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Exfoliation is Key

When I think of basic steps to skin care, I think cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Are you with me? These three are easy, simple, and probably take a minute and a half to do all of them. One of the things that women overlook sometimes is exfoliation. Or maybe you are exfoliating everyday. Here's the 411 on why exfoliation is so important.


When I think of basic steps to skin care, I think cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Are you with me? These three are easy, simple, and probably take a minute and a half to do all of them. One of the things that women overlook sometimes is exfoliation. Or maybe you are exfoliating everyday. Here's the 411 on why exfoliation is so important.

The science: Our outer layer of skin is called the stratum corneum. It's a mouth full, but in Latin it is called the horny layer and consists of all the corneocytes or dead skin cells. Babies are fortunately to have that youthful glow because their skin cells turn over every 14 days. As we age, the time frame continues to increase. 28 days is the optimal that we shoot for, but you can't stop the aging clock. This turn over does not stop at 28 days either. If you have extra dead skin cells building up, your face could be hiding your best features.

So what do we do about that? We exfoliate! There are 3 main ways to exfoliate the skin ... mechanical, chemical or enzymatic.


95% of you (or more) will think of the scrubbies on the face when I say exfoliate. Manual exfoliation is a great way to get the dead skin cells off quickly, revealing the fresh new skin underneath.

Here's the skinny on this one. DO NOT (I repeat, DO NOT) over exfoliate. Follow the directions on your specific product. If the product says 2-3 times a week at 1 minute, that does not mean that 6 days a week at 3 minutes and 7 seconds is better. One of my main skin care beliefs is that more is not better. Prime example is the mechanical exfoliation.


Chemical exfoliations are AHAs or BHAs. AHA or alpha hydroxy acids come from milk (lactic), sugar cane (glycolic), grapes (tartaric), apples (malic), citric (oranges/lemons) and mandelic (bitter almonds.) BHA is beta hydroxy acid and is known as salicylic acid (willow tree).

Think of your skin as a brick wall. While mechanically exfoliating will knock off the top bricks, chemical exfoliation eats away the mortar so the bricks will tumble off on their own. You don't need actual peeling to see results. Newer technology allows for the results without the side effects in many skin care lines. For more dramatic results, come in for a series of chemical peels while using quality products at home.


This is similar to chemical exfoliation but using gentler products that soothe the skin. Ingredients that are used to do this are papaya and pineapple. This is a great option for those with sensitive skin.

So, you are using the 3 main steps but not exfoliating? Where does exfoliating fit into your steps? If you want to add in exfoliating, I would suggest cleansing, THEN EXFOLIATING, and then finish off with toner/mist and moisturizing. I like to say that you are wasting your money with the $100 serum that you bought if you are not exfoliating. You want the product to get past as much of the dead skin cells as possible and glide easily and effectively so that the product can do what it's supposed to do.

I love exfoliating and offer 4 different take home products just for you. I would love to show them to you!

Active Exfoliating Powder (mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic)

  • Reveals the next layer of skin leaving it visibly soft, fresh and luminous

  • Ingredients - rice powder, salicylic acid, papaya and pineapple

Intensive Exfoliating Gel (chemical and enzymatic)

  • Leaves skin soft and visibly toned

  • Ingredients - lactic acid, grapefruit, lime, and lemon oils

Derm Renewal Booster (chemical)

  • Visibly tightens pores

  • Visibly increases skin's luminosity and smoothes its micro-relief

Derm Renewal Cream (chemical)

  • Eliminates dead skin cells and reveals a fresher looking skin

  • Hydrates and replensihes the skin's moisture barrier

Let’s me help you pick out the right product for you so that you can get all of the benefits of exfoliating your skin. Schedule an appointment today.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Why Should I get a Facial?

When asking about facials, many people don't know exactly what a facial is and why they should get one. And it's really no surprised because facials are done so differently... depending on what products are being used, if you are going to a home party or doing a personalized spa treatment, and where in the world you are receiving your treatment.

Most people I come across know exactly what a massage is... and as a by product, they also know if they would like one. My stats? 90% would love regular massages and 10% don't want another person touching them.

When asking about facials, many people don't know exactly what a facial is and why they should get one. And it's really no surprised because facials are done so differently... depending on what products are being used, if you are going to a home party or doing a personalized spa treatment, and where in the world you are receiving your treatment.

So let's start by talking about what a facial is with me. I describe a facial as a nice relaxing service that will also begin to address the concerns that you have with your skin. Before your appointment, you will fill out an intake form that gives me a general idea of what you do with your skin at home, skin goals that you would like to achieve, and general health to name a few. Arriving to your appointment, we will discuss the goals for your treatment. You get dressed down to your comfort level and are tucked in luxurious bedding.

The facial process is beautiful and feels so good on your skin. The main steps on the face are to cleanse, exfoliate, apply a treating mist, facial massage or extractions, mask, and all of the finishing products. I use a healing touch to massage the products into the skin. Combine this with the warm towels, application of lotion to arms and hands, and the deep breathing, you not only get glowing skin, but also the mental benefits of a calm and relaxed mind.

If you have acne, we can work on cleaning out pores and decreasing the inflammation. Those with sensitive or red skin will benefit from soothing and hydrating treatments to calm the face. If you are worried about sun spots, we will start first with great exfoliation to remove layers of dead skin from your face. Wrinkles and fine lines will improve through massage movements and the appropriate products to both hydrate and relax the facial muscles while also lifting, tightening and firming the skin. Each and every skin condition can improve with the help of a skilled Esthetician or skin therapist.

So why should you receive a facial? While there are many benefits, here are my top 3 reasons!

1) Improve the overall look and feel of the skin through exfoliation.

Everyone has dead skin cells on the top layer of their skin. The process of removing the dead skin cells is exfoliation and can be done through "scrubbies", chemicals like lactic acid, or enzymes such as papaya. When you exfoliate properly, you will reveal the layer of fresh new skin. If you ever feel like your skin is "lack luster", exfoliation is one thing you can do to help get that youthful look back!

2) Increase circulation helps all of the skin cells do their job proficiently.

During a facial, products are massaged into the skin which improves healthy circulation. With improved circulation also comes with improved capacity for the skin to do whatever job it has been programmed to do more efficiently. In essence, the cells are getting the right energy to keep going and going and going.

3) Relaxation.

In this day and age of run, run, run, then go, go, go ... and never stop because we are constantly plugged in, the chance to turn it off for 60 to 90 minutes and focus on your breath is priceless. Massage therapists will agree with me in saying that both the body and the mind needs time to heal and be calm. With a facial, you receive those same benefits while improving the look of your skin.

Since you were born with only one face, consider keeping it looking healthy, glowing, and youthful by scheduling time to see your skin therapist. The ideal time to rebook is every 4 to 6 weeks. Your Esthetician will also set you up with amazing options for home care so that you can keep your skin as beautiful between appointments as when you first receive your treatment.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Masking Your Imperfections

For the last couple years, the trends for masks have been on the rise. Whether it's a once a year girl party thing or part of your weekly routine (definitely my suggestion), throwing a mask on your face will definitely be a pick me up for your skin. In fact, if you are doing the three basic steps (cleanse, tone/mist, moisturize), adding in a mask is one of the easiest ways to boost that youthful glow while working on imperfections like acne and wrinkles. So, let's talk about facial mask benefits and what to avoid.

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For the last couple years, the trends for masks have been on the rise. Whether it's a once a year girl party thing or part of your weekly routine (definitely my suggestion), throwing a mask on your face will definitely be a pick me up for your skin. In fact, if you are doing the three basic steps (cleanse, tone/mist, moisturize), adding in a mask is one of the easiest ways to boost that youthful glow while working on imperfections like acne and wrinkles. So, let's talk about facial mask benefits and what to avoid.


First things first. Pick a mask that is right for your skin. If you would like to help with pore size, acne, anti-aging or hyper pigmentation (aka sun spots), find one that does just that. I am in love with the GM Collin Hydramucine Cream Mask. Ingredients include vitamin E, A and F, bamboo extract, water lily extract and allantoin. I call it the BRIDAL MASK because it plumps up the skin and leaves your outer layer with a dewy finish. Ka-chow! And GM Collin just had a NEW BABY - the Charcoal Mask. This mask will:

  1. Capture and elimate micropollutants

  2. Revitalize and replenish the skin

  3. Purify and improve the skin texture

  4. Even out skin complexion.


Have you heard of zoning your masks? This is super helpful if you have an area that has acne and the rest of your skin needs anti-aging. Put one mask on the pimples on the nose and chin and put the anti-aging mask on the rest of the areas (cheeks, lip, forehead.) It'll be a win-win getting you the right products in the right area.


Have you seen the sheet masks and patches that you can use? A lot of these are very calming and moisturizing. With all of the pollution, free radicals and sun that we see each day, these are perfect for your face. They are especially fun to wear for Snap Chat and with girlfriends. Warning - silly talk ahead! A couple of other tips here... don't leave them for longer than the instructions say (or 20 minutes), rub in any excess product left in packet, and relax and enjoy the benefits. Another favorite for my clients are the Instant Radiance Eye Patches. Seven benefits of these patches are:

  • Detoxify

  • Firming

  • Soothing

  • Immediate and Long Lasting Moisture

  • Anti-Puffiness

  • Anti-Dark Circles

  • Anti-Wrinkles

  • You can even use these on your marionette lines.


Doing treatments that include sheets masks and patches will step up your skin care game, just like seeing a trainer at the gym. One of my favorite clinical facials by GM Collin is called the Sea C Spa, which includes patches that dissolve on the skin. This treatment delays the visible signs of aging and energizes the skin; diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; evens out skin tone; and illuminates the skin restoring its youthful appearance.


Oxygenating masks can be a good option too. I have one I use in the spa room that leaves beautiful and glowing skin all while feeling and smelling amazing. Oxygen also kills bacteria and brings blood flow to the surface of the skin which can give you a pick me up. But it's not right for all skin types. So let's chat.

One last word of advice. Skip over the peel off mask. These masks claim to remove hair, blackheads, and dead skin... which they may do. But in addition, they also can remove hair you want to keep (like brows) if you get it in that area. They also pull up and out on the skin, which is harmful to the physiological components of the skin and vascular system right below. Long term and repeated use will cause damage to collagen, elastin, and damage to the tiny veins which can be unsightly.

So what are you waiting for? Come see the options that I have to use for you both at the spa and at home!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Narrowing Down the Search for Amazing Skin Care

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

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We are surrounded by so many options and choices. Back in the 80s and 90s, we found ourselves captivated by those 30 second commercials and print ads. Times have changed and now we see ads on FaceBook, beautiful graphics on Instagram, and a plethora of pins on Pinterest.

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

It is overwhelming to choose. How do you know that this product will work and do something beneficial for you? Spending money on a chance... do you just go for it? If the internet makes a claim, then it must be true, right? We all know that's not true!

Each dermatologist and esthetician, will have products that they like and recommend. These are products that they have absolutely done their research on, personally tried and experimented with, and eventually spent a lot of money to invest in. All because they believe that this is the best bang for your buck and they truly love it! When you see your trusted partner, you know they will be working with you to find the very best products for you to love!

The professional becomes even more trained in learning the benefits of the skin and how it can help you. They will ask you questions, like:

"If you could change one thing about your skin, what would it be?"

"What is your current skin care routine?"

"Is there a product that you absolutely love? What do you like about them?"

Straight up, I think your best bang for your buck will be in a serum. This is a product that will have a specific "job" to do for the skin and can penetrate deeper than any other product will. Take this with a grain of salt though. If you aren't preparing the skin at the ground level by using a decent cleanser, mist, etc. you might be throwing your money down the toilet. The skin needs to be at the right pH level and getting all of the dirt, excess oils, etc, off before putting on the star of the show.

Another great tip that I give for those buying skin care on a budget, is to start with one item and each month save up for the next product. That way, you can spread out the purchasing. If you have cleanser, mist, and exfoliant, then start with a moisturizer and SPF. When you run out of the cleanser, make the change then.

I think one of the best ways to narrow it down is to start with ingredients! Did you know that as a general rule of thumb, the first 5 ingredients in the product make up 80% of the product? I always start at the first 5, but if you go to 8, 9, or 10, that'll work too.

Look for ingredients that you don't want in there. From Mark Lees The Skin Care Answer Book, some of the most highly comedogenic ingredients are:

linseed oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, oleic acid, coal tar, ispopropyl isostearate, squalene, isopropyl myristate, myristyl myristate, acetylated lanolin, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl linoleate, oleyl alcohol, octyl palmitate, isostearic acid, myreth myristate, butyl stearate, and lanolic acid.

Then look for other ingredients that are going to be beneficial for the skin. Here are some of my favorite ingredients:

  • coenzyme Q10

  • ceramides

  • caffiene

  • lactic acid

  • kojic acid

  • mandelic acid

  • hyaluronic acid

  • snow algae

  • niacinamide

  • allantoin

  • beta defensins

  • jojoba oil

  • zinc oxide

  • kaolin

  • lactus basillas (probiotic derivatives)

  • skinmimics complex

  • matrixyl 3000

  • and many other peptides and antioxidants.

Another great website that I like to use when I don't have books on hand (yes ... I don't have all of these memorized and some of them are very similar but the response on the skin is quite different) is Paula's Choice (google it.) You can type in any ingredient and start there.

Above all, use your esthetician and skin care professional. Let them analyze your skin after a cleanse to see what products they think will give your skin the best benefit. After all, you deserve the best and you get only one face in this life! Showcase what you have with that inner and outer glow!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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The 4 S's in Skin Care - Stress, Smoking, Sun, and Sugar

Skincare is all emcompassing. Not only are we dealing with genetics, but we are dealing with internal factors as well as the environment that we live in. There are so many do's and don't's and it seems like every expert has their opinion. Am I right ladies?


Skincare is all emcompassing. Not only are we dealing with genetics, but we are dealing with internal factors as well as the environment that we live in. There are so many do's and don't's and it seems like every expert has their opinion. Am I right ladies?

Well, I'd love to break down what I call the 4 S's in skin care - Stress, Smoking, Sun and Sugar. Small gains over a long period of time can help slow down the aging process for everyone. Where can you improve?


There... I said the one that we've all been thinking about. Everyone has stress. Whether home or work, finances or sleep (which could easily be yet another S) ... we've got something to worry about. Stress will not only cause those baggy, puffy eyes to make an appearance, but it will aggravate any skin condition that you currently have. For example, if you suffer with breakouts, you make be getting more pimples more frequently. Wrinkles can be more pronounced, seeing that you may furrow your brow more often. Definitely not where you want to hear the word more.

Here's another fun one for you. When I speak in public, there's a rash that starts on one side of my neck and slowly "grows" all the way across to the other side. What's it from? STRESS!

Learning healthy ways to deal with stress is important! Exercise, meditation, breathing, lots of water and even sleeping can help your body deal with all that cortisol. But if it's still not helping, don't let stress linger in your life. Seek out a professional to help give you the proper tools or a doctor that can give you further recommendations.


This could be #1 on any list that you seek out. We all know that smoking causes cancer, but do we know that it causes premature aging? No one wants to age faster.

Here's the skinny on this S. Smoking weakens blood vessels and decreases your circulation, so there's a lack of oxygen for the healthy cells. Smoking also creates free radicals. As my teacher in school explained free radicals... "A free radical is like a hussie in a bar. She doesn't have a man, so she steals yours. And then you don't have a partner... which creates a cascading effect that just won't stop." (School was years ago, but trust me. I'll never forget about free radicals and the HUSSIE stealing my man! Haha)=

What do brown fruit and a rusted car have in common? They are exposed to free radicals which can cause oxidative damage. And that's what happens to our skin when we smoke.

Seek out professional help to quit if you need. And don't start smoking because you're stressed! (See what I did there?)


Ladies, let's talk a moment to talk about summer and how great it is to be outside in our beautiful weather. Okay, let's move on to talk about sun exposure. Sun damage occurs over time and is one of the things that we can improve!

Did you know that genetics makes up only 10% of our aging? The large majority goes to the winner... Sun! (80-85%!!!) There are 3 types of UV rays... UVA, UVB, and UVC. A stands for aging, B stands for burning. C rays don't make it through our atmosphere. The A rays are long and penetrate deeper into the skin, causing damage in the collagen (plumpness) and elastin fibers (skin's elasticity and "snap back"). B rays are shorter and considered to cause most of the cancers. They shorten the cell's lifespan, cause free radicals (see the HUSSIE listed above), and work hard to break down tissue.

So while we do need sunlight and the vitamin D, we also need to be careful and cautious about our sun exposure. Using an SPF product that feels good and is easy to apply is great! Wearing your foundations with SPF is not enough. Reapplication is important.

As a side note, SPF that is 15 covers 93% of rays, 30 covers 97%, and 50 SPF covers 98%. I wouldn't pay the extra big bucks to get more SPF to cover an extra 1/2 %.


I saved my hard one for last. When you eat a diet high in sugar, your blood sugar can rise. When you blood sugar raises and remains raised, glycation happens. Glycation is when sugar attaches to the collagen in the skin and makes it hard and stiff. And even sagging skin! That's what happens when you eat sugar! There is also connections between the sugar we eat with the stress hormone, cortisol and inflammation. Neither are great for the skin OR your body!

What can you do? Figure out a way to limit those artificial sugars while still enjoying life. You'll not only sleep better, but your skin will thank you in 20 years!

Have you learned anything? Which is your nemesis? What changes can you make to help slow the aging process? I can't wait to partner with you to help you make a necessary change, hook you up with an awesome sun care product, and get rid of those hussies at the bar.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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My Eye is on Milia

Have you ever noticed a small, hard white bump on your skin? If you've gone to pop it and had zero luck, you may be dealing with milia. Most commonly, milia are on the eylids or cheeks.


Have you ever noticed a small, hard white bump on your skin? If you've gone to pop it and had zero luck, you may be dealing with milia. Most commonly, milia are on the eylids or cheeks.

Like any form of acne, keratin (dead skin cells) get trapped on their way up to the surface of the skin causing a cyst. Milia most often occurs due to using pore clogging ingredients in the area. The skin cannot slough off the dead skin cells fast enough and they glom together to create this pearl like hard bump. Long term exposure to the skin as well as genetics can also play a role in the creation of milia.

Think you can wiggle these out on your own? Think again! These pesky bumps will need exfoliation or extraction. Exfoliation can be through mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic. What does that mean?


Mechanical are the "scrubbies" - make sure that you use a scrub where they are uniform and not jagged nut particles. These scrubs will not off the top bricks (dead skin cells) helping work these further up the skin to the outer most portion. The microderm treatment is a great one for deep cleaning the face. Spacell also helps at home to keep that exfoliation process continuing.

Chemical are the lactic, gycolic, etc - all of those acid names that are going to eat away the mortar of your brick wall, similar to pac man. Retinols are also considered a chemical exfoliant and work well for acne and anti aging clients. Chemicals like these should not be used close to the eye. Stop at the occipital bone.

Enzymatic are similar to chemical but through are fruit enzymes (chemicals are through fruit acids) - they work like pac man to eat keratin in a more gentle way.


Oftentimes when faced with milia, you will want to see a dermatologist or esthetician to perform extractions (removal). This have to be done with a lancet and the right technique. But insto presto... they are out and gone!


What do you need to do for your skin in the future if you are prone to milia? Here are a couple of my recommendations.

1) Use appropriate cleanser to remove eye makeup every night.

Look for something that is for the eye area and make sure to remove all product thoroughly. You'll also want to cleanse the skin with something hydrating and appropriate for your skin type.

2) Use a light weight eye cream or gel.

Let's face it. Eye cream, especially for anti aging is important. It is not appropriate to use facial moisturizer around the eye. The skin around the eye is different than the rest of the face. When applying the eye cream, make sure to gently rub it in (ring finger only and very, very light!!!) Do not just set it on the top of the skin.

3) Exfoliate the skin.

Every skin type needs a little help in this department unless you are in your early teens and lower. Consult with your esthetician to find a professional product that will do its job. One of my phrases is more is not always better. The same applies here.

4) SPF is key.

Always, always use SPF. Skin that is damaged by the sun has more tough layers, which makes exfoliation very difficult and is a breeding ground for milia.

If you've got your eye on milia, or the other way around, find a professional to help evaluate what you can do to improve your skin!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Top 3 Reasons Acne Stays

Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

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Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

Whichever phase you find yourself in, let me suggest my top 3 reasons why acne stays, hanging on for dear life.

1) Picking

There... I said it. Picking. Even I will catch myself running my fingers along my jawline only for one of the digits to make contact with a bump. And I scratch, pick, and try to manipulate that bump to come out of my skin. The story from there continues because once I know it's there, I can't stop. Even today, my children's dentist told me that he read you touch your face 32,000 times a day!!!

Has this happened to you? I can relate and sympathize. But it's a problem. And there's a reason why I put it at the number one spot on my list. Picking spreads the P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin. Once you start, you likely can't stop, so you are literally spreading bacteria all day long on your face or other body areas afflicted.


Recognize if there are certain times of day it occurs, or when you pass a mirror, etc. Write yourself reminder on the bathroom vanity with a dry erase or sticky note. Switch activities. Wash your hands, drink more water, read a good book... do anything besides picking!

2) Using Too Harsh Of Ingredients

Many acne clients like the feel of a scrub or the tingle of a cleanser. But, let me be clear. Just because it's a stronger product does not mean it's right for your skin. Acne is plagued with inflammation and so if you increase inflammation, your acne will likely have a hard time clearing on the skin.

Aggressive scrubs should be thrown out if you have grade III or IV acne. Toners that have alcohol must too hit the garbage. Often the right gentle products will be more effective (working in a quicker time frame and actually targeting the different types of acne) than if you pick the strongest percentages of an acid.


Work with a licensed professional to seek products that will help kill the acne WHILE preserving the barrier of your skin, which is the skin's main function.

3) Not Finding The Real Symptoms

Sure, you used a product for 3 months and you think you are healed. Maybe you decide to go off of the products OR you are still using them and the unwelcomed house guest announces it has to stay for an undetermined amount. Sadly, many times this is what acne clients (and maybe you) have faced.

Let me give you some hope here. Truth - Acne is a disease. While it cannot be cured, it can be CONTROLLED! This means that you must find out the real reason why your acne started and is staying. This could be stress, diet, external or internal factors. Those in the field have spent their entire lifetimes researching and studying and writing on this one topic. And they have learned so much about pimples, cysts, nodules, etc.


Work with a licensed professional to investigate the root of the problem. Many times there are simple things you can do to turn around everything in your skin. If researchers spend years searching for answers, it would be to your benefit to use this research first. (You can research on your own, but how do you even know where to start? Google can only help you if you are typing in the correct searches.)

I love working with acne clients. It takes patience, perseverance, and most importantly the courage to say, "I need help." I'll help you! Let's kick out the unwelcomed guest once and for all!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How Often Should I...? Part II Treatments

While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick

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While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick. Whatever you would like to work on, make sure that you team up with a professional so that we can get the job done together!

When working with me, the first things that we address are hydration of the skin and sensitivity. It doesn't make sense to start on the 2nd level of the house, when the ground floor issues are hydration and sensitivity. Starting there, once these have corrected as best we can (usually 1-2 months), we can move on. We could then work on the above issues of anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne (active or old scarring.)

I offer many tools to get the job done and depending on how your skin responds to the treatments, your open time to spend with me, and your budget, we put together a plan of "How often you should see your esthetician." In general, once a month for maintenance is amazing. If this is not possible, it is VITAL that you come in every quarter for a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment of the skin as the seasons change. Yes, it's Idaho and we have 4 seasons! So about every 3 months. Microneedling, Specialty Facials, and Chemical Peels excel in a series treatment. They are designed to build upon each other! But the more regularly you come, the greater the results you will see down the road as your skin begins to age.

Currently, I offer the following treatments to address your concerns: Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Signature Facials (both in 90 or 60 minutes), Specialty Facials (Algomask and Hydrolifting), Chemical Peels, and Dermaplaning. All of these have value and most of the time, mixing and matching is ideal as you want to keep your skin guessing and using all of the great options to help your skin heal, glow, and revitalize to it's optimal blueprint.

I love making custom plans, so please contact me and we'll come up with something that will work well for you, your skin, and your skin care goals.

You'll spend $XXX on a purse you'll use for 2 years. How much will you spend on your face that you will have for a lifetime? $XXX It's worth your investment!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skincare, skin, facials Zoey Jolley skincare, skin, facials Zoey Jolley

Learning about Acne

I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.


I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.

Schedule regular treatments and use professional products. Treatments with your esthetician can be very effective in deep cleansing, exfoliation, and extractions of blackheads. These are things that your skincare professional will do for you. These treatments boost what you are doing at home! 90% of what can change with your skin is done at home. That means that YOU play a very big role in how quickly your skin recovers (or worsens). I always will give you recommendations that work for you personally.

Ice, ice baby! No, not the song, but go ahead and sing it if it helps you remember. If you are suffering from larger pimples that are red, raised, and sore, ice will be your best friend. Just twice a day for a couple minutes. This removes the inflammation and helps for the acne to go away quicker. We all want that right?

Don't pick and scratch! This is a hard one for many. The easiest way to stop is to throw away all those mirrors and to write down and acknowledge when you pick. Do you pick because you are bored, watching TV, or just resting your hands on your chin? Recognize your triggers and then do something different instead.

Through my research, I've learned many things and would love to share them with those who many have a "few" or "many" pimples that they are interested in taking care of. Each appointment will have a new handout to help my client heal more quickly and identify triggers that may be causing the acne. Can't wait to see you!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley

After the Skin Treatment

Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice.

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Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice. Here's what I recommend:

Wear SPF. I cannot say this enough. Environmental factors are the #1 cause of aging. Yes, that's right (not genetic factors.) Your skin may be more suspectible to rays for a couple days post treatment, so SPF is a must! I recommend the GM Collins Dry Touch 50 SPF. Easy to reapply and compliments any skin care that you are currently using.

Drink extra water. Hydration is key to our skin, though our other vitals organs take the majority first before they get to the largest organ (the skin). I add a very relaxing facial massage to my treatment, so bump up your intake the day you come to see me.

Change your pillowcase. We've exfoliated your skin and put some incredible serums on your skin to work on your targeted concerns. The last thing that you want to do is put your face on a dirty pillowcase. Simply to do, right?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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