facials Zoey Jolley facials Zoey Jolley

What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Facials Part I

A recent facial received by myself had me really thinking. It was my monthly ‘practice what you preach’ facial where I experience a treatment from someone else. Overall, it was a good facial, but you know what? I was miserable because I was cold. Like freezing and goosebumps. These reminders of what it’s like to be a client is what I’d like to share with you today!

You may be shy coming in for your appointment. It could be your first time coming in for a spa treatment, or maybe you are trying a new Esthetician. Your appointment is YOUR appointment. But what does that mean? It means that it’s all about making you comfortable for the next hour. So whatever your Esthetician can do to make your experience amazing, they really want to make that happen for you. To make your appointment the best, here are a few things that your Esthetician would want you to know.

#1 - It’s okay to ask to adjust the temperature of the table, the position for knees, etc. Are you hot or cold? Just say so. Are you feeling uncomfortable in that position? Let’s move your knees or your head up a little bit. A click of a button adjusts both for you here in the treatment room, so it’s not an inconvenience. Also, you might need adjusted halfway through. Please don’t be miserable and cold … or hot … or need an adjustment for your body on the table. This is your permission to speak up!

#2 - When you help lift your arm or leg when massaging actually makes it harder for the esthetician or massage therapist to work on you. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is for them and the better it feels for you! Think noodle arms!

#3 - If you have questions, it’s okay to ask. There should be plenty of time to ask … and trust me. Every Esthetician has been asked all of those embarrassing questions. There’s nothing that you can ask that we will be shocked by. Feel scared to ask in person? Just text me before or after the appointment. I’m happy to answer any and all of your questions regarding skin care or waxing.

#4 - This is absolutely YOUR time. What would you like to make it special for you? Want to talk the whole time? We are great conversationalists. Want to stay silent? We got you too! Instead of sleeping spa music, you want soft rock or to listen to a crime podcast? Yep! Just let us know exactly what you like.

I hope that this just gives you permission to help your Esthetician make your service extra special. We aren’t a mind readers and sometimes need you to tell us what you are expecting for your treatment and what you prefer. Whatever we can do to make your experience amazing, I promise we will do it. So go ahead and be brave! Tell us what you would like, relax during massage, and ask your questions.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley waxing, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

Having Realistic Expectations


There are so many things that we’d like to change about ourselves. Technology is booming and we are seeing and hearing what we feel like are instant results. But in case you didn’t know, I’m going to burst your bubble. Some things take time, and it’s important to have realistic expectations.

Intimate Waxing

When coming in for a waxing service, you really are wanting to be hair free! We try and catch the hair in the growing cycle to get you smooth the longest that we can. The first wax is always a good one. When you come in for future appointments, you’ll have about half of the hair back. Since we can only wax the hair that is outside of the skin, the other hairs will pop back through slowly over time. But if you have a hair come out a couple days later, this is to be expected. The great thing is that they don’t all come through at once … and they are finer and thinner.

Facials and Skin

We all have something that we’d like to change about our skin. Since our bodies are constantly aging, a lot of what we do is slowing down the aging process. Plus taking care of acne and sun damage, etc. If we are working on acne, you will need a minimum of 4 months to clear … and that’s if we get everything right and figure out your triggers. For sun damage, I like to hit those hard starting in September, but encourage limiting sun exposure and wearing SPF all year round. This takes a lot of time too.

Clients want a magic wand to be waved … and poof! Your problems are fixed. Many of them want the things fixed in one facial. That’s just not possible to do that. Also, many clients will listen to recommendations, but then don’t purchase any of the home care items. That isn’t going to get to you where you want to be. Home care products that contain active ingredients are great, but sometimes they also take time to work in the skin.

Lash Lifting

We’d love to perm up the eyelashes and have them look just like extensions. But they are very different. Extensions do just that. They can extend the length and also the appearance to make them look thicker and fuller. Lash lifting is working with your natural lash. If you just aren’t there with length, you’ll want to purchase the lash serum offered and be patient in waiting for them to be longer. The lash lifting won’t volumize that, so almost every client will still wear mascara when they receive a lash lift. One final thought here… If you have blonde or light eyelashes, you really should consider doing a lash lift and tint together. I think you’d like that much better.

So, if you are thinking it’s too good to be true, it might just be! Instead of trusting that Instagram Influencer or the latest Tik Tok video, ask your Esthetician. They know your skin, hair, and lashes and can customize the treatments and take home products just for you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley

Getting Ready for a Facial? Tips for Your First Time!


If you haven’t had an opportunity to have a facial yet, I invite you to come and experience it! If you’ve had a massage, you might already know a little of what to expect. At Essential Esthetics by Zoey, I LOVE treating clients to a facial that I would want to receive over and over again. I like to marry results with relaxation. While product is sitting on your skin, we are wrapping your feet with hot towels, putting your hands into the warming mitts, and lots of light massage.

If you are using retinols or very active products, it is recommended to stop using them 3-5 days before your facial. If you are on Accutane, you’ll need to avoid facials for up to a year after you discontinue the medication. You don’t need to wipe off makeup or really do anything before a facial. We will cleanse, exfoliate and use the LED light therapy every time. Most facial treatments include a mask of some kind as well. If you have any questions before your facial, please ask! Estheticians want to make sure that treatments are right for you. We’ll consult beforehand about your skin goals, and I’ll give you all the details of what I’d like to do to help you achieve them. This will include that day’s appointment, future appointments and recommendations for home care.

After your facial, you’ll want to drink extra water, stay out of the sun, wear SPF and reapply throughout the days coming, and change your pillowcase. You also want to avoid exfoliating and using retinols for a couple of days. If you have questions after your facial, don’t hesitate to ask those as well. We want your skin to be glowing and your experience to be amazing.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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facials, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley facials, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Why is My Skin Dry After a Facial?


You’ve just received a wonderful facial! You are so relaxed and your skin is glowing better than it has ever done before. So, if it feels SO good the day of, why am I feeling dry a couple days after and what can I do about it?

For starters, what estheticians do in a facial is not something that you do everyday. Usually a facial includes one to two cleanses, exfoliation, mask, with all of the ending products like serums, moisturizers, eye cream and SPF. One common exfoliant used in a facial is an enzyme exfoliant that eats away at the glue that hold dead skin cells together on your skin. This loosen process is so effective, yet gentle on the skin, and is a go to for many skin care professionals. So if you loosen it all up, not all of the dead skin cells will slough off right away. Some will be coming off two and three days later.

If this has happened to you and you aren’t sure what to do about it, here are my main suggestions.

#1 Regular exfoliation

Make sure that in your skin care routine at home that you are regularly exfoliating the skin so that the dead skin cells do not build up. If you normally get dry a couple days post a facial, make sure that you exfoliate about day three. That process will help you remove any of the light flaking that you are seeing.

#2 Regular facials

Deep cleanses and exfoliations that can only be done at the spa are important. Since you only get one face, I suggest regular facials to help slow the aging process, work on your specific skin concerns, and to help boost your great routine that you have at home.

#3 Moisturize

Make sure after you’ve exfoliated your skin that you are also using a moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin. You may also want to boost your routine right after the facial with a serum. Not only will this help lengthen the glow and results of the facial, but it will help your skin to receive that hydration deeper in the skin so you can skip the dry days.

Using all three of these suggestions would give you the ultimate results and help you to avoid any dryness after a facial. If you do experience dryness, also make sure that you tell your esthetician so that they may be able to adjust one or more of the steps in your next facial too!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Why Should I Do a Series of Treatments?


Have you ever thought why something is recommended to be done in a series? Let’s jump right in on why many of your favorite treatments (such as chemical peels, microneedling, and even clinical facial) are best in a series.

I love health metaphors, so let’s pretend you want to get your body ready for the beach this summer. You go to the gym and do a work out. I’m sure that you rushed home, stood in front of a full length mirror, and examined your body in the mirror to see if that hour at the gym worked. Oh, you didn’t do that? Then you know it is the compound effect over time. One work out won’t change your body. One time with your trainer won’t change your body. Day after day, week after week, and month after month will make those changes that you are desiring.

As an Esthetician, I want you to get your biggest bang for your buck! And one of these ways is to offer you a series. Because we realize that doing it once won’t show you the differences. And that it’s these small improvements over time where we can see the results.

Chemical Peels

Depending on which type of peel we are doing for your skin, your current skin condition and your skin goals that you are seeking to improve, we’ll want to stack those 1-2 weeks apart, 4 weeks apart, or 6-8 weeks apart. That doesn’t mean just doing one peel, you won’t see results. But many times these build upon each other. We can do the next step up, keep it on for 10 more minutes, etc.


Microneedling definitely stimulates the collagen and elastin, working on fine lines and wrinkles, helping with acne scaring, and breaking up the pesky sun spots. Done in a series is always the best result. And since Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither are these changes in the skin. You can still see improvements 3 to 6 months after you’ve done this service.

Clinical Facials

I love offering clinical facials where I marry results with relaxation (because who doesn’t want to have their cake and eat it too!) These facials are where we are targeting your skin care concern. If you love what we do in the treatment room, we can also do these in a series to amplify your results.

If you aren’t ready to commit to a series, let’s start somewhere. Hooking you up with the best home care routine is where I like to start because you see yourself daily. (wink, wink) Let’s be consistent and set up an appointment schedule you are comfortable with at the spa. Can’t wait to help you achieve results!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

The Importance of a Yearly Skin Exam


Small changes seem to creep up on us overnight. All of a sudden, you gained 10 pounds, went gray, or a wrinkle appeared. No, it didn’t happen instantly … but sometimes it really feels like it does. When you see yourself in the mirror everyday, you may not notice some changes that are happening in the skin. While I think it’s a great idea to come in for regular facials, it’s an even better one to come in for a yearly skin exam.

What are the benefits of regular facials? In addition to the deep cleanse, exfoliation and targeted masks he or she will apply, your Esthetician will also be looking at any changes (both good and bad) that they see in your skin. They will give you recommendations for an excellent home care routine and suggestions on how to improve your skin so that you can reach your skin care goals.

Estheticians are specialists in skin and skin care, knowing ingredients, technologies and more to help improve acne, rosacea, and slowing down the aging processes. Many skincare specialists get into esthetics because they have a passion for helping others. They may also have suffered from acne or other skin issues. They are experts in the art of a facial. They are not the person you see to check moles, skin tags, and for your yearly check of skin cancer… but many times, Estheticians may be the ones to see something different (or changed) on your skin and recommend that you make an appointment with a Dermatologist.

Dermatologists are trained to inspect the skin and know what looks right and what is concerning. They see skin care and a huge array of skin issues each and everyday. While it might seem scary to you to go, it should feel like a relief to have your skin get the once over by a specialist. They are definitely professionals at what they do. When they ask you if you’ve seen anything that is particularly concerning to you, make sure that you bring up any and all areas of concern, including what your Esthetician has pointed out to you. It’s generally a quick in and out appointment and one that you shouldn’t put off! You’ll wear underwear under your gown if you are more comfortable and with loops (special magnifier glasses) or a magnifier with light they will inspect the skin for anything suspicious.

If you’ve been dreading going to the Dermatologist, let me suggest that you pick up the phone and make the appointment. This is the first step and I’m here to encourage you to just do it!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Practice What You Preach

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."


When I became an esthetician, I knew the importance of continuing education. Esthetics school (heck, any school these days) is just the basics. AFTER you graduate, the real fun begins! This is where you get to decide what things most interest you and really dive into those deep topics. 

It was almost immediately after graduating that I knew that I needed to work hard on myself. Specifically my self care. Let's be honest. I was really sucking at it. I was SO good at being a good neighbor, a pretty good wife, a decent mama... but then there was nothing left to recharge myself at the end of the day. Each day was a repeat of the day before. And I was feeling less and less like myself. 

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."

I will never ask a client to do something that I am not doing OR would not do. I recommend to all of my clients that they receive a monthly facial. So I too receive a monthly facial. Yes, I am perfectly capable of doing one myself with professional products. BUT it is NOT the same thing as going to experience it as a client.

I've had so many experiences. Amazing, glorious ones (like the 2 hour one I had in San Diego - heaven must feel that good) and the 'apply the products with no passion' ones (I won't rat those places out here). Each one reminds me of why I do what I do. And regardless of which treatment I get for the month, my skin thanks me by the healthy glow that lasts for days. 

When you find your passion, I hope that you will continue your education and always practice what you preach!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley services, skin, skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

How Often Should I...? Part II Treatments

While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick

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While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick. Whatever you would like to work on, make sure that you team up with a professional so that we can get the job done together!

When working with me, the first things that we address are hydration of the skin and sensitivity. It doesn't make sense to start on the 2nd level of the house, when the ground floor issues are hydration and sensitivity. Starting there, once these have corrected as best we can (usually 1-2 months), we can move on. We could then work on the above issues of anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne (active or old scarring.)

I offer many tools to get the job done and depending on how your skin responds to the treatments, your open time to spend with me, and your budget, we put together a plan of "How often you should see your esthetician." In general, once a month for maintenance is amazing. If this is not possible, it is VITAL that you come in every quarter for a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment of the skin as the seasons change. Yes, it's Idaho and we have 4 seasons! So about every 3 months. Microneedling, Specialty Facials, and Chemical Peels excel in a series treatment. They are designed to build upon each other! But the more regularly you come, the greater the results you will see down the road as your skin begins to age.

Currently, I offer the following treatments to address your concerns: Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Signature Facials (both in 90 or 60 minutes), Specialty Facials (Algomask and Hydrolifting), Chemical Peels, and Dermaplaning. All of these have value and most of the time, mixing and matching is ideal as you want to keep your skin guessing and using all of the great options to help your skin heal, glow, and revitalize to it's optimal blueprint.

I love making custom plans, so please contact me and we'll come up with something that will work well for you, your skin, and your skin care goals.

You'll spend $XXX on a purse you'll use for 2 years. How much will you spend on your face that you will have for a lifetime? $XXX It's worth your investment!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skincare, skin, facials Zoey Jolley skincare, skin, facials Zoey Jolley

Learning about Acne

I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.


I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.

Schedule regular treatments and use professional products. Treatments with your esthetician can be very effective in deep cleansing, exfoliation, and extractions of blackheads. These are things that your skincare professional will do for you. These treatments boost what you are doing at home! 90% of what can change with your skin is done at home. That means that YOU play a very big role in how quickly your skin recovers (or worsens). I always will give you recommendations that work for you personally.

Ice, ice baby! No, not the song, but go ahead and sing it if it helps you remember. If you are suffering from larger pimples that are red, raised, and sore, ice will be your best friend. Just twice a day for a couple minutes. This removes the inflammation and helps for the acne to go away quicker. We all want that right?

Don't pick and scratch! This is a hard one for many. The easiest way to stop is to throw away all those mirrors and to write down and acknowledge when you pick. Do you pick because you are bored, watching TV, or just resting your hands on your chin? Recognize your triggers and then do something different instead.

Through my research, I've learned many things and would love to share them with those who many have a "few" or "many" pimples that they are interested in taking care of. Each appointment will have a new handout to help my client heal more quickly and identify triggers that may be causing the acne. Can't wait to see you!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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