facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley

Getting Ready for a Facial? Tips for Your First Time!


If you haven’t had an opportunity to have a facial yet, I invite you to come and experience it! If you’ve had a massage, you might already know a little of what to expect. At Essential Esthetics by Zoey, I LOVE treating clients to a facial that I would want to receive over and over again. I like to marry results with relaxation. While product is sitting on your skin, we are wrapping your feet with hot towels, putting your hands into the warming mitts, and lots of light massage.

If you are using retinols or very active products, it is recommended to stop using them 3-5 days before your facial. If you are on Accutane, you’ll need to avoid facials for up to a year after you discontinue the medication. You don’t need to wipe off makeup or really do anything before a facial. We will cleanse, exfoliate and use the LED light therapy every time. Most facial treatments include a mask of some kind as well. If you have any questions before your facial, please ask! Estheticians want to make sure that treatments are right for you. We’ll consult beforehand about your skin goals, and I’ll give you all the details of what I’d like to do to help you achieve them. This will include that day’s appointment, future appointments and recommendations for home care.

After your facial, you’ll want to drink extra water, stay out of the sun, wear SPF and reapply throughout the days coming, and change your pillowcase. You also want to avoid exfoliating and using retinols for a couple of days. If you have questions after your facial, don’t hesitate to ask those as well. We want your skin to be glowing and your experience to be amazing.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Causes Wrinkles? Preventing Aging by Slowing the Clock

Over time, our muscles continue to make contractions when we smile, laugh, frown, or wink! This movement in the muscle will eventually form a small fine line. The fine lines over time become deeper and create a wrinkle.

So now that we know the basics of how a wrinkle is formed, let's dive into how we can slow the aging clock, but externally and internally.


Every year, the cake comes complete with candles, family and friends, and the traditional song, right! And each year, we are aging. <clear throat> Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear beautiful! Happy birthday to YOOOUUUUUUUU! As we see the numbers go up, we also see a loss of the fat pads in the face and additions of the wrinkles. Other things also become more noticeable. 11s in between your brows, the long horizontal lines on your forehead, short lines around your twinkling eye, and the marionette lines around your mouth. Simply put, wrinkles are caused by a breakdown in the elastin and collagen fibers. Over time, our muscles continue to make contractions when we smile, laugh, frown, or wink! This movement in the muscle will eventually form a small fine line. The fine lines over time become deeper and create a wrinkle.

So now that we know the basics of how a wrinkle is formed, let's dive into how we can slow the aging clock, but externally and internally.

Three External Slowing Recommendations

#1 - Sunscreen/SPF

The sun is the number one external aging factor, so it stands to reason that the number one suggestion should be using a quality sunscreen or SPF. You need to apply daily (and repeat applications if you are outside.)

#2 - Antioxidants

Antioxidants in skin care help protect the skin against free radicals and pollutants that are found in our environment. One of my current favorites is Vitamin C. While this ingredient may be in a lot of over the counter options, this is one not to skimp on because many are not shelf stable, can be pore clogging and inflammatory in the skin.

#3 - Retinols (aka - vitamin A)

Yes, you’ve heard my back and forth through the years on this ingredient. But the skinny is that if you find a high quality product that contains retinol and doesn’t irritate your skin, USE IT! When you start using a Retinol product, let’s ease your skin into the routine. Definitely get with your Esthetician to find the right product and routine for you!

Three Internal Slowing Recommendations

#1 Reduce your stress

Again, since stress is our number one internal factor of aging, reducing this component of course would be number one! Find what helps you to reduce your stress - like meditation, yoga, breathing, etc. What works for one person, won’t necessarily work for you, so keeping trying and looking.

#2 Low stress diet

Yes, you read that right! Think high in fiber and greens and low in white stuff. Sugar creates glycation in the skin and makes the collagen and elastin brittle … which causes fine lines to become wrinkles, etc. So pay attention to what goes into your body. It will thank you for years to come in many aspects!

#3 Pay attention to your cues!

If something doesn’t feel right in your body, don’t ignore it! Address it! See your doctor, read quality articles about it, and then figure out what you can do to make small and simple changes that will help. Again, added stress in all formats will lead to faster aging.

Using both external (SPF, Antioxidants, Retinols) and internal options (stress, stress, stress - haha), you can definitely do your part in slowing what your mother and father passed down to you. Let’s do our own evaluation and see what we can do better, and then start today! I look forward to pointing you to the right direction for skin care that will work to slow your aging clock.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Le

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skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

6 Hints to Glowing Wrinkle Free Skin

The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!


The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!

Consistent home care

Like with exercise, consistent time working on your goals will yield great results. A person that works out once a month vigorously for a couple hours may not see the same results at the end of a year as a person that works out for 30 minutes 5 times a week. Be consistent in making sure that you remove your makeup and the dirt, oil, and environment off of your skin every night. The minimum steps would be cleansing, applying a hyrdating mist, and finishing off with a moisturizer. After you feel comfortable and confident in those steps, add in regular exfoliation, masks, and eye cream.

Regular facials

Along with making sure you are doing work at home on your skin with a cleansing routine, seeing your Esthetician will boost your progress with your skin. Regular facials gives you an immediate glow and an increase in hydration. This is done by removing dead skin cells and getting rid of impurities on the surface of the skin. Many of the products in the treatment room are not available for use at home. Licensed Estheticians can use products with a higher percentage of acids or active products. Facial treatments will also help promote relaxation from everyday stressors. (Stress would be the #1 aging factor in my books.) Every month is my recommendation for how often to come receive a treatment.


The ever popular Retin-A developed by James E. Fulton and Albert Kligman in the late 1960s is still going strong. As we age. our skin cell turnover rate begins to slow down. It is also why it takes longer and longer for the body to heal. Retinols speed up that rate so that the newer skin cells are revealed. My advice with using these products are to

Purchase from a professional and check in with them on a regular basis (products over the counter have to be for everyone and we want to get you into the right product straightway)

Start slow (about twice a week) and increase

More is not better --- having a higher percentage does not mean that your results will be quicker or better. It actually means your skin could be more sensitive and pink.

Sleep on your back

This one isn't for everyone, but your face will definitely thank you. Sleeping on your sides or stomach will put pressure on the face during the night. Over time, you can cause wrinkles to appear from the pillowcase and pressure. Remember how your mom always said that if you kept making that face that it would probably stay that way? Well, turns out your mom is right!!!

Treating your neck and hands along with your face

When treating your face, almost every client will stop at the jawline line. Guess what areas are still being exposed to the sun and have makeup, dirt, oils, etc. on it? That's right! The neck, decollette, and hands. Many experts say to see the true age of a woman, look at her decollette and the back of her hands. It takes only a few more seconds and a little more product to include these areas in when we are doing our cleansing routine for the day and night. Pay attention to these delicate areas and you will see the aging clock slow down.

Using your insurance policy - SPF

You are paying good money for a skin care routine and regular facial services. You definitely need protection! Would you drive a new car off of the parking lot without insurance? Absolutely not! Then why are so many willing to do the exact same thing with their face? Take time to find a sunscreen that you like and will use on a regular basis. If you are going to be out in the sun for a longer period of time, reapply. If you sit by a window at work, reapply. If you... well, you get it by now. And... having SPF in your makeup is not enough ladies! Watching a video one time, I was shocked to find out that to get that SPF 15, you needed to apply 9 pumps. Wow! Do your research and then just apply and reapply!

So which one is your personal favorite? What can you do better? Remember to start today and that we will work together to make consistent steps of progress for your skin!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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