treatments Zoey Jolley treatments Zoey Jolley

Why Should I Do a Series of Treatments?


Have you ever thought why something is recommended to be done in a series? Let’s jump right in on why many of your favorite treatments (such as chemical peels, microneedling, and even clinical facial) are best in a series.

I love health metaphors, so let’s pretend you want to get your body ready for the beach this summer. You go to the gym and do a work out. I’m sure that you rushed home, stood in front of a full length mirror, and examined your body in the mirror to see if that hour at the gym worked. Oh, you didn’t do that? Then you know it is the compound effect over time. One work out won’t change your body. One time with your trainer won’t change your body. Day after day, week after week, and month after month will make those changes that you are desiring.

As an Esthetician, I want you to get your biggest bang for your buck! And one of these ways is to offer you a series. Because we realize that doing it once won’t show you the differences. And that it’s these small improvements over time where we can see the results.

Chemical Peels

Depending on which type of peel we are doing for your skin, your current skin condition and your skin goals that you are seeking to improve, we’ll want to stack those 1-2 weeks apart, 4 weeks apart, or 6-8 weeks apart. That doesn’t mean just doing one peel, you won’t see results. But many times these build upon each other. We can do the next step up, keep it on for 10 more minutes, etc.


Microneedling definitely stimulates the collagen and elastin, working on fine lines and wrinkles, helping with acne scaring, and breaking up the pesky sun spots. Done in a series is always the best result. And since Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither are these changes in the skin. You can still see improvements 3 to 6 months after you’ve done this service.

Clinical Facials

I love offering clinical facials where I marry results with relaxation (because who doesn’t want to have their cake and eat it too!) These facials are where we are targeting your skin care concern. If you love what we do in the treatment room, we can also do these in a series to amplify your results.

If you aren’t ready to commit to a series, let’s start somewhere. Hooking you up with the best home care routine is where I like to start because you see yourself daily. (wink, wink) Let’s be consistent and set up an appointment schedule you are comfortable with at the spa. Can’t wait to help you achieve results!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Deciphering Between New Skin Treatments


It's in your news feed on FaceBook, the tiles on Instagram, and even your favorite Beauty magazines and beauty bloggers are talking about it! You blink and feel like you've missed the last century with information on the latest with skin care. Does this feel familiar to you?

There are SO many new technologies, new research, and new ingredients that regularly hit the skin care world that it's hard to keep track of it all. Many clients have a hard time deciphering between all of the different BUZZ words that are used to describe new services. I'm here to help you remember once and for all what each of them mean and how you can keep them straight.


Microneedling is also known by the names Microchanneling, Collagen Induction Therapy, and C.I.T. You may have even heard of the Vampire Facial or PRP. All of these are related to microneedling but the Vampire Facial or PRP also uses your own platlets (or blood) to promote wound healing and is typically performed in a medical spa. Microneedling is where small needles prick the skin which stimulates collagen production. It is very effective in a series (I always recommend it that way) and can continue to improve the skin's appearance and texture up to six months after your appointment. This service is great for those with light acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, and large pores.  Depending on if you are seeing an esthetician or a dermatologist will determine the depth that the small needles can prick the skin. I recommend using great products before treatment and growth factor or stem cell serum after treatment. You will also need mineral makeup to wear for the next week. And it's even better if you can go without! You can be red and irritated for up to a couple days post treatment, but there is very little downtime. 

Making MICRONEEDLING easier to understand --->

What happens when you aerate your lawn in the spring? Sure, it might look a little weird right after it is performed, but then all of a sudden, your grass looks so healthy and beautiful that you want to have a glorious picnic and maybe lay in it. (Was I over dramatic there?) This is the same concept with your skin!


Nanoneedling is also known as Nano Infusion Therapy. If microneedling is something you've been thinking about, but you aren't quite ready to do that, this would be a baby step in the right direction. This treatment creates micro pathways to deliver serums and other nutrients from the skin care past the dead skin cells where they can more fully be utilized. This treatment also works well to treat those who would like to work on light acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, and larger pores. It's also great for those with sensitive skin. I love this technology so much, that I've added it into the newest member of our facial line up - The Cinderella.

Making NANONEEDLING easier to understand --->

Imagine a tiny waffle plate (elf size) that shake down products into the skin. You feel a vibration, but it's not painful and still delivers a powerful punch. Nano is less than micro as far as how far the products can penetrate the skin.


Dermaplaning is an amazing and favorite exfoliation treatment.  It's also known as microplaning or blading. It was first mentioned in the 1970s, but have continuned to gain steam in the United States as an exceptional alternative to chemical exfoliation. (Can I get an AMEN from all of the nursing and pregnant mamas out there?) All walks of life LOVE this service because it is known for its immediate glow on the skin. Dermaplaning uses a dermatological scalpel which glides back and forth on the skin, picking up dead skin cells as well as the peach fuzz. It feels like a credit card is moving across each section of your face. The results are instant and include better product penetration, smoother looking makeup, and reducing the appearance of acne scaring, among many others.

Making it easier to understand --->

This exfoliation service removes the very outer layer of dead skin cells as well as the vellus hair on the face, revealing smoother, brighter skin for improved skin tone and texture. Think of a PLANE landing on a runway and barely touching down.  


Microblading also known as embroidery, feather touch, hair-like strokes or even 3D brows. This technique first came to the scene about 25 years ago in Asia and finally took hold of the western population about 2015. This semi permanent makeup service is performed on the brows to create strokes that look like the actual brow hairs. You'll want to find an artist that has been certified in this procedure and that has a great portfolio of his or her own work. The hairs should never cross. Permanent makeup is a great option for those who have sparse and/or aging brows. Touch ups are recommended every 12-18 months. While considered 'permanent', it is actually a semi permanent treatment as the colors fade out in the skin but never leave completely. 

Making it easier to understand --->

Think of the letter M to stand for - micro/makeup. This looks like hairstrokes, can be done with different tools and will save you time drawing on eyebrows each day.

If you have other questions about these or other treatments, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

How Often Should I...? Part II Treatments

While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick

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While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick. Whatever you would like to work on, make sure that you team up with a professional so that we can get the job done together!

When working with me, the first things that we address are hydration of the skin and sensitivity. It doesn't make sense to start on the 2nd level of the house, when the ground floor issues are hydration and sensitivity. Starting there, once these have corrected as best we can (usually 1-2 months), we can move on. We could then work on the above issues of anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne (active or old scarring.)

I offer many tools to get the job done and depending on how your skin responds to the treatments, your open time to spend with me, and your budget, we put together a plan of "How often you should see your esthetician." In general, once a month for maintenance is amazing. If this is not possible, it is VITAL that you come in every quarter for a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment of the skin as the seasons change. Yes, it's Idaho and we have 4 seasons! So about every 3 months. Microneedling, Specialty Facials, and Chemical Peels excel in a series treatment. They are designed to build upon each other! But the more regularly you come, the greater the results you will see down the road as your skin begins to age.

Currently, I offer the following treatments to address your concerns: Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Signature Facials (both in 90 or 60 minutes), Specialty Facials (Algomask and Hydrolifting), Chemical Peels, and Dermaplaning. All of these have value and most of the time, mixing and matching is ideal as you want to keep your skin guessing and using all of the great options to help your skin heal, glow, and revitalize to it's optimal blueprint.

I love making custom plans, so please contact me and we'll come up with something that will work well for you, your skin, and your skin care goals.

You'll spend $XXX on a purse you'll use for 2 years. How much will you spend on your face that you will have for a lifetime? $XXX It's worth your investment!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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