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How to Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter

Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Are you drinking enough water? Typically we think that hydration needs to happen better in the summer because we are more likely to sweat during those hot months. But when it gets really cold outside, guess what we do inside? We turn up the heat. All of that forced dry air will mimic the hot, windy climate that we experience in the summer. You may not feel the need to drink water because hot cocoa, coffee, and tea might be screaming your name to warm you up, which is why it's so important to bring a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. You can also choose to increase your diet with foods higher in water!

Change up your at home products

The products that your skin needs to be amazing in the winter are quite different. Instead of using your favorite foaming cleanser, you may want to grab a milk cleanser which will feel like a lotion. Don't skip exfoliating, but listen to what your skin is telling you. Most exfoliating products are to be used once to twice a week. Would your skin prefer an exfoliating mask over a scrub in the winter. Listen for clues and your skin will tell you. You'll definitely want a little bit heavier moisturizer that locks in the hydration and natural oils in your skin too. If you only use a night cream one season a year, always, always, always choose winter!

Lukewarm water

I've said it before and I'll say it again (probably more for my benefit), the best water to cleanse your face in is lukewarm water (which might feel colder to you than you think.) Hot water feels nice but can strip away more of your natural oils on your skin... they are definitely there for a reason! And while we are on the topic. If you take a nice warm, hot bath, or take advantage of our close location to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, you'll want to gently cleanse and moisturize afterwards as soon as you can.

Step up your timing game

Want to get the most out of your products? Make sure that after you wash your face with your milk cleanser and rinse with the lukewarm water, spritz your face with the mist and immediately moisturize with the proper product. Do not stop to collect your $200 or glance at 5 more Instagram pictures... do it right away!


If you find that you are experiencing more acne or more dryness, you may need to step up your exfoliation. One of my skin care philosophies is More is not always better. But maybe you need to do twice a week instead of one or swtich to a different exfoliator all together. The key here is to consult with your Esthetician on what you need to do to help buffer your skin through these winter months.

So there are a few of my recommendations. Drink water, change up your home care routine, use lukewarm water for cleansing, and make sure that your exfoliation is the right kind and you are using it the right amount. A facial could also benefit your skin greatly, so be sure to schedule a treatment and let your Esthetician do the heavy lifting.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Home Care Part IV

You’ve finished with your facial treatment and are in a state of pure bliss. You are definitely excited about how your skin feels and not sure what to do next. Or if you should even purchase the home care. For the ultimate experience, you’ll find better and faster results if you encorporate home care. Here are a couple of the things that your Esthetician wants you to know.

#1 - If you have to chose between receiving treatments or purchasing home care, the best investment that you can make it to purchase the home care. You can see your skin every day and start making the changes that you are going for … plus slowing down the aging process.

#2 - The most important item to purchse in home care is a quality SPF that you will use and reapply. My unpopular opinion is that it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or chemical sunscreen, you just need to like it so that you will use it.

#3 - We can’t advise on products that we aren’t trained on, because we simply don’t know. When you purchase products from your licensed Esthetician, he/she knows exactly what steps will get you to where you want to be. There are thousands upon thousands of products, so if you ask about something we aren’t using, we don’t know how your skin would do.

#4 - Products that should be included in everyone’s skin care routines are exfoliants and serums. These are the home run hitters in skin care and prove to be the biggest bang for your buck.

#5 - Listen to your Esthetician’s instructions of how to use for your skin. More is not better. If she/he said to use it twice a week, four times a week is not better for your skin. Trust me on this one.

#6 - Switching out products seasonal is not only common, but it’s a good idea. Your skin will need differently help at different times of the year. Yes, the climate does make a difference!

#7 - Once you start a product, ideally, it would be good to finish it before starting another product.

#8 - We love it when you are excited about a product and then really do try it shortly after purchasing. If you have questions, don’t wait for our follow up phone call or text. Just let your Esthetician know that you aren’t sure how to use, when to use, etc. We love answering questions and helping you get the most out of your product!

Your Esthetician really is excited to help you on your journey and to make some incredible changes in your skin. These changes make up 70-80% of what you do at home, so let’s make some changes to help you achieve those goals. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Mask-ne Solutions for You at Home - Part IV

I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. Let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level. I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir.


The things you do at home, have the biggest compound effect because you are able to do skin care workouts daily. I like to liken your facial visits with the gym and a trainer. When you go to the gym and see a trainer, they will set you up with a program. It's your job to continue going back to the gym in between your training sessions. If you don't do the homework, your trainer will never be able to help you break into the next level. And isn't that the reason why you are seeing a trainer? I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. With any skin care goal that you have, we can start a new program all together or maybe add in one exercise that will pack a big punch.

First things first. You need to be cleansing your skin and you need to use a moisturizer. These two are pretty basic and the first things that I encourage my clients to do. If you aren't doing those things, let's talk. If you are doing those exercises and ready to add in the next thing, let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level.  I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir. Check out below more information on all of these options.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide kills the c acne bacteria (formerly called p acne). This ingredient can be an amazing 'spot treatment' of sorts to help your skin get over the blemishes that you are experiencing. This ingredient can be drying and is not for everyone. To effectively spot treat, you must treat the microcomedones that you don't see yet. (The pimples below the surface of the skin that haven't made it through yet.) Instead of just dabbing product right on the pimples themselves, you want to treat a little above and below where you typically are seeing the acne pop up. So if you get pimples along the jawline, treat 1/2 inch above and a 1/2 below that area.


Seems like a simple solution, doesn't it? For acne sufferers, inside the pores, the dead skin cells sluff off at an accelerated rate and get stuck inside the pore. If you can get more oxygen in the pores, it will increase circulation and promote wound healing in those areas. The c acnes are anaerobic, which means they live off of areas without air. Another great way to kill off those pesky bacteria on the skin.


We know the power of probiotics in helping fight off bad bacteria, while promoting the good ones. Probiotics have been used in skin care for years, but it is currently becoming a buzz word in the industry. This is a great, gentle way to help speed up the healing while fighting off the acne that comes from the mask. Look for skincare that has probiotics added to their line up of acids and other acne fighting ingredients.

Fulvic Elixir

Oh my! What can I say about this particular product? It is AMAZING and I don't want to go without it. A fellow esthetician, Tracy, said, "Let me put it this way. If I could bathe in it, I would!" I feel the same. This serum is lightweight, has an incredible smell, is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory PLUS it also has anti aging properties in it and hydrates. All at the same time. Yep! It's my favorite for 2020!

Fulvic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants and rapidly heals, soothes, and prevents scarring. Other key ingredients include Agastache Mexicana Flower (love to say that word!), Calendula, Aloe Vera, Grapefruit Peel, Orange Peel, and Chamomile. It's a strong line up to help your skin stay hydrated and smooth while preventing acne and promoting healing. Are you ready to get yours?

Think about the products that you are currently using right now. Are they helping you achieve the results that you want? If so, great! If not, let's see what we can change up to get the right ingredients on your skin today.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Do I Really Have Sensitive Skin?

One of the most common misconceptions for clients that I see is that everyone seems to think that they have sensitive skin. Have you heard of reactive skin? This is another common problem with the skin and probably more common than sensitive skin. So let's dive in and examine this further. Do you have sensitive skin or is it more likely that you have reactive skin?


One of the most common misconceptions for clients that I see is that everyone seems to think that they have sensitive skin. Have you heard of reactive skin? This is another common problem with the skin and probably more common than sensitive skin. So let's dive in and examine this further. Do you have sensitive skin or is it more likely that you have reactive skin?

Sensitive Skin

Those with sensitive skin usually have other skin conditions such as eczema. They experience bumps and pustules as skin reactions. They usually have very dry skin with improper nerve endings (which could be due to over exposure to the natural elements of the earth, such as wind and or sun) and the skin usually flushes and has redness. There is usually a genetic component to sensitive skin as well.

Reactive Skin

Those with reactive skin will experience tingling, stinging, or irritated skin when using product on their face. This can also present with a little bit of redness too. In my experience, I have noticed that clients might go for the best anti aging serum and cream in the market but may be missing the target mark for a great cleanser and mist. They may also be over exfoliating the skin which leads to a compromised barrier. Remember that one of my skin care philosophies are that more is not always better.

Calm and Protect the Skin

The good news is that the way to treat both types of skin are to soothe, calm and protect. So how do we do that?

First, we need to start at the basics and work on normalizing the skin. Before you come to see me for any service, you will be asked to fill out a form about your skin, what goals you are looking to achieve and also medications that you are taking. Many prescriptions thin the skin or disrupt the skin's protection and defense job, such as antibiotics and steroids. This gives us more pieces of the puzzle. We'll discuss a normal cleansing routine for you and what products you are using and how often. A thorough skin analysis is also needed. We cleanse the face, removing all makeup and oil from the day and then look at the skin carefully. Is the skin too dry? Are there broken blood vessels at the surface of the skin? Does the face look irritated?

Home Care

90% of changes you can make with your skin will be what you are able to do at home. So the next logical step would be to change up the cleansing process. The best cleanser for any irritated skin type would be a soothing light milk cleanser, which would feel like a lotion. Adding in a very light but hydrating moisturizer would be step two. After a week of using these products, I would add in a sensitive mist in between the cleanser and the moisturizer. The goal would be to take away active and exfoliating products while adding hydration to the skin.

What do you look for when you are ready to switch up what you are currently using? Look for products that are gentle. So ladies that love a good scrub every morning... you are going to have to put that aside. Look for products that don't have fragrance in the list of ingredients. Many products will add in fragrance or parfum, which are essentially the same thing. Forget about anti-aging and acne... for the moment. In order to address these concerns, you should do it in the proper order. If your skin isn't working properly to hydrate and fight off the outside world, this means that we've got to get that straightened out before we can do all the things.

Yes! I know you want it all! And we will get there. Generally, after taking a step with the home skin care routine, we are able to start slowly adding in products to address your next concerns! Would you ever start building your house from the top floor down? NO! You need a good solid foundation. And that comes from building your skin cells to do their proper functions.

Professional Treatments

For treatments, slow and steady will win the race. Gently and soothing products with a minimal amount of facial massages are key. I also love adding in the AlgoMask Clinical Facial with my sensitive and reactive clients because it is known for its soothing and hydrating properties. This rubberizing mask tones the skin, visibly reduces redness, and revitalizes the skin.

Sensitive or Reactive?

Have you been able to determine if you have sensitive skin? Are you thinking you have more reactive skin? I am ready and willing to help you achieve your skin care goals. If you are having serious problems with your skin, let's refer you first to your primary care physician or a qualified dermatologist so that we are addressing your house building blocks in order.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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6 Hints to Glowing Wrinkle Free Skin

The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!


The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!

Consistent home care

Like with exercise, consistent time working on your goals will yield great results. A person that works out once a month vigorously for a couple hours may not see the same results at the end of a year as a person that works out for 30 minutes 5 times a week. Be consistent in making sure that you remove your makeup and the dirt, oil, and environment off of your skin every night. The minimum steps would be cleansing, applying a hyrdating mist, and finishing off with a moisturizer. After you feel comfortable and confident in those steps, add in regular exfoliation, masks, and eye cream.

Regular facials

Along with making sure you are doing work at home on your skin with a cleansing routine, seeing your Esthetician will boost your progress with your skin. Regular facials gives you an immediate glow and an increase in hydration. This is done by removing dead skin cells and getting rid of impurities on the surface of the skin. Many of the products in the treatment room are not available for use at home. Licensed Estheticians can use products with a higher percentage of acids or active products. Facial treatments will also help promote relaxation from everyday stressors. (Stress would be the #1 aging factor in my books.) Every month is my recommendation for how often to come receive a treatment.


The ever popular Retin-A developed by James E. Fulton and Albert Kligman in the late 1960s is still going strong. As we age. our skin cell turnover rate begins to slow down. It is also why it takes longer and longer for the body to heal. Retinols speed up that rate so that the newer skin cells are revealed. My advice with using these products are to

Purchase from a professional and check in with them on a regular basis (products over the counter have to be for everyone and we want to get you into the right product straightway)

Start slow (about twice a week) and increase

More is not better --- having a higher percentage does not mean that your results will be quicker or better. It actually means your skin could be more sensitive and pink.

Sleep on your back

This one isn't for everyone, but your face will definitely thank you. Sleeping on your sides or stomach will put pressure on the face during the night. Over time, you can cause wrinkles to appear from the pillowcase and pressure. Remember how your mom always said that if you kept making that face that it would probably stay that way? Well, turns out your mom is right!!!

Treating your neck and hands along with your face

When treating your face, almost every client will stop at the jawline line. Guess what areas are still being exposed to the sun and have makeup, dirt, oils, etc. on it? That's right! The neck, decollette, and hands. Many experts say to see the true age of a woman, look at her decollette and the back of her hands. It takes only a few more seconds and a little more product to include these areas in when we are doing our cleansing routine for the day and night. Pay attention to these delicate areas and you will see the aging clock slow down.

Using your insurance policy - SPF

You are paying good money for a skin care routine and regular facial services. You definitely need protection! Would you drive a new car off of the parking lot without insurance? Absolutely not! Then why are so many willing to do the exact same thing with their face? Take time to find a sunscreen that you like and will use on a regular basis. If you are going to be out in the sun for a longer period of time, reapply. If you sit by a window at work, reapply. If you... well, you get it by now. And... having SPF in your makeup is not enough ladies! Watching a video one time, I was shocked to find out that to get that SPF 15, you needed to apply 9 pumps. Wow! Do your research and then just apply and reapply!

So which one is your personal favorite? What can you do better? Remember to start today and that we will work together to make consistent steps of progress for your skin!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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