Confessions of an Esthetician - Performing My Own Brazilian
Did you read the title? I could just tell you that you shouldn't do it on your own and walk away nicely. But I know you want to get comfy on the couch and grab some popcorn, don't you? Okay ... here goes!
I have been a long term waxer, and while I know how to perform Brazilian waxes (heck - I've performed as many as nine of them in one day,) I still pay my Esthetician for this service. It is 1000% worth it! But, during quarantine, I had to resort to desperate measures.
So, I decide after waxing my legs and underarms that I just need to do it (advice I often give clients that want to try Brazilian waxing for the first time.) I have developed a pattern for waxing that is quick and efficient, but balanced by comfort. Knowing that I would have to be pulling my own strips (and also knowing what the rips feel like), I opted to follow that same pattern, but do slightly smaller strips.
I start on my first section and place the wax ... almost wondering if I am that crazy that I decided to do it on myself. I wait for it to set up, go to pull, and then chicken out. I know I can't leave it on too long, so I keep breathing like I'm going to have a baby and then take the plunge. The strip was removed and I checked to make sure that not only the wax came off but the hair did too. Success! Instead of placing several strips of wax at a time, I keep it slow and steady. I call it a success because I didn't swear and I was able to remove all of the wax that I placed. I deserve a gold star! It took me way longer than waxing a client. But sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.
Did I die? Haha. Nope.
Was I drenched with sweat at the end of it? Yep!
Was I able to wax my own bootie? Nope! I'm not that flexible.
Did I immediately message my Esthetician to set up my next wax appointment? You bet your bottom dollar I did!!! And I'm still seeing her every month!
Leave the professional services to the professional! I promise you it's worth it.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
The #1 Reason Why Women Haven't Tried a Brazilian Wax
There are many talking about the benefits of waxing, why they like it, and the actual experience. Think bloggers, social media influencers, spas and estheticians alike ... we are constantly sharing. So why haven't women tried a Brazilian Wax? The #1 reason is the Google Factor.
If you know me, you know that I LOVE offering Brazilian waxing. This service takes years to perfect a technique that flows for the waxer and is also most comfortable to the client. So, while I'm not a stranger from hearing from countless women (pretty much an everyday conversation) that they haven't tried this service, I am still always shocked.
There are many talking about the benefits of waxing, why they like it, and the actual experience. Think bloggers, social media influencers, spas and estheticians alike ... we are constantly sharing. So why haven't women tried a Brazilian Wax? The #1 reason is the Google Factor.
What is the Google Factor? This is when a well meaning client (that could be you) turns to the trusty google and types in Brazilian wax into the search bar. What pops up? Remember that all of those sharing and talking about it online? The ones that come up are the articles about waxing horror stories. The worst of the worst. You were already anxious about the waxing part, but now you have your worst fears confirmed from some influencer you've never met on YouTube. 'She's right! It will be horrible. I can't do it.'
I have waxed hundreds of women over the years. The truth is you can do this! Out of the hundreds that I have waxed, I have had one (just ONE) woman tell me she thought that it was worse than she imagined. So the other 99.9% of women thought it was BETTER! AND, the #1 comment that I receive is that they wished that they would have come in sooner.
Instead of reading and listening to the horror stories, pull up local waxers and read the reviews from clients that have received this service. Reach out to the estheticians in your area to ask your questions. Talk to girlfriends to see if they've ever done it and who they saw. Ask your beauty industry professionals as well.... guaranteed they know someone who they can refer you to!
The bad experiences don't have to be yours! If you are truly interested in trying a waxing treatment, my best advice is to just do it. While it may not be a pain free service, I'm here to make sure that you leave smiling and ready to try wax #2.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Waxing versus Sugaring
My clients know me well! Though I offer a pretty good variety of esthetic services, I only offer services that I myself am willing to receive as a client. I go on a regular basis to experience all different esthetic services.
Sugaring was developed in Ancient Egypt and consists of sugar, lemon and water to make a sugar paste. This paste can be made at home, but most estheticians prefer to purchase from a supplier (since it can also take a lot of time to batch the product.) Estheticians will use a ball of the paste and mold it in their hands to warm it up. Kind of like rolling a stress ball over and over, not in the palm, but up towards the finger tips. They then use the paste with pressure and apply it against direction of the hair growth in a strip pattern. Once that is applied, they then will flick the paste with the wrist in little short movements going with the direction of the hair growth. This process doesn't take any longer than waxing with an experienced sugarist.
There are pockets of estheticians in the United States who prefer this method of hair removal over waxing. It is also more popular over in Europe (where many beauty trends begin.) I believe that the beauty professionals lean towards this technique because of advanced training that may be near them or their own personal experience with the service. Many believe that there are less reactions to the product itself, less ingrowns, and less irritation with sugaring.
So if waxing and sugaring both remove the hair, what is the difference? Wax is applied with an applicator or stick with the hair growth. Sugaring is applied without an applicator; just the hands in gloves against the hair growth. For most, it comes down to personal preference on how it feels to the client.
I have experienced a sugaring service for my Brazilian area and it was not my favorite. The technique of applying with the hair growth and removing against the hair hurt more to me. This may be due to my service provider or due to my individual preferences where waxing isn't as painful. My opinion is just one of many, and I don't doubt that there are so many that prefer sugaring. Since I aim to give my clients that best experiences possible, I continue to develop my waxing skills and passion in the treatment room.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
How to Prepare for a Facial Waxing Service
I love to help prepare my clients for any service that they are going to experience for the first time. If you haven't ever had a wax on the face, I'd love to share a couple of helpful hints and tips to make this experience an enjoyable one.
Each client coming to see me will fill out the Client Intake Form plus the specific forms for their service. This should be done a minimum of 24 hours prior to your service. It is important to include information about health and medical history, including a list of medications. Medical conditions or medications can make your skin more sensitive to services like facials, waxing, and more. If you aren't sure if you should include something with your form but are thinking about it, I would suggest writing it on the form and/or talking about it with me during our consultation.
Before we start a service, I review your filled out forms with you. I ask questions and you can add anything else that you feel I should know. I like to make you comfortable from the moment that you step in the spa!
I offer a variety of facial waxes - full face (which includes checks, lip, chin, and right below the jawline), each of those areas separately, the eyebrows, and the nose. Full face does not include brow waxing. I prep the skin using a light sandalwood oil and use a high quality hard wax just for the face that removes the hair (both fine and coarse) gently and effectively. The wax that I use can wax an area 6 times, though I usually go over the areas twice. The first time gets the majority of the hair, while the second time will pick up the stubborn stragglers left behind.
After your waxing treatment, I apply a cooling gel or a lightweight moisturizer with SPF to soothe and protect the areas. You'll want to be gentle with the areas for a day after waxing and follow the post waxing recommendations. Always avoid sun exposure, put off exfoliating the skin, and think less is more.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
The Combo of Caffeine and Waxing
Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.
How many of you like caffeine? Go ahead and raise your hand! I think there are many us that like a coffee, latte, or even a little soda pop. It may be a pretty common thing to run to Starbucks before getting on with your day.
One of my most popular services that I offer in the treatment room is Brazilian Waxing. I do hundreds of them every year. I've performed nine Brazilian Waxes in one day (my record so far). I also love to share with clients the dos and don't's of waxing. Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.
What happens when you drink caffeine? It actually could make your skin more susceptible to pain. No one wants to feel more, right? When you combine the pleasure of caffeine and your waxing service, you may feel more sensitivity in the skin. Alcohol and painkillers can also do the same thing.
The tiny tip might save you from extra pain and sensitivity. Some clients are not affected by having extra caffeine and some are. Which client are you? Hard to know and pin point that. If we are doing a smaller area, like brow, it also may not be such a big of deal as a body area like full legs or bikini. Most clients aim to have a pain free as possible wax. I suggest skipping your morning cup of Joe, waiting until after your appointment or coming in during the afternoon.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
What I Wish I Had Known Before Brazilian Waxing
They say that hindsight is 20/20. I love the articles that share the how tos and what not to dos. For example, that insight from someone who has been to the vacation spot before is priceless. They'll tell you not to waste your money on this tourist place, but for sure put that restaurant on your list before you leave the area. Taking their advice can add so much to your trip.
With that in mind, I'd love to share my best tips! I have experienced intimate waxing from many estheticians. My motto is that I will never offer a service if I am unwilling to receive it. I receive brazilian waxing regularly (about every 5 weeks since I've been waxing for years.) From one waxer to someone who wants to try it, here are four of my top recommendations to have the best appointment for your first brazilian wax.
1 - It's not as bad as you think it will be
Our minds can conjure up some pretty crazy stories... especially after we watch a YouTuber share their experiences. I've been there too! The not knowing sometimes will create anxiety and worry. But the best news is that it isn't at bad as you think it will be.
Going to an experienced waxer will make your experience awesome. She (or he) will make it comfortable for you by keeping you talking and walking you through the process step by step. Before you know it, your waxing will be over and you'll be getting dressed, checking out AND rescheduling your next appointment! The next time gets even easier! I've had so many women wonder why they waited so long to try it!
2 - This is a judgement free zone
Every woman has insecurities about their body. Even after losing some weight a couple years ago, I still have a pooch, stretch marks, scars from babies and many more things that women worry about. I'm here to remove the wax quickly and in the most comfortable way possible. I wax women of all ages and sizes. Rest assured that this is a judgement free zone.
3 - Length of hair matters
Did you know that the length of the hair matters? It's important to have the hair be approximately 1/4 of an inch (or the length of a grain of rice.) If you are a shaver, it's best to have 3 weeks worth growth from your last shave. Put the razor aside so you don't accidentally forget in the shower.
Why does it need to be that long? The wax needs something to grab on to. If the longer part of the hair is under the skin, there will literally be a tug of war for the hair to come out. Simply put the shorter the hair ... the more painful your treatment.
4 - Purchase the after care
Your waxer is a professional and will do the best that they can to remove the hair. Go to someone who specializes in Brazilian waxing. They will also recommend some products for your aftercare.
Why should you purchase the post wax recommendations? The best way to keep and maintain excellent results is to prevent them from occurring. For example, ingrown hairs can happen to anyone. They are a normal part of waxing (and even shaving.) But if you are using product to prevent them before they even happen, you are one step ahead of the game.
So now you know what I know! I hope this helps you as your prepare to come in to the treatment room and experience this service for yourself! After your wax, you'll be able to share your experience and pass on your wisdom to your girlfriends who have always wanted to try it out!
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
Why am I Experiencing Ingrown Hairs?
One of the problems from shaving or waxing is ingrown hairs. As the hair is coming out of the skin, it can't quite break through the dead skin cells. The hair continues to grow but it is now growing under the skin and can grow like a river underneath or can grow in the circle and stay balled up. Usually ingrowns are worse when shaving versus waxing. There are a couple of reasons why you would get an ingrown hair. Here's why and what you can do about it!
One of the problems from shaving or waxing is ingrown hairs. As the hair is coming out of the skin, it can't quite break through the dead skin cells. The hair continues to grow but it is now growing under the skin and can grow like a river underneath or can grow in the circle and stay balled up. Usually ingrowns are worse when shaving versus waxing. There are a couple of reasons why you would get an ingrown hair. Here's why and what you can do about it!
Some people are just more prone to experiencing ingrown hairs. This is due to our genetics, how the skin is and what the hairs do ... under normal conditions. That being said, it's important to find a great waxer that uses proper technique and post care. Develop a relationship so that you can ask any and all questions. Your esthetician is there to help you! You can have ingrown hairs anywhere on the body, but this article will focus mostly on intimate waxing.
What should I Avoid?
When going in for a brazilian waxing treatment, make sure to follow all the after care instructions you are given. I like to say to avoid the 3 S's - Sunning, Sweat, and Sex for 24 hours.
Sunning - This means to avoid anything hot like tanning, hot tubs, saunas etc. The area may be sensitive, so some people think that heat will make it feel better. Let me assure you that this is not the case. Instead, use ice, aloe and soothing products.
Sweat - Do not go straight from your wax to your hardest workout of the week! Infact, avoid the gym for 24 hours while the hair follicle is open. (It takes approximately a day for it to close up.)
Sex - Heat, friction, etc are a recipe for disaster. Wait 24 hours for the area to calm, the hair follicles to close up and
What Should I Do?
There are also a couple things that are extremely helpful and something you can do. These include exfoliation and hydration.
Exfoliating - In order to understand why this is so important, let's talk about the anatomy of a hair. We'll use an analogy of a tree. If you are shaving, you are chopping the tree trunk down at the base, which is a thick area. The hair growing back will feel stubbly and may be itchy because it is at the base of the tree. When you wax, the hair will grow back like the tips of branch. The difference of the hairs breaking through the dead skin cells are very different with one being a trunk and another being a branch. The branch will definitely need help. Help comes in the form of exfoliating away the dead skin cells. My favorites for this are the Spa Cell (which can be used with any body wash) and the Ingrown Hair Buster (a spray using botanicals and acids.) Both are very effective at exfoliating. I like to have my clients exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week to start, while adjusting if needed.
Hydrating - In addition to exfoliating, the hair needs to be conditioned and hydrated. If the hair is not hydrated properly, it make break off while waxing. Broken hairs also have a hard time reaching the surface of the skin and may result in ingrown hairs. How do you hydrate and condition the skin? You need a moisturizer. If you use something too heavy, it can clog pores. Too light weight and it may not be enough to hydrate properly. So something in the middle is just right in this case!
One final thought on ingrown hairs. Many people wax for years, not experiencing problems and then start to have a couple of ingrowns. As the hairs are waxed, they do get weaker and finer. So this may be a problem that you experience later on. Make sure that you take the advice of your waxer and play with the frequency of how often you exfoliate and moisturize to find the right combination for you.
Don't forget to
Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, LE
How to Make Your First Brazilian A Great Experience
If you've never had a Brazilian wax before, you may be scared of the unknown. There are so many women that have thought about doing an intimate wax, but never take the plunge. So let's discuss how to make your first wax the best possible experience for you. Here are the most common questions I hear and my responses.
If you've never had a Brazilian wax before, you may be scared of the unknown. There are so many women that have thought about doing an intimate wax, but never take the plunge. So let's discuss how to make your first wax the best possible experience for you. Here are the most common questions I hear and my responses.
General Questions
How do I find a waxer?
Most cosmetologists and estheticians are able to wax under state laws. Just because they can, doesn't mean that they do Brazilian waxing. You want to find an expert that does more than one a month. Just like if you were having a heart surgery... you want a professional that does them daily, not occasionally. The best way to find a waxer is through word of mouth. So get your girlfriends to talk!!!
Will it hurt?
Well, waxing is removing hairs and is at best, uncomfortable. So, yes. It's going to hurt a little bit. The good news: All of my first time clients say that it wasn't as bad as they thought they would be. By the time you are getting dressed, you are ready to schedule your next appointment and do it all over again in 4 weeks.
I'm a shaver and just don't know about this waxing thing. How long do I need to grow out my hair?
If you are a shaver, you will want to grow out the hair until it is about 1/4 inch long. How long is that? Think grain of rice length. Typically it is 2-3 weeks... but when in doubt, longer is better than shorter. Believe it or not, if it's too short, it will actually hurt more. There are many rewards for waxing such as thinner, finer hair making it much more manageable.
Can I wax when I am on my period? Yikes.
The answer is yes. Just wear a tampon or cup and we'll work around the string or stem. You can be more sensitive around your cycle, so you may want to schedule at least 3 days before you start or 2 days after, but it definitely does not bother me.
How long will I stay smooth? I would love to be hair free!
The longer you wax, the longer of period of time your skin will stay smooth and hair free. The first time you wax, we may not be able to get all of the hairs. This is normal and to be expected. You may also feel hair growing back in within a couple of days. These are hairs that weren't up out of the skin to be waxed when you came in for your appointment. The next appointments you can expect to have more hairs cycled through that can be removed so that you continue to go longer and longer hair free.
What about ingrowns? I get ingrowns a lot with shaving.
More good news here. Ingrowns are much more common with shaving than with waxing. I do everything possible to help you avoid them. Exfoliating is a great way to help prevent them and I offer 2 great solutions in the treatment room. The Supracor Spa Cell I recommend to everyone (trust me... this will be your new bestie for showering) and Ingrown Hair Buster for those prone to pesky ingrown hairs.
Waxing Questions
What do I do to prepare for the wax?
The day of your wax, go ahead and take a nice warm (not hot) bath or shower and exfoliate the skin. This means to gently buff away the dead skin cells, which will help the hair follicle release easier. Avoid caffeine at least 3 hours prior to a wax as extra stimulates means you will feel the wax more. Wear clean cotton underwear to your appointment. Avoid caffeine and alcohol the day of your appointment. You could also opt to take a pain reliever.
What do I need to do during the appointment?
The most important thing to do is to breathe. From there, I will have you help hold and keep the skin as tight as possible. The tighter the pull, the less pain you will feel.
How long will the wax take?
First time appointments generally take about 30 minutes. Your next appointments usually will take 20-25 minutes (depending on how much we are talking and not working - haha!)
Is there anything that I need to know for after my waxing appointment?
Schedule your next appointment before you leave the spa. You didn't do your first wax to have it be your only. Try at least one more wax 4 weeks later to see what a maintenance Brazilian wax feels like. Hard sweaty workouts and sexual activity should be avoided for at least 24 hours. Avoid tight clothing. You will also want to avoid tanning, hot tubs, and hot bathing/showering for at least 48 hours. Start using your Spa Cell one to two times a week after day 3.
What if I have more questions?
That's what I'm here for! Ask away. I'm an open book and will be happy to answer for you.
Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax
Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician
Is Waxing or Dermaplaning Better?
When explaining hair removal options, I often get asked whether Dermaplaning or Waxing is better? These treatments are both amazing options, but work in different ways.
When explaining hair removal options, I often get asked whether Dermaplaning or Waxing is better? These treatments are both amazing options, but work in different ways.
Dermaplaning's first job is to the exfoliate the skin. This is done by gently moving a dermatological scalpel back and forth on the skin. The scalpel picks up the dead skin cells away from the healthy skin cells. What does Dermaplaning feel like? I think that the best descriptions are a credit card is sliding back and forth on the skin or a cat's tongue is licking your face. While exfoliating is number one, as a by product mostly of the peach fuzz hair on the face is also removed in the process.
Want an instant glow? Dermaplane. Would you like better makeup application? Dermaplane. Would you like your products to do their job 100%? Dermaplane.
Waxing's first job is to remove unwanted and unsightly hair. There are 2 different types of wax: hard wax which sets up completely and soft wax, which uses strips to remove. I only use hard wax on the face, as it is more gentle and works by essentially shrink wrapping the wax around the hairs of the skin. What does waxing feel like? I would describe this service to have a little bit of sting or tingle. The pain is very short lived. Clients may be a little pink for a couple hours after a wax which is very normal. While removing hair is the first priority of this service, waxing will also naturally pick up a little of the dead skin cells that are ready to go.
Want to remove dark or coarse hair? Wax. Want smoother skin for a longer period of time? Wax. Would you like facial hair to grow in a little finer and softer? Wax.
So let's review. The Dermaplaning service exfoliates first and removes hair second. Having a waxing treatment removes hair first and exfoliates the skin second. The main benefits of Dermaplaning are to give you an instant glow, give you better makeup application, and better product penetration. The main benefits of Waxing are to remove dark hair, have a smoother feel of the face for a longer period, and for facial hair to grow in a little finer and softer most of the time. I should note that dark, coarse facial hair is related to hormonal changes and it's always a good idea to get those checked with your doctor.
I also will offer to include waxing the upper lip with a Dermaplane service, so you can get the best of both worlds! When looking at your skin, I will let you know if this is what I recommend for you to do.
Let's set up a treatment that is right for you!
Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician
Questions for a Brow Expert
When it comes to brow waxing and brow design, there are many methods to helping create the best brow possible. I love the Design Brows Naturally technique and started using it in May of 2018. It has completely changed my brow game and I know it will change yours too. This system takes into count the different sections of the brow (head, body, and tail) as well as the way your brow hairs grow in and their placement.
Have you noticed how brows are all the rage right now? If eyes are the window to one's soul, the eyebrows are surely the window frames. How are you dressing up or down your windows?
When it comes to brow waxing and brow design, there are many methods to helping create the best brow possible. I love the Design Brows Naturally technique and started using it in May of 2018. It has completely changed my brow game and I know it will change yours too. This system takes into count the different sections of the brow (head, body, and tail) as well as the way your brow hairs grow in and their placement.
So how do you find a brow expert? Let me help you start with a couple of questions that you can consider asking when you find someone new.
What type of wax do you use?
In my experience and with the additional training I have received, I would highly recommend finding someone who uses a hard wax. Hard wax sets up and is removed by itself. Soft wax never sets up and is removed with a cotton paper or muslin strip. Hard wax generally gives the waxer a little more control where wax can be removed in smaller sections and also always for rewaxing of the same area up to six time.
How long have you been waxing brows?
This one is not a do or die, but it is great to find someone who has a passion for the art of shaping a brow. Finding out if the esthetician has additional training is a bonus.
Do you have any before and after pictures of brows that I can view?
It is great to find someone who has built a portfolio of brow waxing so that you can see different brows on different faces, as we are each individuals. No two brows are the same either... so the saying of brows are not twins, they are sisters ... definitely ring true here as well. Seeing what a wax specialist can do through pictures says more than words ever can.
Can you show me the shape with a pencil before you wax?
This too can be overlooked as many waxers are limited on time. I schedule 30 minutes for each Brow Design to ensure that we have time for pictures, to show you the shape of the brow before waxing, and to discuss the plan with you so that we can ultimately design a brow that you feel comfortable with.
Other things that you might want to check out on your visit is if your esthetician is using gloves, has proper lighting, and does finishing work with tweezers. One hair can really make or break the design of an eyebrow.
If you are in the South East area of Idaho, I would love to show you how we can design the best possible brows for you!
Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Brazilian Waxing 411
When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.
When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.
What does Bikini, Brazilian, Manzilian, etc. mean?
Bikini Wax
Removing the hair outside of the bikini line, plus about 1/2 inch in. Just on the top and the sides. You will wear the cutest pair of disposable undies ever! (I don't think they actually make them cute... just saying!)
Deep Bikini Wax
Removing almost all of top hair and then on the sides and 1/2 inch in. Paper underwear included.
Female wax where hair is removed everywhere. Yes, even the backside or the Aussie as I like to call it. Some also choose to leave a strip or triangle, but it is all personal preference.
Same as the female brazilian only for a man. I do not perform these, but will give out referrals for those seeking this service.
Now you know the difference on the waxing options, here's what to expect when you walk through the doors.
What to Expect at Your Appointment
You will fill out a client intake form online that gives me a little history about you (skin care, tanning, general health, and medications) as well as a consent form to do the waxing. Tanning and other medications including antibiotics are a contraindication of performing this service. Please let me know if there is a change in medical information at the start of each appointment.
We'll walk back to the treatment room together. I have set out a sanitized waxing pad with 2 towels, wipes, and a neck pillow. While I step out of the room and push play on your favorite music, you will undress from the waist down, use a wipe to clean up if you wish, and put one towel underneath your bottom and one towel covering you on top.
From there, we get down to business. It's my job to keep you as comfortable as possible while removing your hair quickly and efficiently. That's what you are paying me for. I use a combination of soft and hard waxes of the highest professional quality to get the job done. I give you a minute to breathe if you need it, but most prefer to zip in and out and get on with their day. After each pull, I apply pressure to confuse the nerves (as they can only receive one type of information at a time - pressure confuses the nerve to thinking, "Am I feeling pain or pressure? I'm not sure.") After waxing, I'll put on a calming lotion, balm or serum to relieve the skin and cover you back up with the towel.
I step out while you get dressed and meet you outside of my treatment room and walk to the front with you. From there, we'll reschedule you for about 4 weeks and complete payment. Easy, peasy, pudding, pie as Georgie Porgie would say.
After care is pretty simple. Don't exfoliate for 2-3 days, but after that time, you'll want to exfoliate the area being waxed once or twice a week. (Remember what I always say - more is not always better... and this is just another example of that saying.) No tanning or hot tubbing for 48 hours. Be sensitive to the area for 24 hours. Use aloe if needed.
I ALWAYS recommend coming in twice in a row (so your first appointment and then wait 4 weeks) because the 2nd time is about 1/2 of the pain. Yes, this is true. So, come twice AND THEN decide if you want to keep the service up.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will it hurt?
Well, waxing (the removal of hair) doesn't feel great like a facial, but it doesn't hurt as long as you think it will either. By the time you are getting dressed, most of the pain is gone.
What's the most painful area to wax?
Are you holding on to your seats ladies and gentlemen? Here is the truth... the upper lip.
How long does my hair have to be to wax?
I recommend 1/4-1/2 inch long, which is generally 2-3 weeks after shaving. This will allow me to pick up the little hairs and get you smoother longer.
How long will I be hair free?
This one is tricky because with all treatments, every client is different and hair grows at different stages. Only the hair that is out of the skin can be waxed, so baby hairs just under the skin at wax time will poke through in a couple of days. The longer you come in, the longer you will remain smooth. The hair remaining will be softer and not as irritating as blunt, shaved hair.
How often should I come in?
The magic number for Brazilian is 4 weeks. This gives time for all of the hair to cycle through and will start teaching the hair that it doesn't have to show up until right before that time. As you continue to wax, the time might increase to 5 weeks or even 6 weeks.
What are the advantages from waxing over shaving?
Waxing will last longer, fewer ingrowns, and is done much quicker. If you are irritated by shaving, chances are waxing will be much easier on you as well.
Can I be waxed when I am on my cycle?
The answer is yes, but it can be just a little more painful. Make sure that you are wearing a cup or a fresh tampon and we'll take care of the hair just like your regular appointments.
Have a question that hasn't been asked? Send me an email and I'll gladly answer you privately and make sure to add the question and answer for others to find this helpful information. Now that you know what to expect, what's holding you back? Let's schedule your appointment!
Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.
Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician