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Beauty Winter Essentials

Since winter is THEE hardest season on skin, it’s important to stay in tune with your skin and your skin’s needs. The cold air and heat forced air combined are a special kind of … something. Haha! If you find that you have dry skin or you are seeing more acne appear, let’s address them. These are my current favorites for beauty winter essentials. (You’ll catch a theme here … they are all serums!)

Optimal Serum

This one from My Favorites Collection is from 2016 … and is still my favorite in adding hydration to every skin type. Yes, even those with acne. If you are feeling dry, I highly recommend this one. It has different weights of hyaluronic acid to give immediate as well as long lasting relief to the skin.

Daily Ceramide Comfort

These golden nuggets are my client’s favorites. They are so much packed into one small capsule and considered a 911 product. Great for travel, to boost any skin care routine, or to just spoil your skin … these ceramides are full of nutrients that are sure to make your skin feel better. Use them once a day or once a week or somewhere in between. P.S. Yes, they are for all skin types!

Fulvic Elixir

If you are struggling with dryness AND acne, this is my go to for both. I have felt the power and magic inside this serum that helps to clear stubborn acne while hydrating the skin. This one smells like citrus and was added to My Favorites Collection in 2020.

Blemish Clarifying Complex

If you feel like your acne will not go away, you are going to want to grab this bad boy and keep it in your collection. You can use this as a moisturizer in the summer if you are oily, and a spot treatment in the winter. Remember to spot treatment more than what you are seeing as acne takes its sweet time reaching the top of the skin’s surface. Willow bark extract is a highlight ingredient that calms and soothes acne.

Yes… in case you are wondering, I do use ALL THREE products during the winter as needed. I like the mix and match approach with my own skin, but other times, it’s good to stick with just one and see if it’s working. Which one are you most excited to try? Let’s get this home with you today!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How to Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter

Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Are you drinking enough water? Typically we think that hydration needs to happen better in the summer because we are more likely to sweat during those hot months. But when it gets really cold outside, guess what we do inside? We turn up the heat. All of that forced dry air will mimic the hot, windy climate that we experience in the summer. You may not feel the need to drink water because hot cocoa, coffee, and tea might be screaming your name to warm you up, which is why it's so important to bring a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. You can also choose to increase your diet with foods higher in water!

Change up your at home products

The products that your skin needs to be amazing in the winter are quite different. Instead of using your favorite foaming cleanser, you may want to grab a milk cleanser which will feel like a lotion. Don't skip exfoliating, but listen to what your skin is telling you. Most exfoliating products are to be used once to twice a week. Would your skin prefer an exfoliating mask over a scrub in the winter. Listen for clues and your skin will tell you. You'll definitely want a little bit heavier moisturizer that locks in the hydration and natural oils in your skin too. If you only use a night cream one season a year, always, always, always choose winter!

Lukewarm water

I've said it before and I'll say it again (probably more for my benefit), the best water to cleanse your face in is lukewarm water (which might feel colder to you than you think.) Hot water feels nice but can strip away more of your natural oils on your skin... they are definitely there for a reason! And while we are on the topic. If you take a nice warm, hot bath, or take advantage of our close location to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, you'll want to gently cleanse and moisturize afterwards as soon as you can.

Step up your timing game

Want to get the most out of your products? Make sure that after you wash your face with your milk cleanser and rinse with the lukewarm water, spritz your face with the mist and immediately moisturize with the proper product. Do not stop to collect your $200 or glance at 5 more Instagram pictures... do it right away!


If you find that you are experiencing more acne or more dryness, you may need to step up your exfoliation. One of my skin care philosophies is More is not always better. But maybe you need to do twice a week instead of one or swtich to a different exfoliator all together. The key here is to consult with your Esthetician on what you need to do to help buffer your skin through these winter months.

So there are a few of my recommendations. Drink water, change up your home care routine, use lukewarm water for cleansing, and make sure that your exfoliation is the right kind and you are using it the right amount. A facial could also benefit your skin greatly, so be sure to schedule a treatment and let your Esthetician do the heavy lifting.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Home Care Part IV

You’ve finished with your facial treatment and are in a state of pure bliss. You are definitely excited about how your skin feels and not sure what to do next. Or if you should even purchase the home care. For the ultimate experience, you’ll find better and faster results if you encorporate home care. Here are a couple of the things that your Esthetician wants you to know.

#1 - If you have to chose between receiving treatments or purchasing home care, the best investment that you can make it to purchase the home care. You can see your skin every day and start making the changes that you are going for … plus slowing down the aging process.

#2 - The most important item to purchse in home care is a quality SPF that you will use and reapply. My unpopular opinion is that it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or chemical sunscreen, you just need to like it so that you will use it.

#3 - We can’t advise on products that we aren’t trained on, because we simply don’t know. When you purchase products from your licensed Esthetician, he/she knows exactly what steps will get you to where you want to be. There are thousands upon thousands of products, so if you ask about something we aren’t using, we don’t know how your skin would do.

#4 - Products that should be included in everyone’s skin care routines are exfoliants and serums. These are the home run hitters in skin care and prove to be the biggest bang for your buck.

#5 - Listen to your Esthetician’s instructions of how to use for your skin. More is not better. If she/he said to use it twice a week, four times a week is not better for your skin. Trust me on this one.

#6 - Switching out products seasonal is not only common, but it’s a good idea. Your skin will need differently help at different times of the year. Yes, the climate does make a difference!

#7 - Once you start a product, ideally, it would be good to finish it before starting another product.

#8 - We love it when you are excited about a product and then really do try it shortly after purchasing. If you have questions, don’t wait for our follow up phone call or text. Just let your Esthetician know that you aren’t sure how to use, when to use, etc. We love answering questions and helping you get the most out of your product!

Your Esthetician really is excited to help you on your journey and to make some incredible changes in your skin. These changes make up 70-80% of what you do at home, so let’s make some changes to help you achieve those goals. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Why You Should Be Treating Your Skin Topically

Have you ever wondered why you should treaty your skin topically instead of just through diet and supplements? The hierarchy of the food chain in your body goes something like this. You eat, drink or take a vitamin and your body decides where it should go and who should have first dibs at the nutrients. Well, that stands to reason that heart and lungs get first dibs, followed by organs like kidneys, liver, etc. Everyone gets a piece until it’s done. The organ that gets the scraps and leftovers? You guessed it! The skin! But which organ is the largest? Right again. The skin.

So if the skin gets the leftovers of anything put inside of the body, it stands to reason that the best way to treat your skin to nourishment would be to treat it from the outside in. We do this through picking the very best skincare. This ensures that you’ll get the highest quality ingredients at the top of the ingredient deck list. The first eight ingredients are the ones that you should pay most attention to, as these should be the active ingredients.

There can also be a huge range in cost of products. For example, vitamin C is one of the least shelf stable ingredients in skincare. But, if you get the right versions of vitamin C (ones that your skin can absorb and utilize), you’ll be amazed at what that can do for you! Remember, there is ALWAYS a reason why something is cheaper!

Once you have picked a quality skincare routine, stick to a routine! Don’t just let those pretty bottles sit nicely in the bathroom cabinet. For best results, follow the directions on the bottles and use within the amount of time stated. Most are 12 months, but some are 6 months or even 3. Note this when starting a product.

Finally, your skin cannot out work your diet and other factors. If you eat poorly and use quality skincare, your skin will still show that. Try to eat clean, exercise, drink a proper amount of water … you know the drill. And then pick the right routine that goes with your lifestyle and will help you reach your skincare goals! You can do this! And your Esthetician will be there every step along the way!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Products, skincare Zoey Jolley Products, skincare Zoey Jolley

Why Use a Different Cleanser for Morning and Night?


So you may not have quite as many options for skin care products in your bathroom vanity as I do, but it is nice to have a selection. One of the questions I am asked on a regular basis is why use a different cleanser for morning and night. 

Great question! And here is the answer. First, you definitely can have a one size fits all product for your skin, especially a cleanser. It does it's job and it rinsed and then wiped off the skin with a gentle cloth.

But a lot of times, it's great to have a milky or oil cleanser to grab better at the makeup, dirt, oil, and debris that are accumuluated through the day ... to use at NIGHT before bed. The milk or oil cleansers are better at hydrating the skin with ingredients such as humectants. Because during the night, our bodies are healing and repairing themselves (circadian rhythm), it's great to have something more moisturizing.

And then in the morning, it's awesome to have a foaming, refreshing cleanser that wakes up the skin and revitalizes it gently. I still will use the cloth for both morning and night (switching it out frequently - because clean is awesome.) I'm also a sucker for the baby washcloths because they are so gentle on even the most sensitive skin types. 

By using two different cleansers, you are going to see the best of both worlds. You'll be able to have your cake and eat it too! If you haven't tried this combination out, I invite you to try it soon! Let your Esthetician know when you go to your next appointment, and they will be happy to assist you in finding the right cleansers for your skin.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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My Skin Care Philosophies in the Treatment Room


Every Esthetician that I meet has different beliefs in the treatment room. They have services that they know and love … as well as ones that they steer clear of. These have been not only ingrained in us from schooling, but also from our real world experiences. They are essential why we do what we do.

I am a blend of many treatments, products lines that I have worked with closely plus through experiences. My philosophies continue to grow and evolve over time. In fact, I don’t think that they will ever stop changing. My main three skin care philosophies are:

Knowledge opens the mind to know why to do something different

Skin care at home is paramount and will help you achieve your goals

More is not always better


It’s been said, “You don’t know what you don’t know … until you know.” I challenge myself often to take continuing education (both hands on and online), to try new products, and to step outside of my role as an Esthetician. Asking the question WHY also sparks interest to learn a different approach.

I believe that one of my most significant role as an Esthetician is in the process of explaining WHY you would choose a specific service, product, home care routine, etc. Knowing WHY allows you to start that same process to understand. When we know better, we do better.


I make parallels all of the time about the gym/trainer and the dentist/brushing. In case you haven’t heard them, let me quickly tell you.

Meeting with a trainer and not returning to do the workouts on your own only allows your trainer to do so much with you on your next visit. Unless your trainer is with you every time, you’ll only be able to progress so far with your physique.

You get your teeth cleaned every six months … but this doesn’t replace the brushing twice a day that you have to do on your own.

The real change and magic doesn’t happen in the treatment room with you. It happens with your CONSISTENCY in your routine at home. You are responsible for 80% of the changes we make. I will be able to get that 80% up to 100% in the treatment room by BOOSTING everything you are doing. If you slack at home, I will also not be able to do as much at your appointments.


As Americans, we are programmed for faster results with little to no effort. Amazon Prime has ruined our patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Likewise, our results with our skin will happen overtime. Our skin cell turnover is ideally 28 days (and slows as we age.) You would need at least 3 skin cell turn overs to start seeing results. Therefore, it stands to reason that you start to see results 3 to 4 months down the road which then progress from there.

There are times to push your skin and times to back off. It’s important for you to listen to your skin and the cues it is telling you. I will do the skin. We may tweak your home care routine and the series of treatments that have been recommended to you. Or we may stay the course. But remember that more is not always better… even though most want to ‘feel’ like a product is working.

I hope to partner WITH YOU in reaching your skin care goals over time. Seek to learn why, be consistent in your home care routine that has been set up for you by your Esthetician, and remember that more is not always better. Thank you for trusting the process and having patience!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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5 Best Mother's Day Gifts 2021

Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.


Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.

#1 – Cards with personal notes

Yes, cards really are still meaningful if they come from the heart. Don’t wait until the last minute to pick out the card. Also, really think about something that you could say that would touch her. Let her know you care and that you love her in writing and also in words.

#2 – Time together

Spending time together, making memories and sharing your love is the best. I love scheduling a lunch date or even getting pedicures done together. Or hey! Maybe both on the same day.

#3 – Wish list

Did you see her eyes light up when she say that shirt at the mall? Or put something in the Amazon cart that she has no intention of purchasing for herself? These are fun gifts because you know she’ll love them … and will still be surprised. Pay attention to what she says (and then keep a note on your phone that lists ideas. You can also use these for her birthday or Christmas!)

#4 – The spa day

Each mom wants to have an escape and a day of relaxation. Gift certificates to the spa make amazing gifts for moms because that creates a reason to make an appointment. Self care is the gift that keeps giving. She’ll come home refreshed and ready to tackle the daily to dos that take over in her life. My favorite, of course, is a heavenly facial. I also enjoy massage. The relaxation and time to breathe really does make a difference. I’ve seen the power it’s had in my life and hope that others give it value.

#5 – Personalize with her interests in mind

Pay attention to what she really loves and get a gift that is centered around that. Flowers, crafts, running, etc. You can find a gift card or a gift subscription to really make the day special. Using google, you’ll find all sorts of things that you never knew existed. A big bonus if it includes a small, local business that you can help support too!

Thank you to all the moms who made us who we are! You are the best and we don’t tell you enough! I love you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Narrowing Down the Search for Amazing Skin Care

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

Narrowing Down the Search for Amazing Skin Care .jpg

We are surrounded by so many options and choices. Back in the 80s and 90s, we found ourselves captivated by those 30 second commercials and print ads. Times have changed and now we see ads on FaceBook, beautiful graphics on Instagram, and a plethora of pins on Pinterest.

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

It is overwhelming to choose. How do you know that this product will work and do something beneficial for you? Spending money on a chance... do you just go for it? If the internet makes a claim, then it must be true, right? We all know that's not true!

Each dermatologist and esthetician, will have products that they like and recommend. These are products that they have absolutely done their research on, personally tried and experimented with, and eventually spent a lot of money to invest in. All because they believe that this is the best bang for your buck and they truly love it! When you see your trusted partner, you know they will be working with you to find the very best products for you to love!

The professional becomes even more trained in learning the benefits of the skin and how it can help you. They will ask you questions, like:

"If you could change one thing about your skin, what would it be?"

"What is your current skin care routine?"

"Is there a product that you absolutely love? What do you like about them?"

Straight up, I think your best bang for your buck will be in a serum. This is a product that will have a specific "job" to do for the skin and can penetrate deeper than any other product will. Take this with a grain of salt though. If you aren't preparing the skin at the ground level by using a decent cleanser, mist, etc. you might be throwing your money down the toilet. The skin needs to be at the right pH level and getting all of the dirt, excess oils, etc, off before putting on the star of the show.

Another great tip that I give for those buying skin care on a budget, is to start with one item and each month save up for the next product. That way, you can spread out the purchasing. If you have cleanser, mist, and exfoliant, then start with a moisturizer and SPF. When you run out of the cleanser, make the change then.

I think one of the best ways to narrow it down is to start with ingredients! Did you know that as a general rule of thumb, the first 5 ingredients in the product make up 80% of the product? I always start at the first 5, but if you go to 8, 9, or 10, that'll work too.

Look for ingredients that you don't want in there. From Mark Lees The Skin Care Answer Book, some of the most highly comedogenic ingredients are:

linseed oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, oleic acid, coal tar, ispopropyl isostearate, squalene, isopropyl myristate, myristyl myristate, acetylated lanolin, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl linoleate, oleyl alcohol, octyl palmitate, isostearic acid, myreth myristate, butyl stearate, and lanolic acid.

Then look for other ingredients that are going to be beneficial for the skin. Here are some of my favorite ingredients:

  • coenzyme Q10

  • ceramides

  • caffiene

  • lactic acid

  • kojic acid

  • mandelic acid

  • hyaluronic acid

  • snow algae

  • niacinamide

  • allantoin

  • beta defensins

  • jojoba oil

  • zinc oxide

  • kaolin

  • lactus basillas (probiotic derivatives)

  • skinmimics complex

  • matrixyl 3000

  • and many other peptides and antioxidants.

Another great website that I like to use when I don't have books on hand (yes ... I don't have all of these memorized and some of them are very similar but the response on the skin is quite different) is Paula's Choice (google it.) You can type in any ingredient and start there.

Above all, use your esthetician and skin care professional. Let them analyze your skin after a cleanse to see what products they think will give your skin the best benefit. After all, you deserve the best and you get only one face in this life! Showcase what you have with that inner and outer glow!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How Often Should I ...? Part I Home Care

One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment. Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care.

home care.jpg

One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment.

Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care. Just like when you hire a personal trainer, and Esthetician will meet with you and "work out" your skin in the treatment room every so often. But it's up to you, the client to do the homework in between our sessions.

Your homework should include at a minimum 4 steps. These steps are cleansing the skin, using appropriate treating mist, apply moisturizer (yes - even oily skin needs moisturizer) and finally using SPF. This is also the order that I suggest clients add in products as well. So, if you aren't using anything now, start with cleanser and go from there. (If you'd like a summary, scroll down to the bottom and then refer up when in question and needing more specifics.)

So, let's break down How Often Should I...

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin?

The answer here is different for everyone, but at least morning and night. So twice a day. If you are a heavy makeup wearer OR have very oily/acenic prone skin, the answer will be up to four times a day. Twice in the morning and twice at night. I like to use two different cleansers for these clients. So product one would be the first cleanse. And product two would be the second cleanse for both morning and night cleanses.

How Often Should I Mist the Skin?

The short answer: use a treating mist or toner immediately after cleansing the skin. Which would be twice a day. (Don't mist in between cleanses if you are cleansing twice in a row.)

Using a treating mist or toner is great to help balance the skin and lay a perfect foundation for more anti-aging products afterwards. If your skin feels tight after cleansing, you have stripped off the natural acid mantle (the barrier for the skin protecting it so that other organisms, etc. cannot enter our shield). The skin then goes into hyperdrive to produce more oil (which serves as a protectant). Repeatedly doing this causes much harm to your defensive layer. An astringent (super tingly product with alcohol) is NOT a toner or mist. Stay away from these products.

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin?

Differing beliefs on this are across the board, but my personal opinion remains that adding moisture, especially in our dry climate is good and reduces excess oil production. It is important to work with your skin trainer (aka Esthetician) to find the right moisturizer for your skin. Also, some clients prefer to have a daytime (lighter) moisturizer and a night time cream that is heavier weight and/or with more anti-aging benefits. Twice a day after you mist, you will moisturize.

How Often Should I Reapply SPF?

Every SPF is different, but my generic response is every 2 hours when going outside. I hear all the time that your makeup has SPF... which is awesome, but it DOES NOT REPLACE applying SPF every morning and before leaving work with another product besides your makeup. For SPF to be most beneficial, you need to reapply throughout the day. When wearing makeup, you can reapply by adding setting spray with SPF as well. By and large, look for ways to be compliant with this step instead of finding excuses of why you can't!

My favorite analogy for sun protection is a new vehicle. You wouldn't drive off the car lot without having car insurance. SPF IS your car insurance. Have it, use it, and don't leave home without it!

Those are your 4 minimum steps. Want to step up your game at the gym? Here are a couple of ideas and general suggestions.

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? This depends highly on what type of exfoliant. Consult your skin trainer, but most often I suggest one to two times per week.

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

You don't need good luck in your bathroom. Consistency is key and where you will see long term results. Starting at a healthier skin type means that you will focus more on prevention (which is always easier than reversing the skin damage that happens over time.) You can do this! Make sure to consult your Esthetician for exactly what YOUR skin needs, as we are all different.

SUMMARY: (Refer to longer paragraphs for more information)

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin? Twice a day for normal/dry skin; Twice morning and twice night for oily/acenic skin

How Often Should I Mist the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Reapply SPF? Every 2 hours or what's recommended on you tube of sunscreen

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? Once a week

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

Stay tuned for Part II of How Often Should I?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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David and Goliath - The Little Guy and Amazon

Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.


Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.

Element Outfitters is not alone. Many local retailers also feel the pinch of the convenience that Amazon and websites bring. For big retailers, the quantity purchased for multiple locations or for online is enough to get a break on the price from the supplier. Benefits from online purchasing include shopping in your pajamas with Ben & Jerrys, delivery coming straight to your door, and the plethora of colors, options, and features of the desired items. The local owners purchase product up front, display on shelves, and share their first hand knowledge with each client that walks in the door. Benefits from local purchasing include receiving answers of questions by a real person in front of you, having the item immediately, and keeping money local to support families that live in your community.

Have you been guilty of going into a local store, talking to the store employee to glean information on the coveted item, and then driving to the safety of your home, turning on the computer, and clicking purchase? The next time that you are tempted to click that buy button, here's a couple of things to think about when it comes to skin care.

When you purchase products from me

1) I am making sure that the products that we pick are right for you skin and the goals that we have set together.

2) You are able to see, smell, and feel the product before you buy.

3) I continue to go to education across the country to learn more about products and treatments for you. I order frequently so I do not have an overstock of product that 'sits' on my shelf.

4) You are helping support a local family.

When you purchase products online

1) Skin care from GM Collins is never sold on Amazon. Most of the time, products you see from Amazon have been sold from a spa that went under. If a spa closed, it is very likely that the product was sitting on their shelves for years.

2) Efficacy of product cannot be guaranteed. Is it expired, something wrong with it, or been sitting in a hot car in Texas for a couple months? This cleanser, cream, or mask will not be able to do what it claims to do.

3) You are helping support the big retailer.

I would love to help discuss with you your skin concerns and then recommend products that can help you achieve your goals and change your skin. Whether it's anti-aging, clearing your skin, or calming redness, let's get together and make your dreams a reality. When you come see me, you are making my dreams a reality.

Goliath is here to stay. I'll admit that I love Amazon for books and random items. But when it comes to something I ingest or put on my face, I'll stick with my local grocery store and esthetician! David for the win!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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