, moisturizer and SPF.) It means that you have been using these basic steps with high quality products. You have reduced any redness that you have had in the skin. If you have been sensitive in the past, you have really calmed down the skin over time and balance the barrier function.
Second, make sure that you aren’t adding in too many actives at once. This means that you generally will stick to one line of professional products and that you are using the recommendations your Esthetician is giving you.
Third, if you feel a tingly sensation, you want to make sure that this isn’t too high on a scale and that after a minute that has gone away. Also, your skin will begin to become more tolerant over time. So towards the end of your bottle, you might not feel that sensation as much or at all.
Fourth, work with your Esthetician on your routine schedule. Is this a product that he/she wants you to start using just twice a week for two weeks, then more to three times a week, and finally every other day? Listen to your skin and what it is telling you. Don’t be afraid to message your Esthetician back if you aren’t sure what you are experiencing is normal.
Fifth and finally, listen to the cues your skin tells you. Literally!!! Your skin is not wrong. Your face should never feel like it is burning and hurting to the touch. If your skin begins to have a red undertone, this is another warning sign that what you are using is just too much.
Active products have their place. They can help your skin change! For the good … or if you haven’t picked the right thing … maybe it will change it in the wrong direction. Follow these five steps as a general rule and consult your skin expert during your next facial appointment.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Understanding the Different Products Used in Brazilian Waxing
I love helping clients with Intimate Waxing. I want you to feel comfortable and at ease during your appointment time. There are several products used in Brazilian Waxing, so I’d like to briefly discuss the options for you the client.
Pre cleanse - This is the first product that is used to cleanse the area being waxed. Not all Estheticians use a pre cleanse product, but I love to make sure that the area is prepped and ready to go. This product will include ingredients to wipe away sweat, oil and dirt.
Oil - Many waxes recommend using a lightweight oil underneath waxing to prep the skin as well and make it less likely to experience negative side effects. This is also a common product to use after waxing to calm the area.
Powder - Some waxes recommend a light dusting of powder over the areas, especially when waxing clients that run warm, are sweaty, or are waxing areas where it is easy to have extra moisture.
After products - There are many after products to use after, but generally speaking, they include an oil, balm, or calming gel.
Trust that your waxer is using the products that work with the wax(es) that they are using. They are the experts. I also recommend using aftercare to prevent and treat any problems that may occur after waxing. These are not steps to ignore or skip over. Just like it you were going to get your ears pierced, you would purchase the solution and wipe around the piercings with that solution as directed! Your Esthetician will have options available to purchase when coming to your appointment.
If you have questions, speak up. Knowing the answers and the whys will help you feel more at ease during the process.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
The Change of Season Battle With Your Skin
Winter and Spring is really doing a number! Is your skin feeling it too? I’d love to offer 3 suggestions to help you defeat the dryness.
#1 - Make sure that you are exfoliating properly
Use a gentle exfoliant that is right for your skin type. You may need to increase the frequency of your usage. For example, if it says 1-3 times a week and you normally do it once a week, try twice a week (not five times!)
But remember my skin care philosophy —> “More is not always better!”
#2 - Use a hydrating serum
Serums can go deeper into the skin, giving you a better, longer lasting result. Use it twice a day if your skin likes that drink of water. My favorites for this season are ones filled with Hyaluronic Acid.
#3 - Schedule a facial to boost results
Let’s do a deep cleanse and exfoliation that will help you get the results that you need and chase away these winter blues! The most popular facial right now is the Elevate and we will customize it to your skin and your goals.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Opinion: When Inflammation in the Skin is a Good Thing
Who wants inflammation in the skin? Not me!!! Not you!!! What if I were to tell you that inflammation could be a good thing for your skin. Here’s how!
First off, chronic inflammation is of the devil! Haha!!! You don’t want this in the skin, or the body for that matter. Chronic means persisting for a long time.
When you receive a chemical peel or microneedling, we’ve created a control damage situation. Think of a chemical peel as a controlled burn. Or microneedling as aerating the lawn. Both areas of land would look worse immediately after, but will soon look better. In short, we are creating a small injury in the skin to get extra help to heal.
One of the ways of healing comes in the form of inflammation. It signals to the skin that it needs extra help. It sends the best nourishment and repair cells to help you get the best result. Note that the inflammation lasts only 24-48 hours. This is for a short period of time, not a long time.
Turning on the signal is one way that having a short period of inflammation in the skin to be a good thing.
Now it’s your turn to weigh in. What do you think?
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
How Do I Zone with Facial Masks?
Have you ever seen the cute InstaGram photos with young, beautiful models wearing 2 or 3 different masks? Or maybe you headed over to Pinterest and a similar photo caught your eye? How do you know where to place the masks on which part of your face?
It may not be an "InstaGram-able" photo, but here are the ins and outs of using more than one mask to achieve the results that you are looking for.
First, recognize that we all want anti-aging (to slow down our internal clock), but that might not be what you skin needs to get glowing skin, especially if you are under 25. Do you have a tendency for redness? Breakouts? Sun damage? All of these cues and where they fall on the skin are going to help you decide which masks are right for you.
Second, the T zone area (middle of forehead, nose and chin) is where are pores are naturally bigger. When mapping out your face to use different cream masks, you may consider using one for reducing pore size in this area.
Third, decide on the masks and apply. Don't be worry about neat and tidy lines. Follow the directions on the container. Do not let the masks sit on the skin longer than the recommended time. If it needs to be kept moist, consider apply and then taking a nice relaxing bath. If it says no steam, don't head to the shower.
Finally, consider mixing masks that you love. For example, if you have 2 hydrating masks, you can mix them together and apply all at once. The combinations are endless and make the masking parties so much fun. Different feel, different scents combining... oooh la la. Experiment and see what your skin tells you.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
What is Skin Cycling?
Have you heard of the latest trend called skin cycling? It’s become famous on Tik-Tok … which is one of the leading ‘influencers’ these days. Here’s what you need to know to see if it’s right for you.
It has been recommended by many beauty professionals, but Whitney Bowe, MD is the name that you may have heard.
Here’s how it works in a nutshell (and my recommendations)
You have a 4 day nightly routine that you continue to go repeat.
Day 1 you use an acid pad. It is suggested to use glycolic … though that acid is not the best choice for everyone. Finish with a moisturizer.
Day 2 switches from the acid to a retinol product. Retinols are considered the gold standard in anti-aging and also helpful in clearing acne. Finish with a moisturizer.
Day 3 and 4 is all about balancing, soothing and hydrating the skin. Using a great serum is key!!!
And repeat.
Pick out the right cleanser and prep solution for your skin to use morning and night. I also recommend using a great serum with antioxidants in the morning (such as a vitamin c one) with moisturizer and SPF.
I am a HUGE fan of mixing up products to receive benefits from all different ingredients.
I’m also a HUGE fan of less is more in skin care. What I mean by that is always listening to your skin for the cues that it gives you. Many clients like to over exfoliate their skin or over use products. More is not better.
SO, if you want to try out skin cycling … I have THEE perfect products for you to create the best routine. The favorite product of 2022 is great for day 1. And the newest retinol products have been amazing at not causing that typical irritation and redness. We’ll pair it with some great serums and moisturizers and get you all set up to try this 2022 trend!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Do I Need To Peel In Order For the Chemical Peel To Be Working?
There are many different types of chemical peels that are used on the skin. Technology has come such a far way in a sort period of time. I love a good peel, especially in the fall and winter.
So with all of the options out there, what do I need to know? Do I need to peel in order for the chemical peel to be working? How many peels do I need to achieve results?
A chemical peel uses acids that are designed to target specific concerns in the skin. Certain acids are best for certain conditions. For example, mandelic and salicylic are the most commonly used acids for acne. Glycolic and lactic are a great combination for anti aging. These chemicals loosen the dead skin cell ‘mortar’ and help the new skin cells do their function in the skin properly.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to peel in order to achieve a good result. Some peels are designed to have ZERO downtime. Very little flaking or peeling will occur. These are so good for ones that are performed in a facial and for many clients who can’t afford to have downtime.
Many times, it depends on the current condition of the skin on whether or not you will have that flaking or peeling. If you don’t have much dead skin cell build up (aka - been doing regular facials, chemical peels, professional treatments, plus doing exfoliation at home), then it is unlikely to see as much peeling. Usually the further that we get into the series, the less likely you are to peel. And of course, every time you come in, you will experience different amount of flaking/peeling … or none at all. It is all individual.
With any chemical peels, I do recommend a series. You will receive a much better result in doing 3-6 (depending on which peels we use on you.) Simply put, you would receive a better result working out with a trainer 6 times versus 1. Each peel builds upon the last.
It is also important to note that homecare is imperative before, during and after the process. SPF is a must and avoidance of sun. Adding in a serum that targets your skin area is a great idea. And making sure that your exfoliation process is on point, will help you achieve the best results possible. Consult with your Esthetician on which peels and homecare are right for you!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Why Does My Skin Feel Dry After an Enzyme?
You come in for a glorious facial and your skin feels SO GREAT when you leave the treatment room. Next day your skin is still on a facial high. But then … out of nowhere, your skin feels dry day 2, 3, and 4. Why does my skin feel dry after a facial?
The common steps in a facial are a cleanse or double cleanse, exfoliation, mask, and all of the finishing products. The most common reason for feeling dry is due to the exfoliation step.
There are three different types of exfoliation —-> mechanical, chemical or enzymatic.
Mechanical exfoliation is the scrubbies that knock of the dead skin cells. When clients think of exfoliation, they most commonly think of this form.
Chemical exfoliation is using acids to dissolve the lipids that hold the dead skin cells in tack. This type of exfoliation is what most clients think of when they think of chemical peels … and it is true. But with that, many cleansers, exfoliants (in mask form) and masks.
Enzymatic exfoliation uses ingredients such as pumpkin, papaya and bromelain (pineapple.) These work in a similar way to chemical exfoliation where the mortar of the dead skin cell wall is eaten away.
Because chemical and enzymatic exfoliation breaks away that layer, it can continue working over time to loosen up the dead skin cell layer, causing you to feel amazing after your facial and dry a couple days later.
So what can you do after a facial if you feel dry?
#1 - Hydrate the skin
Use both a moisturizer and a hydrating serum wo help boost the water content in the skin.
#2 - Exfoliate
Gently exfoliate the skin 3-4 days after a facial. This will continue to get rid of what your skin no longer needs.
#3 - Patience and communication
Be patient in this process by not doing too much to the skin. More is not always better. And communicate with your esthetician if you are feeling dryness but it is not going away so that they can give you individual recommendations.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Why Fall Is The Perfect Time To Start Waxing
Bikini season is almost over … and for many, they think that stopping intimate waxing starts in the fall. Actually, most clients prefer to wax year round. And, for many, starting waxing in the fall (when you’ve never waxed before) is the perfect time. Here’s why!
The benefits to year round waxing:
#1 - Keep the ingrowns away for good. If you prefer little to no hair, the best way to start ingrown free is waxing. Plain and simple.
#2 - Get that hair in a perfect growing cycle. Every hair grows, rests, and falls out … and then another one will come through. When you do regular waxes, we get the hairs on the same schedule, which means that you can get to a longer period of no hair!
#3 - Keep your appointments as pain free as possible. The maintenance waxing is so much easier for you, the client, as well as the waxer. Let’s keep it easy by waxing year round.
Benefits to starting Brazilian Waxing in the fall:
#1 - You won’t be tempted to shave your bikini line when you are headed to the beach!
#2 - If you are a shaver, it’s easier to grow out knowing that you aren’t in short shorts or that swim bottom. Remember that a minimum of 2 weeks of growth is required, but 3 is preferred.
#3 - Hair grows slower in the wintertime, so this is really the perfect season to get the hairs on the same cycle and be ready for springtime.
If you’ve been wanting to try Brazilian waxing, I would love to help you! Let’s set up your appointment today!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Interview - Patricia Staples Massage Therapist Pocatello, ID
In addition to receiving monthly facials, I also am a believer in massage. This not only helps us work out problem areas, but it helps us to relax and be our better versions of ourselves. If you’ve had a massage before, then you know.
Patty Staples is one of my favorites who specializes in sports massage and deep tissue. She is a master at helping you solve your sore spots. She also has been working with herbs to help heal the body too. I’m excited about the newest part of her career and wanted to share a little bit about her!
“I am a mom of three beautiful not so little humans, I am married to my high-school sweetheart, a massage therapist and a Holistic Herbalist in trying to be a Clinical Herbalist.
I have been a massage therapist for 15 years, I attended school at The College of Massage Therapy at Bingham Memorial Hospital. I was first interested in massage because I had a need/ want to help people.
I have been fascinated with Herbalism for a very long time, I looked into the school I am now attending 9 years ago. I love massage and when i am not studying herbs, I am usually taking a massage contiuing ed.
What really made me decide this was something I needed to just do was a motorcycle accident, along with my husband having an autoimmune disorder. Through diet change, herbs, and supplements my husband's autoimmunity is in remission. Herbalism has helped me learn more about the body, how if functions, and all the different causes and treatments of pain. I feel that I have become a better message therapist because of my herbal education. I am really looking forward to getting a little herbal line up and going, I have two partners who are my classmates in Oregon. I am excited for my new knowledge to help more people.”
Thank you for sharing Patty! We can’t wait to see the herbal line!!!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Common Post Waxing Woes
With any hair removal, there is a chance that you might experience something that didn’t go quite according to plan. Even as I type this, these are things that Estheticians just don’t want to talk about. Real talk. But I think that it’s important to acknowledge that sometimes, things don’t go as we expect.
So what happens when you receive a wax and a problem arises? The very first and most important thing to do is to let your waxer know. They need to document the problem so that they can change it for the next time. They also will give you advice on what to do .
Here are a couple of common post waxing woes and general recommendations. (Again, make sure that you seek professional advice from YOUR personal waxer.)
Not all hair is removed
Yes, this happens where not all of the hair is able to be removed. Some may be too short, or it just didn’t come out with the wax. The subsequent waxes usually will yield better results. But if there is a certain spot where hair is left behind, be sure to speak up before your next wax.
Bruising can also occur when strips are pulled off the skin. The most common area for this to happen is the tendon over the thigh. Helping your waxer to hold the skin taut in this area may help it to be better next time. Also, if you are on blood thinners, this is more common as it is the nature of the beast.
Lifted Skin
Certain medications will cause the skin to be more fragile and it could lift. Lifting means that the top layer of skin is removed. The waxer can use a different prepping product for the skin … and can double check to make sure that the wax is not too hot. Use aquaphor or neosporin for a few days on the area until it feels/looks better.
Red Bumps
Red bumps are generally a histamine reaction. This is your body’s way of saying, “Hey! Something happened here today.” Most of the time, it goes away within 24 hours (sometimes 48.) This is very common for a first time waxer, but generally your body’s response will minimize each time.
White Bumps
This generally means that something got into the follicle after waxing. Remember it is very important to avoid heat, friction, sweat and sex for the first 24 hours. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and clean, cotton underwear.
Perhaps the most frustrating waxing woe is ingrowns. These occur when hairs get trapped under the surface of the skin. They can be red, inflammed and uncomfortable. My recommendation is to exfoliate twice a week and use an aftercare product that is specific to the intimate areas. Ask your Esthetician what he/she recommends so they can get you taking care of the area BEFORE you have problems. Aftercare with this is key.
If you have questions, always ask! Your Esthetician is there to help and make your waxing experience the best ever!!!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Three Products That Makes Estheticians Shake Their Head
I know so many estheticians and we have so many differing opinions. Some of us are more natural and holistic while others love chemicals and everything that’s tested. There are three products though that every esthetician shakes their head about. In a bad way. Want to know what they are and why they aren’t good for the face? Let’s dive in!
#1 - St. Ives Apricot Scrub
You know it. Friends don’t let friends use St. Ives Scrub. Those jagged pieces of nut seeds can reek havoc on your skin, creating microtears. Since our skin’s first and most important job is to protect the body, this is no bueno. There has been lawsuits and more … but let’s just say, it’s best to avoid all together!
What to use instead?
There are oodles of exfoliation products … some have a scrub and some work like a mask. I have TWO amazing options for scrubs and would love to show you!
#2 - Peel Off Masks
These masks have been so popular on InstaGram and TikTok. They go on like a cream and then dry. Once dry, you literally will peel off the mask, and whatever is underneath will peel off with it. These masks are painful to remove and the skin will lift up slightly when pulling away. Long term, these masks can cause problems with broken blood vessels and the integrity of our skin. AND, you know that our skin will always give us clues. It’s our job to listen.
What to use instead?
There are many cream masks and sheet masks that don’t adhere to your skin. These are best. I have TWO amazing sheet masks right now that I am in love with and would love to show you!
#3 - Bar Soap for the body
Here’s the skinny on a traditional soap for the face. You need to check out the pH of the product and avoid ones that are too high. They will remove dirt, grime and oils so well … even making you feel squeaky clean. But you don’t want to strip the facial skin too much or create a film on the face.
What to use instead?
If you aren’t wanting to use a cleanser, my recommendation is to use a microfiber cloth that will grab all the bad stuff off. Follow with a prep solution and all the finishing products. (P.S. Don’t forget that you need an organic laundry detergent without fillers if you are going to use a cloth.)
Which one shocked you the most? Remember that knowledge is power. If you have additional questions on what is right for your skin, see your local Esthetician. They are SO excited to help you and your skin!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Top 5 Things You Should Know Pre Waxing
If you are anything like me, you want to know what to expect with anything new. Knowledge is power, right?
So with that in mind, are you ready for the top 5 things that you should know before your first Brazilian Wax?
#5 - Grow your hair to the length of a grain of rice
Length of hair matters. If you shave, you’ll want a minimum of 2 weeks of growth, but 3 is preferred. If you normally trim, please just leave the hairs until your appointment.
#4 - Exfoliate the day of your appointment
You can exfoliated by using a warm washcloth in the shower the morning of your scheduled wax. Be gentle, yet thorough.
#3 - Avoid caffeine before your appointment
Caffeine (and alcohol) actually stimulate your nerve endings and you feel more pain. So, try to go without or minimize the amount that you are choosing to have that day.
#2 - Wear loose, comfortable clothing that day
Comfy clothes are best … and you’ll also want to wear clean, cotton underwear too. Think breathable and not too tight.
#1 - Just remember to breathe
This is my #1 tip!!! If you will just breathe and tell yourself it’s not that bad, you’ll be right. It will go pretty fast, and by the time that you are checking out, you’ll be ready to schedule wax #2.
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #9 - Waxing is Too Expensive
So maybe by now, you might be thinking that you are ready to try Brazilian Waxing for the first time … or to start doing it more consistently. But … there is a cost with waxing.
Yes, you do pay a price for waxing. And while it may seem like a lot, you are only going to do it about every 4-5 weeks.
While those that decide to shave may be shaving quite a bit more than that. In fact, many will shave every day or every other day to keep the stubble down. It is recommended that you should change out your razor every 5-7 uses. Add in the shaving cream and aftercare products, you are still spending money to remove the hair. It’s just camouflaged into your grocery bill or toiletries budget.
So what are the benefits of shaving? Well, you remove the hair for a day.
Next day, you’ll need to start all over again.
The benefits of waxing will help the hairs become finer and more sparse over time. The hair becomes more manageable, and when it starts to grow back in, it’s not all at once. Clients love the results of waxing, which is why they come back month after month.
I’d love to invite you to experience the difference! Put down the razor and give the hair a minimum of 2 weeks growth (3 is preferred.) Let’s set up an appointment today!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #8 - It's Okay To Try This At Home
If I had a dollar for every time someone started a story by saying, “I got wax and tried to do it myself,” I’d be rich! That story never goes well and I always tell clients that they don’t even need to finish the story. There’s a reason they are now on the table.
Let’s save you the trouble in the first place and get you only GREAT stories to tell your friends.
Here are the top 2 reasons why this is never a great idea:
#1 - Home wax isn’t like professional wax.
Don’t be fooled. The quality of wax DOES matter. And it matters a lot. You want something that will effectively and efficiently pull the hair out. This wax is not cheap, and rarely can clients purchase it for home use. You’ll also need a pre cleanse, post product, sticks, strips, wax pots, etc. The cost really adds up.
#2 - The technician and angles matter.
I’ve spent years learning and perfecting my technique to make sure that we do the best waxing possible for you. And guess what? I still can’t manage to wax myself well for one reason… and that is angles! It’s hard to pull the right directions on yourself. This can cause bruising and more pain. All reasons to leave it to the professional.
The horror stories should be left to the make believe world online. Schedule your appointment with a Brazilian Wax Expert today! These professionals do mostly this service and are great at making sure that every appointment is simply the best!
Don’t forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE